سٹرابیری, اسٹرابیری shortcake کی, شورٹکیکی All آپ Need to Know About سٹرابیری, اسٹرابیری shortcake کی, شورٹکیکی

Alice-Jade posted on Apr 05, 2013 at 05:09AM
Just as the song says " That girl's so sweet just like her name" is so true. She's friendly, loving and sweet. She cares for her friends, and animals too! Whenever there's trouble, she's always ready to help. So please be a fan of Strawberry Shortcake 'cause it's berry fun,
 Just as the song says " That girl's so sweet just like her name" is so true. She's f

سٹرابیری, اسٹرابیری shortcake کی, شورٹکیکی No جوابات