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In a weekly "test" single people who are looking for a partner ask their mother and their best friend to help.Their mother chooses one partner and their best friend chooses another.The test is to see who can choose the best partner!
This week's single man is Richard Taylor,a 26-year-old musician from Southampton.His mother Meg chooses one girl,and his best friend Danny chooses another.Then Richard goes on a تاریخ with each girl.Which girl does he prefer?Who knows him better,his mother یا his best friend?Who chooses the right girl for him?

"I usually work in England but sometimes I work abroad...
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posted by ZekiYuro
Here are some مزید texts from people.
1.Writing and then sending a funny e-mail یا text message to my friends.And of course,imagining their faces when they read it.

2.I really like driving at night when there's no traffic,listening to my favourite music.I feel completely free.

3.Staying in بستر on Sunday morning and reading the newspaper.Then getting up very late and having my dog for a walk.

4.I enjoy going to the jym and really getting tired then taking a long hot شاور followed سے طرف کی a nice hot cup of tea.There's nothing better.

5.Turning off my computer at the end of the day.Leaving work,and getting into my car to go home!It's the best moment of the day.I love it!
1 being the best 10 the worst
These کتابیں are great for summer reading I can honestly say that anyone that reads them will want to read them again.

10. Deacula سے طرف کی Bram Stoker
9. The Hobbit سے طرف کی Tolken
8. I'm the king of the قلعہ سے طرف کی Susan Hill
7. 1984 سے طرف کی George Orwell
6. The secret diary of Adrian تل, مول سے طرف کی Sue Townsend
5. Pride and prejudice سے طرف کی Jane Austine
4. Jane Eyre سے طرف کی شارلٹ Bronte
3. Lord of the Flies سے طرف کی William Golding
2. The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime سے طرف کی Mark Haddon
1 Rebecca سے طرف کی Daphne du Maurier
posted by alicia386
Chapter Two

Olivia Meyers hopped in her used brown truck. Today was the دن she was going to prove everyone wrong. She wore her purple تقسیم halter, halter, اگاڑی dress with a thick, black بیلٹ, پٹی around her waist. She also had some fishnet stockings and black boots that almost reached to her ankles. Her mom had left this outfit out on her بستر this morning. Olivia felt wrong for not wearing it but it made her feel too exposed so she wore a gray جیکٹ also. Her strawberry-blonde hair was extra curly today then usual. It was also extra thick.

She cranked the car four time for it to finally start running. It was her dad's...
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I come ہوم and their fighting.
I hate it! I want to tell them to stop.
But I cant, because Im stuck in the middle.
They tug me, playing with me.
I cant handle the pain!

When I go to school no one can see my pain.
I fake my happiness.
I want to go hide in a corner and cry.
But I cant.
Because no one lends a shoulder to cry on.
My دوستوں dont understand!

I come ہوم again, and my parents pull me.
Ripping my دل like a angry raven.
My siblings, they... they... leave me there. Alone.

I feel alone.
No where I feel happy.
Because Im alone.
Why cant anyone see?
Why cant my parents stop fighting?
Why cant my دوستوں lend a hand?
Why cant my siblings pull me to my feet?
Why am I alone?
A sharp siring pain struck my stomach; I froze tight as stone grasping at my stomach. The pain was unbelievably unbearable. I wasn’t able to breathe it just made the pain ten times worse. My eyes were pinched tight, tighter then when I jumped off the bleachers in the high school gym a few years back.
The thought about that whole night made me cringe making the pain worst. That night was one of the worst nights of my life; something I hope will never have to be brought up ever again.
Patch and I were sitting on the سوفی, لٹانا watching TV after our one o’clock lunch. My legs had been flung on top...
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posted by vanelandsisters
By: Sonikku J. Aleena, Manikku J. Aleena, and Salamina Q. Acorn

Chapter 1
(Sonic's POV)
Two in the morning, I'm woken up سے طرف کی Dad and Stepmom. "Sonic, honey." She whispers to me. I sit up and look at her. "Yeah, what's up?" "Your father and I have to go on another business trip. Can آپ please tell Sonia that we'd like it if she could be in charge?" I nod, yawn, and hug them 'bye'. I eventually take out my 3DS and play one of my games on it. I'll say about three/four hours pass when I hear the front doors open. "Mom doesn't live here anymore," I think. "She lives at the hospital, and Dad and Stepmom...
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posted by mermaidsofpeace
First get a cup of water and fill it half way then take your پسندیدہ ہار یا bracelet and dip it in the water the add some salt and stir it with the jewelry in it once it has dissolved add your پسندیدہ lotion only 3 squirts then dip your finger in and say the spell below

Creatures of the sea give me a (color) tail with a سب, سب سے اوپر to go with it give me the powers of freezing heating and shaping water please let my dream come true and make me into the mermaid I wish to be

Side affects:
Itchy legs
Legs crossed
Rash on legs
Wanna swim a lot
Sing a lot
The way آپ killed me…and so many more…
Why? What’s the point?
For yourself? Earning yourself money?
Is that it? That’s all?

You don’t care about us in the least!
You don’t care about the pain آپ put so many through!
How could you? How can you?
You’re just ruthless, and nothing else

You’re just doing it so آپ can survive!
You’ll do anything for that!
You don’t care about what آپ put us through!
You’ll steal our ability to survive so آپ can yourself!


