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Taken from a prompt سے طرف کی frostbite883 on tumblr; An Icy/Bloom fic in which Bloom is being haunted سے طرف کی a ghost and doesn't know why until...

Before I start with the actual story, the A/U comes from the fact that both Icy and Bloom will be human. They live on Earth. Bloom is a college student—living off on her own in an apartment and Icy has been out ‘in the real world’ for some time, has a job, etc.

The darkness loves you.

It needs you.

آپ need it.

It’s cold in here.

The whisper was soft and sweet. It lingered on the fringes of her dream. Still present as Bloom returned from a deep sleep.
Still present after the girl’s eyelids fluttered open.

So cold.

Always cold.

It was a nightly mantra.

It was growing so tiresome.

Bloom picked up the small sheet of paper resting on her nightstand. She toyed with it for a moment and put the paper to her lips. She was skeptical about doing so… but she’d call in the morning.

The two had run into each other one morning. It was a chance meeting. Bloom was running late for school, the other woman for work. It was a classic movie meeting; Bloom in an all-out sprit, a pretty stranger holding a cup of—well Bloom couldn’t remember what the drink was—as she waited for the early bus.

Naturally Bloom slammed right into her. Unlike in the movies, the drink hadn’t spilled onto its holder, but onto Bloom instead. Instead of an apology the woman looked at her and laughed. If Bloom remembered correctly there was an added ‘nice going.’

Bloom wasn’t in the mood. Not only was she late for school and covered in some drink, but she was up all night dealing with some ghost named Marissa as well. So the girl decided she’d return with an attitude; ‘not my fault آپ were in my way.’

The woman raised an eyebrow and asked Bloom ‘what had wormed its way up her anus and burrowed there?’ And that was rephrasing it nicely.

That only served to flare Bloom’s temper further. She couldn’t remember exactly what she had yelled back but the woman put her hands up in some feigned submissive gesture and asked ‘no seriously, what’s your problem?’

Bloom clearly remembered the conversation from there; “You’ll think I’m crazy.”

“Try me.”

“No seriously. You’ll think I’m totally insane.”

“You’d be surprised at how much ‘crazy’ I’ve encountered in my career.”

“I think I’m being haunted.”

The woman gave her a half smile and ran a hand over her oddly colored hair. “Well luckily for you…that is my area of expertise exactly. I’ve earned various degrees in demonology and the study of paranormal. I’m free for the week…” She scribbled her number in elegant cursive and handed it to Bloom. “Feel free to call.” It was کہا over her shoulder before she disappeared onto the bus.

Bloom turned on her bedside lamp and examined the sheet of paper. The woman hadn’t even left her name. How mysterious.

The light flickered out.

The dark loves you.

آپ love the dark.

“No. Actually I don’t.” Bloom yelled and tossed the تکیا over her head, groaning rather loudly into it. Perhaps she should just call tonight.

It was around two in the morning when Icy’s phone rang. She scowled to herself, mumbling about how only idiots actually attempt to call others at two in the morning. With some reluctance she picked up the phone.

“Is your offer still on the table?”

“Hello to آپ too.” Icy muttered into the phone. “I suppose it is.”

“Can آپ come over now?”

“Well آپ are very straight to the point.” Icy found herself shrugging. “Let me just see if I’m free tonight.” She rustled the nearest sheets of paper to her—doing so extra loudly so the girl on the other end could here. “Unfortunately, for you, it would appear that I am scheduled to sleep from 11:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.”

Icy heard the girl on the other end of the line sigh.

She thought for a minute. “I suppose I can come over…since I’m already up.”

“Thank yo—” The line went dead.

Icy rubbed the back of her head. Perhaps she should get over there as quickly as possible. She’d never had a ghost hang up on her before. Maybe this would be a مزید serious case.

Bloom hadn’t seen the ghost’s face before this moment. She was peering down at her with these huge shadowed eyes. They had this psychotic glow and yet they were filled with the dark she kept speaking of.

The ghost cocked her head to the side at a horrendously odd, cringe-worthy angle. A cascade of long, dusty, blonde hair falling to the side.

Her lips parted, unleashing a foul smell.

