The Phantom Of The Opera Which Phantom do آپ prefer?

Pick one:
Gerard Butler
Michael Crawford
Hugh Panaro
Hugh Panaro
Added by allis143
Ramin Karimloo (Love Never Dies)
All of the above ^^
Added by MissPhantom
Gerard Butler, Ramin Karimloo, Charles Dance, Lon...
Gerard Butler, Ramin Karimloo, Charles Dance, Lon Chaney and Claude Rains
Added by shadjinx
Leroux Erik
Added by Phantomess
Michael Crawford, Gerard Butler and Ramin Karimloo
Michael Crawford, Gerard Butler and Ramin Karimloo
Added by Tetske20
Michael Crawford and Ramin Karimloo
Michael Crawford and Ramin Karimloo
Added by Masked127
all of the above(also ben lewis) except hugh panaro
all of the above(also ben lewis)except hugh panaro
Added by LND
All of the above - correcting - Ramin 25th Aniv...
All of the above - correcting - Ramin 25th Aniv...
Added by CrimsonReaper
Leroux Erik and Michael Crawford
Leroux Erik and Michael Crawford
Ben Lewis (this is from LND, but he's doing a run on West End)
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 cypress11 posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
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