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posted by surfergal
That night me and Nathen talked all night, and not once did it پار, صلیب my mind again that Nathen from what I understood had imprinted on me. It did پار, صلیب my mind that Nathen never told me where he lived in La Push. It was sorta weird at first but then I totally thought about how he was always coming here, never had to be anywhere, he didn't have anywhere to live.
Once I finally thought about it I had to ask him if I was right but I didn't know how to come about it. I didn't want to be all weird یا acuse him of something he wasn't. So I went to Carlisle, یا I had that planned. That morning I had the same not that Nathen gave me yesterday saying;

Dear Love,
Sorry I wont be able to be here when آپ wake up. I'll be back in time to drive to school of course.
Love you,

I got out of بستر and hurried to Carlisle's office.
Carlisle I کہا as I was walking into his office, Where does Nathen lived? I ask.
He stays here یا at Jacobs house most of the time. Carlisle told me.
Oh, Okay.I was just wondering. Thanks. I said.
I left thinking about how it is not to have a home, but I had to get ready for school.I got in the شاور and got out put on my make-up and dried my hair.When I finally got out of my bathroom, I had clothes lying on my bed.
Thanks Alice. I yelled.
No Problem. I heard Alice calling from down stairs.
I put on my dark bluejeans and then Alice's پسندیدہ بلاؤز, کمری on me that is. It was a blue not to dark and not to light with perfect round toed hills, they were really cute and helped with my height when I stood اگلے to Nathen. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. Nathen wasn't here yet so I went to the باورچی خانے, باورچی خانہ and got something quick to eat for breakfast. I went back up stairs to brush my teeth and then when I returned Nathen was standing at the door with my backpack in hand. Nathen was so sweet he always cared about the little things, like when he walked into a house he always took his hat off that he wore and then he always open doors for me and always just cared مزید than other guys seemed they would. I always told Nathen thanks for opening a door for me یا for anything.
Nathen drove to school and when we got there everyone was giving me weird stares again. It's because I'm always missing school یا getting hurt and like news always traveled fast in Forks and La Push. I wasn't very talkitive today, I had all these thoughts in my head and soon Nathen noticed during biology. We started writing notes back and forth.
Whatcha thinking about? He wrote down.
A lot of things. I کہا یا wrote.
Like what? Its killing me. Nathen wrote.
How everyone is always starring at me... I wrote.
Its not because of آپ missing He wrote and continued writing: Its because آپ are very beautiful and can pull off anything. He said.
thanks, I wrote.
We didn't write much مزید and then it was lunch so we ditched the rest of the day.When we did get into the car from lunch Nathen waas making me talk.
Okay Addi, whats up with you? Nathen ask.
I don't know, I've been thinking about a lot and school didn't help. I کہا in one breath.
What have آپ been thinking? Your killing me not knowing what your thinking, I usually know what your feeling. Nathen said.
I'm sorry. I've been thinking about how much of a gentlemen آپ are and how I don't know where آپ live. I said.
Its not your fault, I never کہا where I lived because I didn't think it would matter. He continued. I didn't want to freak آپ out, سے طرف کی saying I've imprinted on you. I want آپ to love me because آپ do not because of some stupid بھیڑیا thing. Nathen said.
I would have loved آپ even if آپ would have told me and I wish آپ would have told me that آپ didn't have a home. I said.
How did آپ find that out? Nathen کہا sort of sounding mad.
I ask Carlisle. I said. I wouldn't have cared, I would have told you, آپ could have my بستر and I could sleep on my سوفی, لٹانا in my room. I said.
No, I didn't want آپ to be all worried about me. He کہا getting mad.
Ok. I said. Now آپ know what I feel like. I said.
No آپ don't. He کہا now really mad. Girls arn't suppose to worry about their boyfriends. He said.
Yes we can worry about them. آپ don't know what goes on in my mind. I said.
Luckly we were at the house now because I grabbed my backpack out of the backseat and headed for my room. I knew everyone inside had heard our some what of a fight. It bothered me that he thinks that girls can't worry about their boyfriends, when that all girls do is worry and get jelous with their boyfriends. I went up stairs and put on my pajamas and climbed under my covers and just started crying. I thought to myslef how cold my بستر was without him and how lonely and huge my room felt. I ended up falling asleep in my room all alone.I woke up about 2:30am, I stumbled over to my door and went downstairs. Emmet and Rose were sitting in their usual position on the couch, Carlisle was in his office and I didn't know where Esme was. Edward, Bella and Renesme were at their house and Jacob was leaning on the سوفی, لٹانا while he slept and Jasper and Alice were sitting on the loveseat talking quietly to each other.
What are آپ doing awake? Emmet ask.
I don't know, I just woke up. I said.
Oh. Emmet کہا and then he went back to watching tv.
I walked into the باورچی خانے, باورچی خانہ to get me some water from the refridgerator and Nathen was sitting at the island looking at me when I walked into the room.
Oh my gosh. I said. Please warn me the اگلے time آپ do that.
Sorry. Nathen said.
I got my water and then left the room.
Hello, I begin with an introduction to myself. Greetings I am Karolyn from sunny SoCal and I am a Twihard. =]
From So Cal?, آپ may ask. How can آپ have a Twilight experience there?
Well, it was just a lil' thing. I shouldn't even call it an experience. But...I want the truck my neighbor has. It looks exactly like the one Bella has! O___O It mesmerizes me each دن I see it there. Sitting w/no one who knows it's significance. With no one taking it out to hear it's thunderous roar!