Bloom found herself backing up against the wall. What مزید could she possibly do?

The ghost hissed and drew closer, her intent couldn’t be anything less than vicious.

“Why are آپ doing this to me?” Bloom asked. “Leave me alone!”

The darkness.



Her voice was like static and it was painful to listen to. Bloom could feel her ears start to burn. The مزید the ghost chattered the مزید Bloom’s ears rang and throbbed. Bloom cupped her hands over them. It did little to block the sound. That damned ghost girl was going to pop her eardrums.

The doorbell’s ring cut through the white noise.

The ghost hissed and fell back.

Bloom had never sprinted to get the door as fast as she did then in her life. She eagerly pulled it open.

The woman stood there in her sleep cloths; a white tank سب, سب سے اوپر and these flannel baggy plaid pants…clearly she couldn’t be bothered to change her outfit. And yet her hair was perfectly styled…silky and smooth. She must have a thing for hair, Bloom decided.

Her eyes looked rather tired, she wore a blank expression. In the most nonchalant way—using her middle finger only—she adjusted the position of her glasses on her nose.

“Help me unload.” Icy pointed to the car.

“Well, I…” Bloom started.

“Look. You’re lucky I dragged my پچھواڑے, گدا out here at this ungodly hour.” Icy shrugged. “The least آپ can do is help me set up the equipment.”

“I guess.” Bloom replied.

Bloom found herself heaving the heaviest equipment out of the woman’s car. “My God! What is in this?” She huffed.

“Cameras, motion detectors, EVP equipment…” Icy listed.

“E…V…P?” Bloom asked.

“Electric voice phenomenon.” Icy replied. “We’ll be using it to talk to your little friend.”

“I really don’t want to hear her speak again.” Bloom frowned. “I just want to know why she’s here.”

“Can’t have one without the other.” Icy replied as she set the last of the equipment on the floor. “You want answers, you’re going to have to listen for ‘em.”

“Now…before I came here I took a little detour…”

“Nice to know that آپ were in a souvenir دکان while I was getting assaulted.” Bloom replied.

Icy smirked. “I must admit, آپ have an admirable amount of wit…” She paused. “I went to the courthouse and printed out the history of this property.” She slammed a small file folder down on the table.

Again she readjusted her glasses and skimmed over the sheets. “Highlight any points of interest will you? I’ll set up the cameras and what not…at which location in your small, small apartment, is the highest paranormal activity?”

“My bedroom…of course. And the bathroom is pretty bad too…”

“You sure آپ want me to put a camera in your bathroom?” Icy questioned.

Bloom took the file folder. “Whatever solves the mystery the quickest.”

After Icy walked off, Bloom got to work on the highlighting. The first thing that caught her eye was the woman’s signature scrawled on the papers; Icy...Just Icy. The woman really was full of mystery. And so Bloom highlighted it. She couldn’t help herself—Icy did say to highlight anything of interest.

“Any particular reason آپ highlighted my name?” Icy asked.

Bloom shrugged. “I don’t know many Icy’s.” She went silent waiting for an explanation that never came.

“When I کہا points of interest I meant things like deaths on the property, gave sites beneath the apartment, rituals done here, suicides, so on and so forth.”

Bloom frowned slightly and went back to skimming. “All I see are purchases dates and a page یا two about how the apartment complex used to be an old daycare.”

“That’s perfect. Anything…menacing happen there?” Icy asked.

“I don’t know, you’re the ghost hunter, aren’t آپ supposed to do this?”

“I prefer paranormal investigator.” Icy leaned back in her chair until it rocked on only two legs. “No, آپ do the research on your apartment—which سے طرف کی the way آپ should have done before آپ bought it—and I do the research on the spirit.”

“There was a shooting…”

“That’ll do it.” Icy pulled out a laptop. Without bothering to tell Bloom what she was doing, the woman pulled up an image. “Any of them look familiar?”

Bloom pointed at the eldest looking child.

Icy traced over a long فہرست of names with her finger, muttering each as her finger ran over it. “Fourth person, سیکنڈ row… Marissa? 15 years old. Elder sister of Louise.”

“Yeah! That’s her!” Bloom declared.

