Yoo Seung Ho Club
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added by ninno95
Yoo Seung Ho will have a Christmas پرستار meeting in Japan on December 25, 2014.
He will also have a fanmeeting in Korea after discharge from military.
TTU said: "We are planning to hold YSH پرستار meeting in Korea on December. About the schedule, location, and other detailed information will be announced in November. We are sorry to late announcement for it, but YSH is served in the military service now so we declined to say further on his activities in Korea after his discharge. Please be advised that the info for the fanmeeting in Japan has out earlier because they need time to prepare properly".
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Acting is not easy. Besides the long hours and hard work, actors must face criticism from the press and drama fans.
It requires a certain amount of self-confidence just to succeed, even when آپ are gifted with good looks and charm. So it's not surprising that some successful k-drama actors have considered quitting
Choi Jin Hyuk has been outspoken about how dramatically his career has turned around in the last year. He went through a period of depression and anxiety that made him consider whether he ought to quit acting.
"I felt like I was being pushed off the cliff," he said. But things began...
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added by Ieva0311
added by ninno95
added by ninno95
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311
added by Ieva0311