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posted by VAMPirella1997
Um... dunno what I'm doing with this story, really. But آپ guys think it could go somewhere (well, two people, but, still). So, I'm gonna try it.

This is Team Aro, but I think I want to do Jane's POV... =P

-VAMPirella x

Part 2:

Jane's POV:

I peered out the window, my eyes searching for Heidi. I was thirsty; she was late. If she kept me waiting much longer...she'd regret it.

But, as my eyes roamed the square سے طرف کی the clock tower, I saw something that wasn't quite right... I looked closer, then gasped.

There were children rushing into the square, great crowds of them.

But these were not normal...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 22:

Jane’s POV:

I was strangely sane now; the depression that consumed me before seemed to have passed. I knew it would return, though, as soon as I thought of Alec یا let myself waver from my solid path. The solid path, so long before, which was now nearing its end…

I threw myself into a run again, speeding out of the city and across grassy hills. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew where I was going to end up: at peace.

But so, so alone…

Or, maybe, he’d be waiting there for me? I hoped so. If he wasn’t, I hoped I wouldn’t have to wait long. If there was something...
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added by Nirellie
posted by VAMPirella1997
10 ways to annoy the Volturi

1. Hum the Darth Vader theme when ever they enter a room.
2. Dye all the black robes happy colors (pink, baby blue, ect...)
3. When they are on a mission sing the batman theme song
4. Buy them moisturizers for thier really weird looking skin.
5. When they say something like "Why me?" casually answer "Because you're damned and God hates you"
6. Make a movie about Marcus entitled "The 3000 سال old virgin"
7. Make a movie about them in the style of a discovery channel documentary, ie: this is the vampire in thier natural habitat.... oh they spotted me...... and they don't look to happy.....
8. Shoot things at Caius when ever he tries to speak.
9. Lock Caius in a room of angry Bella fans
10. When Aro attempts to touch آپ yell "Mind rape! Mind rape!"
added by Impulse85
added by october_song
added by Impulse85
Perfect clip for anyone who loves Aro and the Volturi.
new moon
volturi guards
added by Impulse85
added by Impulse85
added by Impulse85
added by Impulse85
added by Impulse85
added by Impulse85
posted by VAMPirella1997
End of Part 26:

Lucinda’s POV:

“Mistress, we all went out to hunt. When we returned, Mistress, the prisoner was gone.”

“I see,” she whispered. The darker patch moved from left to right – Mistress was pacing.

“We would punish آپ for this, but… well, it’s rather convenient.”

I wasn’t sure I heard her right. Quiet, confused mumblings passed through the group. I wasn’t alone in my bewilderment, then. How was it convenient? And what was with the ‘we’?

“I would like آپ all to meet my new acquaintance. He has a task for you.”

Then, out of the shadows, stepped someone...
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