“I can’t imagine that a little girl would pose much of a threat…”

“You’d be surprised.” Bloom mumbled.

“She was shooter.” Icy read on. “Killed her own sister first, then the nanny, and then herself. آپ may have yourself a triple haunting.”

“Sounds like a pain to deal with!” Bloom exclaimed.

“A pain, not necessarily. Timely, yes.” Icy informed her. “Can it escalate the activity? Certainly, so آپ may want to invest in a nice hotel.”

“Or I can just live with you, forget about this place, and call it a night.” Bloom suggested.

“And you’ll find a new place to stay in a timely manner?” Icy asked.

“Nah, I’ll just stay with آپ and your family.”

“I’m a loner.”

“Then there’s no issue!” Bloom decided. “I’ll start packing.”

“You just met me…” Icy rolled her eyes.

“I can imagine that we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other when we get home.”

Icy sighed. “I thought we’d actually be kicking some ghost ass.”

Icy had indeed dealt with some pretty wild and strange things…been on some rather insane and whimsical ghost investigating missions. But this one was سے طرف کی far the oddest of all. Never once had any of her clients taken مزید of an interest in her than the ghosts یا her studies.

It would only be a matter of time before the red head decides she wants to tag along on other missions and learn a thing یا two about the paranormal.

Not that Icy would truly mind.

Yes, in this A/U Icy has glasses. مزید specifically those classic adorkable square framed ones. :3
posted by summergreen
[Helia drives up to Flora after she sees the painting of him and her to apologize for kissing Admeral]
Helia: I am so happy آپ texted. آپ look amazing today…. Did آپ like it? ….. Please say something.
Flora: آپ ruined everything.
Helia: I know.
Flora: No, آپ don’t know. آپ ruined us! آپ ruined every other relationship I will ever have. How am I supposed to fall for someone else when you, do things like that!
Helia: I don’t want آپ to fall for anyone else.
Flora: But I need to…. Because I can’t be with you.
Helia: We were bigger than my one mistake. We are bigger.
Flora: No, no you...
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The Winx and The Specialists talking
So I had that idee and I made a pick .I see some شائقین agree so I made it .Sorry if it to long .Sorry if it's not good

At the beginning were the winx in their believix fairy form trying to promote their کنسرٹ .Bloom was with her dragon fire. Then Layla made some morphix bubbles ,I think.Then she jumped on them and the crown cheered. I don’t really find it necessary to jump on them . Then flora flew over the crown making some flowers. Musa made some موسیقی and Tecna was recording all of it. I don’t really understand why. Then bloom send her dragon آگ کے, آگ encircles the crowd and flew back...
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posted by ruxi23
I read some shocked Winx club Season 5 news and i think آپ should knew it too.
This is the new enemy of Winx: a merman that transformed into a monstrous creature, has the sole ambition to rule Infinite Ocean. Thanks transforms pollution magical newts and many other sea creatures mutated into his service.
Are at the service of the terrible Tritannus. Marine creatures such as newts, coming into contact with pollution magical Tritannus are transformed into monsters under his command.
King of the underwater kingdom of Andros, is the father and...
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 Winx believix
Winx believix
One of the guards fainted. "Liliane, آپ ready for a convergence?" asks Stella. "You bet!" جوابات Liliane. "Convergence," they hold hands, "Solaria and Valeria power!" Then, three guards fainted.
"Harmony Attack!" blasts Musa. Two guards covered their ears and suddenly fainted. "Laser.. Ray!" Tecna blasts a laser to the last guard and it fainted.
"Thanks آپ guys, now let's go to visit the king who separated us," thanked Liliane and they flew off.
They arrived at their destination. Liliane then meets the king. "Your majesty," she کہا and followed سے طرف کی the Winx. "Lily, who are those strangers?"...
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Roxy was playing with Artu. Then, she hears someone knocking. " I'm coming!" she says as she walks through the living room.
She opens the door. She freaks out. " Oh Stella!" she says. " I thought آپ were in your bedroom.." "Hi, I'm here to visit Stella." Stella says.
"Stop joking! I hate your jokes!" told Roxy. " Stella didn't tell آپ about me, didn't she?" asks Stella. "She didn't tell me she was gonna make a joke at 8:00am!" shouts Roxy.
"What do آپ mean? Really, I'm here to visit --" "Hey, Liliane!" says Stella as she appears in a different costume. " What in the world? آپ have a twin?" asks Roxy.
Bloom appears. " Another Stella?" Bloom asks. "You silly! That's Liliane, my twin sister!" Stella laughs and she hi-fives with Liliane. " Stella, y'a know what? Roxy thought آپ were messin' with her!" laughs Liliane.
-------- THE END ----------
 Megan in her Believix!
Megan in her Believix!
I just wanted 2 let the readers know that I'm gonna start calling the FF "Jinx Club" since its about the Fairy Group the Jinx Club! So if u have any ideas یا suggestions for this story plz let me know, and I'll try to make them happen! Thanks for reading, Zmidy313

