Arthur and Gwen Club
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posted by Theogirl
They say the thrill is in the chase. Arthur would have to agree with that . . . to a point. But there was also something to be کہا for the joy of getting what was longed for. This was that moment for him and he had every intention of enjoying it, مزید so, than the journey that brought him there.

As Guinevere’s warm, perfect form rested soundly across his, Arthur refused to suppress the smile that had been etched on his face for the entire day. Their wedding دن . . . finally. Most of it was a blur but seeing her look so radiant as she made her way towards him would remain a powerful memory. He could sense her anxiousness but also her joy. It was the same joy he held and as the ceremony proceeded and ended, all he could think was that he was the luckiest man in the world.

Placing a soft kiss on her bare shoulder, Arthur allowed his mind to drift back to the ensuing celebrations.

The wedding ceremony behind them, the pair joyfully walked down the aisle way arm and arm to the bows of all members of the court. Once outside the main door, it was closed giving them a moment alone finally. Arthur turned to face her and was immediately struck سے طرف کی the need to hold her near.

Tenderly, he drew her into his warm embrace before smiling earnestly and placing a soft kiss upon her lips. When he slowly drew back, he found her gazing up at him and offering him a glow that melted his دل further. Of the many things that drew him to her and kept him captivated was that breathtakingly humble beam and now and for the rest of their lives he would be honored with that smile and that thought brought a smile to his own lips as he happily declared, “Finally.”

Her smile brightened as she simply replied, “Indeed.”

The couple indulged in another quick kiss before their private interlude was interrupted سے طرف کی a side door opening. Both glanced to the side to acknowledge a servant who now stood before them, bowing. Breaking her curtsey, the young woman softly stated to the newlywed royals, “They are ready for you, majesties.”

Guinevere nervously glanced at Arthur and then back at the doors that would soon open onto the قلعہ balcony. He knew she had been anxious about this part of the ceremony since he’d mentioned it to her. They were preparing to be presented to their future kingdom for the first time as husband and wife. She had confided in him that she was concerned about how the people would receive her and he attempted to assure her that they would embrace her and the new era they were ushering in.

Now the moment was upon them and though Arthur had little doubt about what would happen he knew she needed a bit مزید assurance and so after placing his new bride’s arm around his and covering her hand with his, he gave it a gentle squeeze.

He knew this was a lot for her. Of course he knew. To go from a simple serving girl to a princess and future queen was no small leap. And that she would obviously have nerves about what was to come was no surprise. She brought her apprehensive gaze to his and with all the confidence that came with living this life since birth, he softly soothed, “It’ll be fine. I promise.”

Gwen gave him a tentative smile and nod before taking in a deep breath and slowly beginning forward, signaling her trust in his words. Together, the young couple stepped up and then out onto the stone balcony only to be greeted سے طرف کی an overwhelming sight. It appeared the whole kingdom had turned out.

The square was packed and it was clear مزید would have squeezed in if they could have. The سیکنڈ they stepped into full view there was a thunderous cheer. Even Arthur was a bit taken back سے طرف کی the response but when he glanced at Guinevere again, he could see she was flabbergasted. She caught his eye and he could only smile.

He knew that his people . . . their people would welcome their new sovereign. Gwen was a symbol to them of what the future could bring. It was a future where status would no longer be the determining factor in who was and wasn’t proven worthy. He stood absorbing the moment before he eventually caught his bride’s eye once مزید and noticed that she seemed مزید relaxed because of the reception.

They both returned their attention to the people and easily waved and smiled at the admiration and joy of the kingdom at their union. It was in the midst of the festivity that Arthur took a moment to garner his wife’s focus again before leaning in towards her and tenderly placing another, lingering kiss upon her lips. The volume of approval from below grew, if that was possible, at the gesture.

When the exchange ended, he read the look of surprise on her face and only smiled in response. Holding each other’s gaze for a long moment, the couple allowed themselves to revel in the love and acceptance of the people of Camelot a while longer before finally retiring to the banquet hall for their wedding banquet.

A slight shift from his resting mate momentarily brought him from his thoughts. He inhaled lightly as her hand trailed from his chest up to rest on one side of his neck while her warm breath gently tickled the skin on the other as she cuddle deeper into his embrace. He smiled again.

Though he doubted he would ever say this out loud, it just not being in his personality, she meant absolutely everything to him. She was his دل and the thought of losing her, ever, was a frightening one. His duty to Camelot mattered immensely but if she asked him to give it up he would for her. Yet because of who she was he knew that moment would never come.

Her sense of duty was just as strong as his and he knew she would never attempt to take him away from it. This knowledge reinforced his belief that she would one دن make a perfect queen. Her ability to read him and know what he needed was something else that he adored about her and something she demonstrated again that very night at their wedding banquet.

The banquet had been progressing quite nicely. After he and Guinevere had been announced and seated the festivities began in earnest. The hall was filled with laughter and goodwill and finally Arthur felt like he could relax and truly enjoy the evening and his new bride. It was just as those thoughts danced across his mind that his eyes sought out his wife.

A small smile graced his face as those words crossed his consciousness. His wife. Guinevere was finally his and it brought much joy to his دل at the mere thought. With the idea of them as husband and wife from now on playing through his mind, his deep blue gaze finally caught sight of her out on the dance floor.

As was customary, the new royal was expected to be sociable with all the nobility and he was impressed with how easily Guinevere managed to navigate her task. Arthur knew it was due to her personality. She was always so warm and welcoming that people could do nothing but be drawn to her. Arthur was prepared to be content watching her dance about the floor for a bit with yet another anonymous noble, no doubt trying to سالن, کوٹنا favor with him through her.

Yet when her dance partner was revealed to him, Arthur’s smile froze in place and his happiness arrested. For his new bride, the love his life, was wrapped, not in the arms of some random noble, but in that of her one time love and one of his newest knights, Lancelot.

Now rationally, he knew he had no cause for worry, especially now, but something about seeing them together always brought one of his deepest fears to the surface. While he had honestly never loved anyone other than her, she at one time had very much cared for Lancelot. It troubled him that someone else had garnered such strong emotions from her, even though he knew it should not.

Both Guinevere and Lancelot were above reproach in his mind. Each carried inner nobility that would put many who were noble born to shame yet his gaze remained firmly planted on the duo. Everything in him was saying to go over and interrupt their interlude but a small voice niggled in the back of his mind keeping him planted in his seat. He knew his new bride would be unhappy if he appeared to be jealous of the time she was spending with Lancelot.

After their talk about the knight and their past, they had promised each other they would leave the past exactly where it was. He didn’t want her to think he did not trust her but he could not stop the tightening in his gut at the vision of her so easily gliding within the other man’s hold.

Surely no one, not even she, would begrudge him wanting to be the one in her arms, especially this night. They were after all newlyweds and they had hardly any time to enjoy the festivities together. Just as he had convinced himself he could go cut in on the pair without causing suspicion of his deeper motives, Guinevere caught his eye.

She wore a radiant smile on her face that never failed to steal his breath away. It was both warm and sincere and enveloped in her deep love for him. Instantly, he felt irritated with himself for his earlier thoughts. He had the rest of their lives to hold her while Lancelot had only this fleeting moment. She had chosen him and he was so happy she had.

As he returned the beam, Guinevere gave him a sexy wink before, briefly returning her attention to her dance partner. Arthur was slightly disappointed at first but as if reading his thoughts, he watched as she briefly spoke to Lancelot and then separated from him offering a curtsey to his gracious bow before she stepped around the knight and headed back towards the head میز, جدول and him.

Her gaze never left his as she easily sidestepped the crowds and made her way determinedly towards him. When she finally stood before the main table, neither she nor he initially made a move. Though the hall remained boisterous and energetic, for that lingering moment neither paid much attention to the hustle about them. It was eventually Guinevere who broke the moment with a simple gesture. She held out a hand to him and softly inquired, “Would آپ do me the honor of a dance, Sire?”

His smile bloomed as he instantly rose from his نشست and gently took the proffered hand into his own. Tenderly, he brought the soft appendage to his lips and placed a gentle kiss there before softly replying, “Of course, My Lady.”

The noise and banter of the hall melted away as the couple ambled out onto the dance floor. What neither recognized was the moment they step onto the floor together the gathering did quiet in reverence to the newly married royals. As Arthur tenderly pulled her into his arms, the whole room seemed as entranced سے طرف کی the pair as they were with each other. The sense of contentment he felt at having her in his embrace was tempered only سے طرف کی the niggling feelings of unworthiness at having something so precious as her love and loyalty.

Until she had come into his life he was so self-involved. Now he knew there were things of مزید importance than his own desires. Guinevere’s happiness and the well-being of Camelot were what was most important. If he could be successful on both those fronts he would feel content that he had done his best.    

His attention was brought back to his bride when her fingers moved from his shoulder to the hair at the nape of his neck. He smiled at the action and responded سے طرف کی gently caressing the knuckles of the hand he was holding with his thumb. He knew he could be here with her forever and never tire of it.

Having her in his arms and all to himself for eternity felt absolutely right. Nothing and no one, he decided, would ever be allowed to take this feeling from him. He quietly inhaled her flowery scent as she rested her head on his shoulder and nuzzled into the crock of his neck.

Nope. He’d be damned if he ever let anything interfere with this.

“You know آپ never have to worry about where my love and loyalties lie,” Guinevere softly spoke, breaking into his reverie.

Arthur froze for a moment. She always had an uncanny knack for reading him and it appeared that ability had not diminished in the least. It was clear she had picked up on his apprehension earlier as she danced with Lancelot. He was now left unsure of how to respond to her words.

Should he apologize for his seeming inability to truly let go of the past the trio shared یا should he feign ignorance at her meaning? Yet as he quietly pondered his options a beat too long, Guinevere took it upon herself to remove her head from his shoulder and find his bright gaze once more.

“I’m serious, Arthur. There is only man in my heart. Always,” she stated firmly.

That declaration instantly washed over him like a soothing balm. Not that he didn’t know it already but hearing the words from her lips was like nothing else. A beatific smile gradually crept across his face before he leaned into her and placed a soft, lingering kiss on her forehead.

“Thank you,” he quietly whispered against her soft skin.

He heard a slight smile in her voice as she replied, “What for? Telling آپ the truth?”

It was his turn to pull back a bit and look into her warm brown orbs as he spoke.

“For agreeing to have me as your husband and loving me in spite of me, at times.”

She smiled sweetly as she held his gaze and playfully retorted, “It’s tough work alright but I guess someone has to do it.”

He responded in mock offense, “Guinevere!”

With a wide doe eyed expression, she quietly laughed in reply, “What? I was only agreeing with you, My Lord.”

“You’ll pay for that later,” he returned suggestively.

Without hesitation, she replied, “I look آگے to it.”

He raised a brow at her unabashed response which ultimately garnered a carefree laugh from his beloved that he was powerless to do anything but شامل میں her in . . .

Again his thoughts returned to the present and the petite woman lying beside him. Arthur remained in awe of the sleeping beauty. She was being thrust into his hectic world yet continued to handle it with the grace and dignity of someone born to it. He gently took the fingers that had been absently stroking his neck and chest brought them to his lips, feathering soft kisses over each digit.

He glanced over at her to see if his gesture had caused her to stir from her slumber but found only a small contented smile playing across her lips as evidence that she was aware of his ministrations. Her eyes, though, remained closed and her breathing even. He loved the thought of seeing her beautiful, peaceful face every morning when he awoke and every night before he closed his eyes.

He also relished in knowing she will always be his and only his. They had branded each other this night. As he cuddled closer to her Arthur could not help but to relive the true beginnings of their wedding night . . .

It took some doing but eventually the young prince and new princess were able to break away from the still bustling banquet. As was tradition, the duo was separated سے طرف کی their respective servants in order to properly prepare for their wedding night. Arthur obligingly went along with the pomp and circumstance, though not truly registering it. The traditional aspects were done to appease the nobility but his focus was entirely on Guinevere and the reality that she was finally his wife. He would never have to go to بستر یا awaken alone again.

