Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by craig3908
Once upon of time in a Forest not too far away existed a بھیڑیا pack with an alpha named Stryder a black بھیڑیا who was a great leader of the pack. Stryder was not only a great leader of the pack he was also the protector of the forest. He brought peace and balance among humans and the animals of the forest with the help of his pack. Before there was peace the humans used to hunt the animals and chop the trees down.

Another winter season has passed and Stryder and his mate Winter the white بھیڑیا have had a cub who they have named Theo meaning “Gifted” and “Brave”.
Now it was time for Theo...
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added by TheChriZ1995
Source: Making of AO2
added by Mitsi1991
Source: Mitsi1991
added by LoneOmega
Source: jeromerocks37 on deviantart
Humphrey whined as he limped on a broken leg. "Ouch ouch ow..." He whimpered."Oh quit your whining! it's only broken, it won't do آپ any harm.."Moon growled."Or else you'll end in HELL!"Moon barked."Ok, ok..."Humphrey limped on the way to his den."Morning, sweetie!"Kate howled"."Hello, how are you?"Humphrey replied."Oh, I'm doing just fine."she put some weight off her stomach."Is something wrong with your leg?"She
whimpered."It's only broken, it'll be fine."Humphrey barked."Ok,
well.. I'm making fresh rabbit for dinner.. Do آپ want some?"Kate curiously barked."Sure thing, it would probably...
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added by HUMPHRY
added by JennaStone22
added by JennaStone22
added by KingSimba4Ever9
posted by REDWolfleader
As I left his suite I felt I needed to protect him but I decided to go to check on the wolves at where I came to the wasteland. After hours of following my nose, and retracing my tracks, I finally made it to the cave. A few منٹ after getting there, there was a sudden shadow that came from outside the cave. When I went to look guess who I found...
"Well look at you." I chuckled, "Get taken from some humans that injected آپ with some green serum and put in to a semi-circular machine and find yourself lost?"
"How- how did آپ know?"
"How do آپ think I got here?"
"Where am I?"
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posted by Darkarticwolf10
Miranda snickered.” Isaiah, I will never forget about آپ no matter what because آپ are my mate and I love you” she assured me. I took my paw and swiped it against her face, I exclaimed” that’s a relief” .After we had that intimate conversation we went to go see the pack and see what the hunters, Seth, Zader and me of course had brought back. We had brought back a whole bunch of caribou, rabbits and deer. We all including Zader and Seth were all around the pieces of meat that were there. Since there were a lot of wolves there, so the meat finished really quickly everybody but 2 wolves...
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added by katealphawolf
Remember that part in Alpha and Omega where Kate finds out she is forced to marry Garth. And notice how she looks like she is about to cry. Why is that. Well, according to a small rumor, there is a scene that lasts about 3 منٹ that reveals why she is upset, and why Winston never gets angry at her. What آپ are about to find out may shock آپ and Disturb you. I must say, I could not sleep for a week, and now when I am either over and Jon's یا Phil's (Alphakate21), I get this bad feeling when I am around Kate. I don't know exactly if its fear یا what. But, they have been making me feel...
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added by Zach-Coley
Source: Crest اندازی حرکت Studios
added by bradyrichie
added by wolfik125
Source: بھیڑیا سے طرف کی bosman697