This movie was so good. آپ got to see it,(if آپ haven't) if آپ have, see it again. Just kidding, I am going to watch it again, though. Maybe even..a what the hech i'm goung to BUY that movie.
I love all the awsome actors. T.I. is like my fave rapper,(check out his new CD, "no mercy"). Chris Brown is the hottest guy eva! Hayden Christian is so cool,(i <3 سٹار, ستارہ wars-don't call me a nerd). Idris Elba is a fairly good actor, and Paul Walker is funny. Michael Ealy is also pretty good of an actor. Anyway, love that movie so so much.
BTW Chris brown is so hawt!
I love all the awsome actors. T.I. is like my fave rapper,(check out his new CD, "no mercy"). Chris Brown is the hottest guy eva! Hayden Christian is so cool,(i <3 سٹار, ستارہ wars-don't call me a nerd). Idris Elba is a fairly good actor, and Paul Walker is funny. Michael Ealy is also pretty good of an actor. Anyway, love that movie so so much.
BTW Chris brown is so hawt!