The Random Role Playing Club
The Random Role Playing Club Heta Eater Rp
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crossoverfan posted on Aug 21, 2012 at 01:00AM
I Wanna 5 ocs
And people to play China-me England - America - France - Russia - N.Italy - Germany - Japan - Romano- Prussia- Spain- Canada- Maka- Kid- Liz- Patty- Soul- Dr.Stein- BlackStar - Tsubaki- Death- Oc fill this out Name: Weapon/Miester/Witch: Who your Weapon(s):*if Miester What Weapon areyou if wepon: CRush: Weapon/Miester/witch: what weapon are they:*if Weapon* whose their Weapon:*if miester* Presonaitly: Looks: Represnts: _______________ Mine she Gonna be My Rp Charater Name:Kayla Thomas (Jones) Weapon/Miester/Witch:Miester Who your Weapon(s):China , and Canada CRush:China Weapon/Miester/witch:Weapon what weapon are they: mulptule but mostly a Sword whose their Weapon:*if miester* Presonaitly:Find out Looks: porfile Represent: S.Michgan |