Invader Bad

سال کے بعد fanpopping

  • Male
  • Irken City , United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: cartoon network every دن baby
    Favorite Movie: i dont know at all but i guess um ufo ones lol
    Favorite Musician: any thing with great singers and beats
    Favorite Book or Author: fanfiction lol *its got alot of great things to read in it... even invader zim with tak AAaa
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دیوار میری

ZaJR کہا …
Hey! It's been a long time since we've last talked hasn't it? What's up? گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
InvaderEve کہا …
Leaving the party so soon? (Haven't answered my post that got published eight months ago.) گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
Irk_Invader_Eve کہا …
Wow, Invader Bad. You're good in drawings. Maybe آپ should have a sketchpad. It have nice paper and it is meant to be drawn on. C'mon, you'll love it, promise. گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک