First of all, I really wanna thank آپ guys for letting me be here on fanpop. It's been the greatest سال ever. To my Yoshi buddies Makintosh and Cassandra Lopez, we Yoshis rule together. To all of my 270 fans, thanks for adding me and making me fit in. I love آپ all. I also dedicate this مضمون to the greatest dinosaur ever Yoshi. Thanks pal آپ rock. I don't care what people say. Yoshi you're the best dinosaur ever. Thanks Yo'ster. Yoshi haters leave me alone. Yoshi is the greatest and he rules. And also to Flana 2 and Aimee147, we fanpop girls are the best. Thanks for being there for me and know that I will always be there for you. Just call on me.
I also wanna thank my family and دوستوں to whom without you, none of this is possible. Remember fanpoppers, YOSHI POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!