♥ Maria Magdalena ♥

سال کے بعد fanpopping

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Favorite TV Show: Doctor Who (Series 5, 6 & 7), Chuck, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, Gossip Girl, Lost In Austen, Beverly Hills 90210, Glee
    Favorite Movie: X-Men: Days Of Future Past, X-Men: First Class, Frozen, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Back To The Future, The Avengers, سٹار, ستارہ Wars
    Favorite Musician: One Direction, Little Mix, Lea Michele, Glee Cast, Adele, Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber
    Favorite Book or Author: Dont read, dont know!!... Movie and tv دکھائیں scripts
کاری پچی فہرست

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دیوار میری

big smile
PrueFever دیا سہارا لئے میرے my comments
Tusind tak skal du ha' :D گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
PrueFever دیا سہارا لئے میرے my pop quiz questions
Any chance I could get آپ to vote and maybe leave a تبصرہ in this Disney سروے I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and تبصرہ and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
big smile
abcjkl کہا …
thanks گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک