Dean Ambrose And Roman Reigns
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Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose
Noted Ring Names: Dean Ambrose, Jon Moxley From: Cincinnati, Ohio تاریخ Of Birth: December 7, 1985 Working For: WWE Debut: Survivor Series 2012 WWE Titles Held: United States Championship
الفاظ مطلوبہ: wwe

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Technology was to be Dean’s undoing at TLC – given his history with phones and the internet, it somehow isn’t surprising. Despite having Bray on the run for a large bulk of the match, an incident with a TV would give Wyatt the opening he needed to sneak the win. Heres the review from with all of the action.
CLEVELAND — At WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs … and Stairs, Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt used every implement at their disposal in the night’s main event, a gruesome display befitting the final battle in WWE’s version of the demolition derby. However, after both off-kilter warriors littered the arena with bent steel and splintered wood, it was Wyatt who would emerge as the victor. However, despite liberal use of each of the weapons set up on the ramp and at ringside, “The New Face of Fear’s” conquest would ultimately be decided by another piece of hardware entirely.
Ever since denying Ambrose a victory over his “brother”-turned-rival Seth Rollins at WWE Hell in a Cell, Wyatt has been utterly obsessed with The Lunatic Fringe, delving into the unstable Superstar’s troubled past to unearth painful memories of an absentee father and a childhood wracked with turmoil as a result. This kind of psychological warfare would break other Superstars, but Wyatt’s mind games have apparently only shaken loose Ambrose’s already-tenuous grip on sanity. Even after The Eater of Worlds caused severe injury to Ambrose’s throat during the Dec. 5 SmackDown, the unhinged former United States Champion rallied back just days later on Raw, emerging from the back of an ambulance and vowing to eat Wyatt alive at WWE TLC. Based on the look in Ambrose’s eyes as he strode into battle, Ambrose was ready to feast.
Just as he viciously destroyed Wyatt’s rocking chair at the beginning of the month, The Lunatic Fringe set out to tear the backwoods preacher apart in the night’s main event. Wasting no time, the 2014 Breakout Star of the Year Slammy Award winner kicked off this cacophony of carnage by tossing a ladder right into Wyatt’s face. Ambrose followed up by pummeling his foe on the entrance ramp with a furious barrage of punches, kicks and headbutts. After briefly battling in the ring — a locale that hosted only a handful of moments in this wild clash — both Superstars took the fight into the WWE Universe as the Cleveland fans took out their smartphones to capture Instagram-worthy snapshots of the arena-spanning brawl. In just one of his many gravity-defying feats in this match, Ambrose astonishingly leapt off the WWE TLC Kickoff Panel desk, an attack that left Wyatt vulnerable to a rapid succession of steel chair blasts.
Utilizing a variety of weapons the way an artist might work in oil or watercolors, Ambrose added one of his favorite tools to the fray when he teed off on his nemesis with a kendo stick. As Ambrose continued to take great pleasure in creative ways to punish The Eater of Worlds, Wyatt waited for the opportune moment to strike, nailing The Lunatic Fringe with a stiff shot to the jaw that sent Ambrose flying off the top rope and through a table set up at ringside.
Repaying Ambrose’s aggression with some cruelty of his own, Wyatt battered Ambrose with a kendo stick before nearly sealing a victory when he splayed Ambrose’s body atop a ladder and hit his foe with a wince-inducing splash. Regaining control after his near-defeat, Ambrose attempted to finish off Wyatt with Dirty Deeds, but Wyatt escaped and nearly took Ambrose’s head off with a sickening clothesline.
Somehow, Ambrose not only withstood Wyatt’s onslaught, but seemed to enjoy it. Like a kid on Christmas, Ambrose took the fight up the entrance ramp yet again, setting Wyatt up on a table and driving his adversary through the pine with an elbow drop off a ladder. Then, like a real-life instant replay, Ambrose performed the exact same maneuver again! The unstable Superstar seemed to have the match sewn up after these two incredible and potentially self-destructive feats, but he’d have to get Wyatt into the ring and score the pinfall on The Eater of Worlds to win the match.
Bringing Wyatt back into the ring to put an end to the chaos, Ambrose shockingly fell victim to Wyatt’s Sister Abigail, which came without warning. Through sheer force of will, Ambrose kicked out and, frustrated, Wyatt scooped up his prey and attempted Sister Abigail yet again, but the wily Ambrose escaped and sent Wyatt flying face-first into a ladder and then hit the backwoods preacher with Dirty Deeds! Wyatt kicked out. Knowing he had to get a bit more creative and a whole lot more vicious, Ambrose shoved the ring skirt aside in search of new treasures. He found a small TV monitor, gazed into it with unsettling focus and saw all the “unwrapped toys” by the entrance. He’d gotten an idea, and it wouldn’t be pretty.
Marching up the entrance ramp, Ambrose selected the tallest, strongest ladder in the bunch like a proud father selecting the family Christmas tree, and hoisted the massive hardware to ringside where Wyatt lay prone. After warning the Spanish announce team to disperse, Ambrose used the steel stairs to send a chair into Wyatt’s windpipe — the same attack that Wyatt used to send Ambrose to the hospital one week earlier — then hit The Eater of Worlds with an incredible elbow drop off the towering ladder that obliterated the Spanish announce table.
Rolling Wyatt back into the ring, Ambrose blew his enemy a macabre kiss goodbye before attempting to smash the TV monitor he’d found earlier over his foe’s face. However, when the cord snapped, a shower of sparks temporarily blinded Ambrose, leaving him vulnerable to yet another Sister Abigail and the pinfall.
We’ve seen Ambrose bounce back from injury before, and he undoubtedly has a lot of unfinished business with Wyatt after WWE TLC. What retribution does The Lunatic Fringe have in mind?
Jen Posted on Dec , 15 2014 Filed under Images, Pay Per View Results, Videos, WWE
Check out footage from after TLC went off air, and Dean getting his own back on that darn TV!
Dean and Wyatt both takes their turns to address the WWE Universe on Smackdown, and while Bray Wyatt weaves more hocus pocus and threats, Dean has a very simple message to deliver. He’s not afraid, in fact he can’t remember having more fun. On Sunday he’s going to take Bray Wyatts whole world, and he’s going to crush it. Sometimes it’s better to let the man himself do the talking, so just watch the video. See for yourself.
Jen Posted on Dec , 13 2014 Filed under Images, Smackdown, Videos made predictions for this Sunday’s winners and losers. Read what they predict and their winners for Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match.
@JoeyStyles: Bray Wyatt likes to play mind games. Dean Ambrose is a lunatic. Wyatt’s sermons usually last longer than his matches. Ambrose is a lunatic. Wyatt likes holograms. Ambrose is a lunatic. As the former Voice of ECW who called Sabu conquering the likes of Shane Douglas, Rob Van Dam and even Cactus Jack, I’m picking the lunatic. WINNER: Dean Ambrose
@HowardFinkel: When you have two individuals whose eccentric personalities play into their respective offensive arsenals, then add in the unique mix of tables, ladders and chairs, well, even Katie can’t bar the door for this match. Both Ambrose and Wyatt are out to destroy one another, and I think Ambrose will be hell-bent and will settle the “physical score” that he suffered at the hands of Wyatt a week ago. This will be intense in every sense of the word, with Ambrose prevailing over Bray once the dust settles. WINNER: Dean Ambrose
James Wortman: It takes a monstrous mind to make Bray Wyatt nervous, which is probably why The Eater of Worlds is staying far away from Dean Ambrose these days. Returning from a neck injury sustained at the hands of the backwoods preacher, The Lunatic Fringe came even more unhinged than usual on Raw when he vowed to eat Wyatt alive at WWE TLC. Look for Ambrose to tenderize his meal with every armament at his disposal in what will go down as the most barbaric contest at WWE’s Demolition Derby. WINNER: Dean Ambrose
Scott Taylor: Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt both love to inflict pain, but with tables, ladders and chairs in play, it will be the Superstar who can take the most punishment that wins this battle. No matter how hard The Lunatic Fringe gets hit, he always seems to find a way to endure the beating and come back for more. Ambrose has shown he is a survivor, which will prove useful in this contest. WINNER: Dean Ambrose
John Clapp: Dean Ambrose’s extensive experience in ultra-dangerous matches would seem to give him the edge here, but Bray Wyatt is more desperate for the win. It no longer feels like The Man of 1,000 Truths has the whole world in his hands, and, realizing his grip may be slipping, Wyatt has no choice but to pull out all the stops against Ambrose. WINNER: Bray Wyatt
Kaitlin Posted on Dec , 13 2014 Filed under Articles,
We’re excited to share the second part of a two part interview with Ambrose conducted by Chris Jericho for his ‘Talk Is Jericho’ podcast. They discuss The Shield – how it started; what it was supposed to be; what it became; why it ended; and how he found out, he’s thoughts on Paul Heyman, John Cena, the Attitude Era, working “baby face”, his Hell in a Cell Match against Seth Rollins and the real scoop on Ambrose’s Twitter feud with Mick Foley. We hope you enjoy the podcast!