Because you’re selfish
And careless
And if آپ want to stay like that, be my guest
By my guest to let me kill you

There is a price...
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added by axemnas
Ivypool PVO☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Ivypool padded beside Toadstep outside the camp. It was a full moon night and Toadstep and Ivypool were chosen to go... They had just been out hunting with Dovewing, Lionblaze and Cinderheart. Ivypool and Toadstep had found all of the mice nest and brang in tons of prey for the Clan. Seeing as it was leaf-fall everybody praised her and Toadstep for catching so much prey.
Squirrelflight was purring and eating prey with Leafpool who was now another medicine cat again Ivypool noticed they were so close as she walked out...
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posted by slims0ciety
These girls are kinda odd. Well they are my دوستوں so of course they'll be odd.

Yn..The Joker😂

Yn loves saying random shit, throwing rocks and sticks and bricks at people, pranking people, singing and dancing, and making her دوستوں laugh.

Aaliyah..The Drama Queen

Aaliyah likes laughing like Ariana Grande, talking about being rich, spending time and talking to her bff's....

Jasmine..The Pretty In گلابی girl..

Jasmine loves گلابی and purple PPP btw, But she likes talking ghetto, being bout tha buis. (business), sticking up 4 her friends, and flirting with boys.

Now Taylor is sum else..lml...
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II The Kitchen.

Unsure where to go Ember dithered in the corridor outside the nursery for almost ten منٹ the اگلے morning. But soon the delicious smell of apples and cinnamon reached her nose.
She followed the scent until she reached a large old fashioned kitchen. An old, wooden table, worn and scrubbed filled the middle of the room. It was the biggest باورچی خانے, باورچی خانہ Ember had ever saw. One side of the room was simply all cupboards and drawers of all different shapes and coloured. Ember’s curiosity burned but she was distracted سے طرف کی a large woman wearing an apron. She was taking a steaming apple...
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posted by para-scence
"Ready, Jack?" Cat asked again. I sighed impatiently and nodded.

"Yeah! Just do it already!" She'd never done this before. Normally I would've done this myself, but I was too high right now, and despite that, I was still smart enough to know I shouldn't do this to myself right now.

"Okay..." Cat spoke warily. She got ready.

"Don't close your eyes!" I warned. She whined for a bit, then took a deep breath.

"Okay. Ready? One... Two... Three---" Cat shoved the needle through the side of my right nostril. I winced a bit. Cat freaked out مزید than I did. "Oh my gosh! Are آپ okay?!" I took the needle...
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posted by numnumyellow67
Chapter 1
The District

I quietly and quickly pick the katniss plant's roots. Have to hurry home, یا at least the ruined building I call my home. Living a destroyed old district, آپ kind of get used to the idea of having to hurry back to ruined buildings, before the rats and bugs decide to settle into your so called home.I start on my way back, when I see a plump rabbit, just watching me desperately pick the roots, while coated in mud. This annoys me, and with one تیز رو, سوئفٹ movement, I چھری the fat fool from afar. A direct hit. Perfect. I've been working on my چھری throwing skills, and got a lucky...
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Jake Gartner here. For some reason, something kept those mutant serpents away from us. Chase Johnson, my friend, is over here with me at the لائبریری of Death. Yeah. Bad name for a library, if آپ ask me. I would never have come here in the first place, had no one ever bothered me with a ransom note about my mother dying if I didn't go on this life-or-death journey. (Sorry, I have to speed the story up now. Chase says I'm getting all the attention.) So, what we found out at the library. Not much. All we found out was that mutant serpents tend to be very huge, have sharp teeth, and stay away...
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posted by AuthorForPooh
Her eyes were آگ کے, آگ red,
as if they were
lit from anger.

I dont understand
why آپ are
mad at me.

Why آپ shoot
those harsh words
at me.

Aimed like bullets,
piercing my soul.
And It cant heal.

I never can dodge them.
The words hit me,
and I fall back.

My دوستوں ask me:
"What's wrong?"
"Can I help?"

But they cant help.
Because I dont understand,
why آپ are mad.

Why do آپ have to do
what آپ do to me?
Why does it give آپ
joy to harm me?
Why are people bullies?
Why dont my دوستوں take action?
Why cant آپ tell me WHY?
posted by Shadowvixen49
He sits, staring blankly at the tray میز, جدول seven inches from his face. He leans his head ever so slightly to the right, then ever so slightly to the left, watching the black line jump the sides of his nose. He has watched it every دن of his life, always taking it for granted, never questioning its presence. But it is here, on his hands, his pants, his shirt, his nose. It is everywhere, a defining edge, دکھانا the ending of one yet the beginning of another. It changes from points of view, disappearing in your vision while still existing in your friend’s. It is there but cannot be touched,...
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posted by GryffindorGirl2
Jasmine's POV

Harry and I walked to the park.The hot,dry,humid summer air blowing at out backs.My hair wipped around me,hitting my face and getting in my eyes.No sooner had I moved it away,that the wind blew it back.My sweat شرٹ, قمیض fell around my shoulders,but I pulled it back up.The wind continued to blow,and as I listened,fell into a rythem.The sound of Harry and mine footsteps falling on the quiet سٹریٹ, گلی sounded like clapping.I raised my arms to the sky and began spinning in circles as I walked.I began to sing,my voice blending with the wind and our footsteps.
"What doesn't kill آپ makes...
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posted by PhoenixRoyale
This is a poem I wrote to express my feelings. My life may be harsh, but I try to stay positive, even if I have some anger held beneath my heart. Enjoy.

The human دل is a glass dome.
Some treat it with delicacy,
while others treat it with hatred.
Sometimes in in-between.

Protect that dome from shattering.
It is what brings آپ joy and happiness in your life.
It is the capsule in which love from your family and دوستوں fill it with.
Don't let any hatred destroy it.

Don't keep that glass dome open.
Otherwise, the people with malice in their hearts,
they'll drain آپ of your love, happiness, and joy....
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