So everyone express your گیا پڑھا مرتبہ and opinions on these two ships but please, and I really mean this, please no bashing on characters and ships آپ don't like. Share the love everyone! No 'Stefan sucks' یا 'Damon sucks'
This is a place to discuss your differences of opinion, not bash others. We have enough of that on the Delena and Stelena spots.
So who do آپ ship? Delena? Stelena? یا are آپ a multi-shipper? Do آپ dislike Delena یا Stelena? Why? Post whatever spots آپ may have
So enjoy :D
Not everyone is used to watch the supernatural creations But I really enjoy watching vampires and witches. When i started watching vampire diaries I was having a lot of سوالات as i have so much curiosity. When Damon's entry was there I started finding out whether he would die یا he is villian etc as he was really hot and sexy i wanted him to be the first lead but when i read that damon and elena would marry i was really excited it means we all have different konds of opinion and taste but we should give everything a try because it may end up being our favourite.
Well I think delena is way better than stelena,its مزید مقبول too i mean just look a this website stelena hasnt won once soo they cant be that"epic". Delena is just a مزید attractive couple and if I was to sit here and explain the relationship and perfection of delena I might not be able to stop so ill be quick.If elena was to actually go back to stefan the love مثلث would be dumb especially after all this so im not worried about that because delena is ment to be.