Teresa Lisbon Club
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" It's important that آپ and Mr. Jane stay in character so you'll be spending the اگلے two days before آپ leave together. Also, آپ both need to come up with your cover story." Jane and I were in Wainwright's office going over the last few details of our under cover operation.
" OH! One مزید thing! آپ guys will have a kid under cover as your daughter."
" WHAT?!" Jane and I both jump out of our seats at the same time.
" Sir آپ can't just-" I start protesting.
" To late! We've made our decision. Most of your old classmates heard about Jane getting married and having a daughter, but no one has...
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posted by DramaNut
 Leave me alone. Don't آپ know I'm with doughnut?
Leave me alone. Don't you know I'm with doughnut?
HI!! So, I've been doing a lot of پرستار fiction for The Mentalist spot and I decided I wanted to do something here too! Hints of Jisbon, but mostly focused on Lisbon ( duh ) and how far she's come since highschool. Multi Chaptered.
" Okay, who did Jane insult this time?" I ask, annoyed that I have to deal with another problem when I still have so much paper work to finish.
" No one actually," وین Pelt says," there's a man here who says he knows you? Should I send him in?"
" Why not, It'll give Jane مزید time to do something stupid." I respond, curious as to who...
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posted by DramaNut
Bonjour! Hi from Monika! This chapter has مزید Jisbon than I originally anticipated but, is anyone really sad about that? I didn't think so. There are a few flashbacks so those with be in italics. Anyway, آپ don't want to read me talk. آپ want to read Jisbon talk, enjoy!!
I was ready to kill him when I got to the office. The nerve of him! Not only did he already buy my plane ticket, he even booked a hotel and RSVPed at the school! I was not getting out of this, Jane made sure of that.
" Where is he?!," I asked when I got into the CBI," I'm going to shoot him!!"...
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