B2ST’s Doojoon visited the couple’s newlywed ہوم in order to lend some acting tips. Ga-In immediately showed off her new brand name make-up pouch, that Jo Kwon had bought her for her first win on her solo debut.
Doojoon gave a surprised look and exclaimed, “That stingy guy? He’s never even bought me food before!”
Jo Kwon, taken aback سے طرف کی his close friend’s blunt confession, began downing cold water in order to hide his embarrassment while Seulong commented, “Doojoon has a way of getting people enraged.”
Doojoon continued, “The fact that he bought آپ this doesn’t even make sense. It’s equivalent to him selling his house.”
Ga-In replied with a content smile, “My hubby isn’t stingy when it comes to me.”
Gotta love Doojoon getting Jo Kwon all riled up!

To celebrate their 1-year anniversary, the couple took part in a wedding photoshoot. In a white wedding dress, Victoria showed off her elegant beauty and viewers also got a peak of Nichkhun’s handsome appearance in his tuxedo.
In the preview, Nichkhun and Victoria looked like a real couple as they laid face-to-face, gathering huge anticipation from viewers for اگلے weeks episode.