The Lion King 2:Simba's Pride Should there be another Lion King??

Okami_Amaterasu posted on Feb 21, 2009 at 04:14PM
Do you think that disney should do another lion king or do you think that three of them is enough??

I was thinking about something to do with, before Simba was born, like Mufasa and Scar's story.
last edited on Apr 18, 2009 at 11:27PM

The Lion King 2:Simba's Pride 19 جوابات

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک inufan13 said…
they sould make another one!=p
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک yungaz said…
they should make another one.But it will deal with kiara's and Kovu's cub and all the trouble that cub gets into
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LionMaster09 said…
I think, that if another one was made, it would just drag the awesomeness that the trilogy had, but what the other dude was saying, they should create a prequel, before the first, that deals with Mufasa and Scar, and how Mufasa became the king over Scar, but I will always remain a fan, no matter what...
 I think, that if another one was made, it would just drag the awesomeness that the trilogy had, but w
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tymelynerdelux said…
I think this series should continue does Kovu and Kiara have a son and if so what kind of lion would he be? or will she have twins? A son and a daughter? It would be facninating and also the threat of a white lion comming into the picture would make an intersting plot line....It could go in so many different and exciting ways I'm all for it! tymelynerdelux
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Lil_demon_cat said…
they do need another one the last one was a cliffhanger
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک SangHelion said…
i think they need to make another one that fits in the story after simba's pride. tlk 1 was great, A-, simba's pride was somewhat a B+ and 1/2 is a D+ for ruining the franchise

i dont think they should make a prequel because that story was already explained on books, they should continue kiara and kovu's story to conclude a trilogy
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک dinglebell14 said…
That might be so SangHelion but some of us can't get the books (ME!) And I never know what anyone is talking about. I think they need to make several different prequeal/sequeal movies so they people like me know what the heck is going on. XD
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ghstgrl said…
Yes they should. It should be what happens to Kovu and Kiara.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک SamSooNice said…
yes there should be another lion king what happened to musafa's dad...i <3 lion king!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک glelsey said…
A prequel would be interesting; it could start with Mufasa being born, later Scar, what their lives are like as they grow up, and the day Mufasa becomes king.

A sequel to Simba's Pride might be cool too. Perhaps going into the next generation, where we get to see what kind of kid Kiara and Kovu raise. I bet they would be a really fun character!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک redblazewolf said…
I definitely think there should be another Lion King movie. However, I don't think it should involve the past of any of the lions. I think it should continue where it left off, with Kovu and Kiara. I think they should have cubs and become the King and Queen, while of course Simba and Nala will die.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک brit_dawg said…
I'm just irritated that they left out Kopa-- But I'd also love for them to make another movie, I wouldn't even care what it would be about. I just love this damn movie, they need to make another.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HugeKopaFan1 said…
I'd LOVE to see another TLK! I want it SO badly!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک hornean said…
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Meiglan said…
I really want there to be and I see it as a possibility, especially since everyone wants it so much. However, I'm afraid that it could be ruined and just turn out dumb or weird because I've noticed a lot of the new Disney movies are.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک nalamylove said…
They Should make Another 5 ;) That's The Last ♥
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک bannerman said…
yes becuase they need to show whst happend to kira and kovu
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک boytoy_84 said…
There's gonna be a new film called The Lion Guard which has Simba's second born cub called, Kion. which is coming out in 2015. There's also gonna be a TV show of it which will be on Disney Jr.
 There's gonna be a new film called The Lion Guard which has Simba's سیکنڈ born cub called, Kion. whi
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک piplup100 said…
Lion king should do a prequel or in the future with Kiara and Kovu