Well, that's all... =[

But, while I am writing this I will state an opiniion of mine. Why does everyone hate on Jacob?...
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posted by tigerlover657
The fantastic مصنف of the Twiligt series, Stephenie Meyer, wants to make the reader always wants آپ to like Edward. But with Bella's choice she has to choose between her best friend who she loves مزید than she ever should یا her boyfriend of whom she loves dearly with all her heart. The way she writes makes آپ want to choose Edward, but what about Jacob? It almost seems to me like she wants آپ to have a heavy choice between Jacob and Edward. She certainly is in less danger with Jacob. But it is almost equal because if she gets too close when he is angry he just might explode. But with...
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Twilight teaser trailer will kick Indiana Jones teaser trailer no.1 spot on myspace most viewed trailers.Twilight teaser trailer scored مزید than 2 million گیا پڑھا مرتبہ in 3 days!

2 مزید million گیا پڑھا مرتبہ needed to be at no.1!



open it in different windows to save time and all!
keep refreshing and mute the volume if آپ get sick of it!


total گیا پڑھا مرتبہ 8:46 EST: 2,403,785 views!!!
11:27 EST: 2,438,042 million views
posted by twilightlova13
If آپ have never read یا heard about Twilight آپ should go to the book store right now and get it. There are two other کتابیں after it and the fourth book comes out August second. I'm so that is not even the right word to say. I have no clue what the right word is to say about how i feel right now so let's just say super super super super etc. excited about Breaking Dawn ( the fourth book) coming out. And I'm am so so so so so so so so excited for the movie to come out. I'm driving my family up the دیوار because I talk about it every day. I'm obsessed. I am a readaholic, but my...
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posted by shortynme
ارے ladies! Ok, I wrote this the other دن while I was at work. I had my head down on the desk, sat up, wrote it, and put my head back down. lol I ask that آپ don't use it without my permission, as it is my original work. But here is a little poem I wrote, that I thought آپ Twilight obsessed شائقین might like. I kind of pictured Edward after I wrote it and reread it. There are lots of people (including people who آپ might be dating right now) that this can apply to. Enjoy and tell me what آپ think!

Young girls think of love and picture a prince.
Women, who have loved and been hurt see not a prince but the truth.
Just a man, imperfect and unsure.
But it's those memories of Prince Charming that make them keep loving, even without hope.

Taleah Elizabeth Cox
April 12,2008
added by aprildawn73
Source: pinterest
added by aprildawn73
Source: pinterest
added by aprildawn73
Source: pinterest
added by funnyshawna
added by mr-cullen
posted by AdaLove
Vampires have existed in a variety of cultures almost since the dawn of time. Until the 19th century, they were believed to be monsters, rather than the stereotype of a مزید aristocratic being who could infiltrate the world around us, as popularised سے طرف کی Bram Stoker. Legend has developed since, with pop culture shows such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", which tackles concepts such as a vampire with a soul and possible redemption for a creature previously believed to have had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Bella lists her observations when she is researching on the internet: "Speed, strength,...
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added by ESME_LIBRA17
*by Stephenie Meyer*


My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It was seventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I was wearing my پسندیدہ شرٹ, قمیض - sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearing it as a farewell gesture. My carry-on item was a parka.
In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town مزید than any other place in the United States of America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent...
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added by nessie-eska
added by lucero15
Source: *LuZ
added by vampirestewart
added by Tenkic
added by Fallen_Annie
added by VanesX
added by twitbe