ahsoka tano What Do آپ Thik Of The Spots New Look? (Banner And Icon)

Pick one:
I love it
I love it
i like the old one better
i like the old one better
didn&# 39; t like the old one and don&# 39; t like this one
didn't like the old one and don't like this one
like the banner not the شبیہ
like the banner not the شبیہ
like the شبیہ not the banner
like the شبیہ not the banner
Its Awsome ! a little blurry but Awsome
Its Awsome ! a little blurry but Awsome
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 jedigal1990 posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
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