Arthur was eventually left alone, freshly bathed, robed and anticipating his new bride’s arrival. After what seemed like an eternity passed, when in reality had only been minutes, a gentle knock brought his attention to the door. This was it. The moment they had both been waiting for. The moment when they would become husband and wife in every way. The excitement and anxiety of the longed for moment lead to a slight squeak in his voice as he uttered the simple command “Come.”

Slowly the door opened to introduce Gwen’s young handmaiden with her mistress trailing right after her. The youngster curtseyed to the prince before then turning to her lady and doing likewise. Both acknowledged her with a silent nod before she proceeded to leave, closing the door behind her.

Once they were alone, the couple took a few منٹ to take in each other and the moment. Nearly five years in the making, they had finally arrived at the place both had longed for. Arthur slowly allowed himself to thoroughly appraise her. He was struck anew at her ability to be both humble and breathtaking at the same time.

He had believed no vision could سب, سب سے اوپر her in her wedding wears yet as he looked upon her in a simple red silk روب, چغہ lined with سونا trim encasing a brilliant white ankle length slip گاؤن, gown and her riotous curls hanging free and framing her face, he thought her even مزید stunning.

When he noticed her beginning to bite her lip lightly, a tell that she was nervous, he gave her a reassuring smile before moving to end their stalemate. Purposefully, he moved from his پرچ in the center of the room across to her. He tenderly reached out for both of her hands.

Guinevere allowed him to guide her further into his chambers stopping them near the roaring fireplace. He then stepped back from her a bit, still holding her hands, and stared deep into her eyes as he proudly stated, “I could spend all night just gazing upon you.”

He watched as Guinevere blushed at both his words and attention. He gave a small smile as he thought, still the humble handmaiden in so many ways. She soon gave a mischievous smile of her own as she replied, “Are آپ sure that is all آپ wish to do this night?”

He raised a brow and smiled at her seeming ease in this situation. Maybe not so modest then.
“I کہا could, not would.”

The two shared a deep laugh to that sentiment, alleviating even مزید of the tension that came with what lay before them. But soon a مزید sober expression crossed the prince’s face and Guinevere could not help but inquire as to the turn.
“What is it, Arthur?”

He sighed quietly as he studied her features for a long moment, trying to put into words what he was feeling in this moment. He’d always been rubbish at expressing his feelings especially to Guinevere. Fortunately, she loved him despite that character flaw. Yet in this instant, he just felt like he needed to do this first moment of the rest of their lives together justice.

How could he tell her how much he adored her? How she ruled his heart? How he had no idea what he would do if he ever lost her. His biggest worry, however, in this moment was if he could be everything she needed and deserved. Her searching brown eyes finally forced him to respond to her concern.

“I just don’t want to disappoint آپ . . . in anyway,” he tenderly stated.

Her look of concern quickly shifted to one of confusion, “Disappoint me?”

He finally چرا لیا, چوری کی his gaze away from hers as he nervously replied, “You are taking on so much becoming not only my wife but a future queen. You’re gaining a husband and a kingdom and I just hope آپ don’t regret that and all that it entails.”

“Regrets? Never. All I have ever wanted, to be your wife and queen, has just become a reality. I know it will not always be easy but nothing worth having ever is. And as for disappointing me, آپ could never. . . ”

She paused her words as she moved closer to him, bringing one of her hand up to rest upon the left side of his chest, just over his دل before quietly concluding, “Not as long as آپ follow this.”
She then leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his chin first and then his jaw before whispering near his ear, “Just listen to your دل and آپ will never go wrong.”

Arthur again pulled back slightly from her so he could look into her eyes. What she didn’t realize, he knew, was that she had دیا double meaning to that statement. Yes he knew she was referring to his instincts about situations but even if she didn’t know it, her words also pointed to her, as she was his دل in so many ways. She had always دیا him sound counsel and held unwavering faith in him and he believed that would remain unchanged.

As her warm brown eyes held his steady blue gaze, he saw reflected there not just the love and respect that always resided there but another expression, not unknown to him, but one that held مزید promise than it ever had before.

Taking in the seductive smile and the lidded look of her eyes, he chose to respond not with words but with is actions, dipping his head down and capturing her soft inviting lips with his own.
He endeavored to place every bit of love he felt for her into that exchange.