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Some days after the Last Battle with Lord Darkar (possibly the دن after the Battle with Darkar since the last episode of Season 2 supposedly takes place on the last دن of the Alfea school year, while the first episode of Season 2 takes place on the first دن of holidays), vacation is about to start, but is much shorter than usual. The girls are packing to leave, except Musa and Layla who were going to go to the ساحل سمندر, بیچ together. Bloom and
Sky recently had an arguement.

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It was a Friday and Cassey was in her room. She was drawing a picture was glad it was coming out well. She went to school today, her new school. And guess what, it was totally STUPID! Everyone were strangers and of course she was a total stranger to them. They treated her like an alien coming from another planet!
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Tecna bit her lip as she turned the page of the newspaper. 'Gardinia shocker!' The headlines read out on the front page. "I know someone who can help." Informed Tecna to her six friends, the winx in chill out room. "Well? Don't just sit there, tell us!" Snapped Stella, impatiently. Tecna blushed. "Timmy's made a new magic invention, which could help, مزید than آپ whining Stella." She replied crudely. "Oh magic, magic, magic! That's all آپ ever stupid girls talk about!" Interrupted Roxy. "Hey, don't diss poor Tecna! To be honest, if it wasn't for آپ we wouldn't be in this mess!" Gaged Musa...
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added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: CarmellaEnchanted
Hello I'm the Winx Critic, I remember it so آپ don't have to! Well after our مزید than a ماہ wait (What was the point of that Nick, really. Lemme tell آپ what happened while we waited: "The Desolation of Smaug" came out, Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary Special came out, Catching آگ کے, آگ came out, Thor 2 came out, Lady GaGa released her newest album "Artpop" and I just--why) we finally get to see this new abomination known as Bloomix. Now, I have to admit, some of the transformations look semi-decent. But that name, and where it comes from...curse its origin to the fiery bowels of hell! *clears...
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added by lovebaltor
Source: DA User: LaminaNati
posted by firebloom100
Many شائقین believed season six would be the last season. I was gonna write an مضمون on why it’s probably not, but hearing it from Iginio Straffi would be much مزید convincing, right?
So here it is, translated from an interview گیا کیا پوسٹ Friday on Corriere Adriatico:
We’re in full swing: it’s in preparation for Winx season 7, Prezzy season 2, a third film about witches, and also planning new characters. Everything’s going well at قوس قزح Magicland, the amusement park near Rome. And in these first days of the year, we’re strengthening our offices in Asia, where we’ll soon be focusing our efforts.
There آپ go, fellow Winx fans. Now آپ can enjoy season six knowing this isn’t the Winx’s last adventure. (And those of آپ who hoped it would be, well…sorry.)
Credit to WinxClubRus for sharing this news first!
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Source: deviantART User: MishAir
added by Zindgi
"You can't really do it can you." The woman standing before her asked. "You couldn't take care of us...take care of me. How are آپ going to take care of that baby?"

Icy stood motionlessly beneath the flickering streetlight, lips pressed tightly together.

"You couldn't save me.You didn't even look back." The woman remarked.

"I did. I went back the اگلے دن to find you. But آپ were gone. آپ abandoned me." Icy yelled.

"And you're going to do the same thing with...what's her name? Linda...Lucy? Right, Lucille." The woman stated very flatly.

"No." Icy replied simply.

"Yes. آپ will. I abandoned you,...
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