Sarah*Michelle Gellar [♥]
سال کے بعد fanpopping
- Female, 28 years old
- Big happy city :), Bulgaria
- My Websites:
The Lion King [♥favorite Disney movie♥], Huddy [♥favorite couple♥], House M.D. [♥favorite tv show♥]
Favorite TV Show: [1]♥♥♥ House M.D. [2]♥♥ Buffy the vampire slayer [3]♥ Charmed[4]♥Nip/Tuck[5]♥Monk
Favorite Movie: Loegally blonde♥♥♥Cruel Etentions♥♥♥Monsters Inc.♥♥Toy story♥♥ A bug`s life ♥♥Finding Nemo♥♥Cars♥♥The Lion King♥♥
Favorite Musician: ♥Rihanna ||♥ Britney Spears //♥||♥Lady Gaga \\♥♥♥*Beyonce*♥♥ //♥♥ Nelly Furtado//♥♥
Favorite Book or Author: ♥♥♥ Alice in the Wonderworld ♥♥♥
کلب میرا
Dedicated (2)
Die-Hard (4)
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