For years they had to hide and deny their love but as they eventually separated for a breathless moment and silently regarded each other, he knew their time had finally come.

Arthur abruptly swept his new bride up and into his arms and with no fanfare, just a man alone with the woman he loved, he carried her effortlessly over to what would from hence forth be their marital bed. He gently lowered her onto the sumptuous mattress ensconced in red silk sheets, a downy blanket, a myriad of pillows.

As his lips tenderly found their way back to hers he kissed her back onto the بستر and proceeded to surround himself in the essence of the women now beneath him. She was simply everything to him and that recognition still amazed him daily.

For so long in his young life he was contented to play a role. He was the crown prince of Camelot and future king. There were certain expectations and Camelot was to be his first love. In his youth, he relished this direction and embrace being the spoiled young royal. This often included dalliances with women. Though it was a rarity for him to partake of them in an intimate way, he recollected how he had flirted, charmed and seduced مزید than his share.

Yet as he now engaged his new wife in the most intimate of contacts, he could honestly say that none of the others came close to making him feel as she did. This beautiful, loving, compassion, wise woman who saw fit to return his affections outshined any before her and any that might attempt to take her place in the future.

Not only was she the ruler of his heart, the love of his life, but she was his best friend. That epiphany caused him to deliberately draw back from their
passionate exchange and simply gaze down at the diminutive beauty that had captured his heart. She was his and he was hers. Arthur acknowledged that he probably didn’t deserve her یا her love but thanked the heavens all the same that he had them. His dusky blue eyes roamed her slightly flushed face, swollen lips and lidded eyes again trying to find words to convey just how blessed he knew he was.

Arthur was soon gently nudged from his contemplations سے طرف کی his Love’s breathy call, “Arthur.”

He gave her a small smile. In that moment, he knew there was only one thing he needed to say. Softly, as he hovered just above her inviting lips, he simply stated, “I love you, Guinevere . . . so much.”

A brilliant smile crept across her own lips as she reached up a hand and rested it upon his cheek.

“Show me,” was her brief command.

Arthur’s momentary surprise at her response was quickly replaced with an overwhelming desire to do just that. Then like a man who would do anything his beloved would ask of him, he proceeded to press his lips to her own and continue their first night together as husband and wife.

A satisfied grin played across his mouth as he thought of how they explored and pleasured each other into the early morning. Though مزید inexperienced than he, his beautiful bride was willing and open to him and they soon discovered just how much مزید compatible they truly were.

The memory of her gazing into his eyes as they both reached their first climax together would forever be seared in his mind. The longing, love and trust he witnessed there nearly brought him to tears and solidified his feeling that they were made for each other and nothing and no one could ever take that away.

It was as he was lost in these thoughts that his mate finally awoke from her slumber. Her delicate fingers traced a trail over his pouty, smiling lips.

“What’s that smile about?” came the languid inquiry from his side.

He playfully pulled one of her searching fingers between his lips before quickly releasing it and answering, “Can’t a man be happy on his wedding day?”

Gwen teasingly replied, “I suppose you’re quite satisfied with yourself.”

“The better سوال is did I satisfy my lady,” he returned in an equally light tone while shifting to look into her face.

He watched her smile grow as she succinctly replied, “Indeed.”

She then leaned in and placed a kiss on his mirroring smile before they pulled back and regarded each other for a lingering moment.
Arthur finally broke the impasse with another soft peck before adding solemnly, “I can’t believe it’s possible to be this happy.”

Another soft lingering kiss was shared before Gwen tenderly replied, “Nor I.”

The duo melted into a deeper exchange this time, with Arthur pulling her flush against him this time. His reaction to her was immediate and apparent as he heard a quiet gasp escape her lips at their new position. A small smile followed from each as Guinevere broke free of his mouth to briefly and breathlessly tease, “So I take it you’re ready for round two?”

He chuckled softly at her continued banter before stealing another quick peck, “I’ll always be ready.”

Her laughter was swallowed سے طرف کی his lips reclaiming hers.

Yes, there was something to be کہا for the thrill of the chase but having his princess wrapped in his arms was absolutely the best reward he could ever receive.
 At Last
At Last
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