Titania Erza Club
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posted by yoshiko
Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most them to apologize for fear that they might invoke her wrath. This, coupled with her own tragic childhood, caused many of her guildmates to avoid her due to her social akwardness.

She is also impatient, disliking people who don't answer her سوالات quickly as seen when she promptly knocks out anyone who doesn't answer her سوالات right away (despite them not knowing anything). Also, Erza has a problem where she apparently sees everyone as guild members (best seen when she asks...
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posted by yoshiko
I hope u will enjoy this

Her she comes walkin through the door

She makes آپ feel she's someone to adore

But u don't know how strong she can be

آپ just have to wait and see


She's Titania Erza

She can beat u up like we're bees

آپ don't wanna mess with her

She's stronger than آپ thnk she is

She uses knight magic

She has مزید than 154 armours

There's knight armour,black wing armour

She even got a armour of swimsuit کا, سومساٹ for summer


Even though she's strong

There's someone she likes

She might not دکھائیں it

But inside she cries

For what happened in the past

Those memories are forever to last


I hope u liked it