Kaitlin Posted on Dec , 12 2014 Filed under Audio Interviews
We’re excited to share the first part of a two part interview with Ambrose conducted by Chris Jericho for his ‘Talk Is Jericho’ podcast. They discuss Dean’s obsession with mountain biking, his role in the upcoming movie “Lockdown”, where he came up with the original idea for the name Jon Moxley, who was the person behind calling Ambrose for a WWE tryout and who hired him, what he learned from Dusty Rhodes while he was in FCW/NXT, what Ambrose really feels about cutting promos and so much more. I suggest you grab some popcorn, turn up the volume on your device, sit back, relax and enjoy the podcast!
Kaitlin Posted on Dec , 10 2014 Filed under Audio Interviews
2014 WWE Tribute to the Troops Spoilers for December 17th, 2014
2014 WWE Tribute to the Troops will air on the USA Network at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 17th, 2014. The special event was taped in Fort Benning outside of Columbus, Georgia. Click on “read more” to find out what Dean Ambrose is up to at Tribute to the Troops.
Kaitlin Posted on Dec , 10 2014 Filed under Spoilers
Bray Wyatt is still very upset about his chair. Apparently Sister Abigail had a fondness for cheaply made DIY furniture and the rocking chair Dean destroyed last week on RAW was irreplaceable. This is what led to Wyatts despicable act on Smackdown, landing Dean in hospital and almost causing him serious injury. Luckily, Dean Ambrose is made of bricks and barbed wire and it’ll take armageddon to bring him down. As Wyatt gloats over his brief victory in the ring, he’s interrupted by the siren of an ambulance. Dean’s arrived, bringing Wyatts future chariot with him. As well as tables, ladders and chairs.
Dragging his toys to the ring Dean launches an assault that has Wyatt fleeing for his life. Dean even offers him a free shot but as Wyatt goes to take it, Dean hurls a chair in his face. With Bray scrambling for safety Dean takes to the mic and yells after him, at TLC he becomes the monster and he’s going to eat Bray alive.
Maybe he can use the splinters of Abigails chair to pick his teeth with once he’s done.
Jen Posted on Dec , 09 2014 Filed under Images, RAW Results, Videos, WWE
Congratulations to Dean on picking up his first solo Slammy Award! He scooped Breakout Star Of The Year and we couldn’t agree more. Dean took 2014 and made it all his, from spectacular and vicious feuds with Rollins and Wyatt, to making his first movie ‘Lockdown’ (Due in the Spring) he’s become the unlikely hero of the WWE Universe and we couldn’t be more proud.
More awards are yet to be given, we’ll report back if he scoops any more.
Jen Posted on Dec , 08 2014 Filed under Interviews, Videos
Noted Ring Names: Dean Ambrose, Jon Moxley
Mini Biography: Dean Ambrose started his career back in 2004 under the name of Jon Moxley. Earning high praise from independent companies around the world, he became a household name for the hardcore, holding championship gold in companies such as Combat Zone Wrestling. With his name capturing the attention of wrestling fans across the globe, Jon soon earned a developmental contract with the WWE. He then took on the name of
Dean Ambrose and began the process of cementing his name in stone. Feuding with William Regal and Seth Rollins most notably on NXT, Ambrose went on to make his much anticipated main roster debut at Survivor Series 2012, coming in alongside Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns to make a massive impact in the main event, aiding CM Punk in retaining his WWE Championship. The Shield have torn an unstoppable path through the WWE and at Extreme Rules 2013, Dean laid claim to his first taste of WWE gold, capturing the United States Championship. Described by WWE as "Fearless, wild and always unpredictable" as well as a "world class competitor and infamous troublemaker" - Dean Ambrose is the rising star to watch!
have a secondary Twitter, Facebook or other internet profile, any you may find should be reported as fakes no matter how convincing they appear to be. Click here to hear Dean confirm this HIMSELF on this Podcast and also on Colt Cabanas recent Podcast HERE!. ALL Official links can be found and confirmed on this site.
If you\'re looking for Ambrose on Video we have numerous channels you can view on, check out the list below.
• Young, Angry, Poor, Dangerous: Best of HWA Vol.1
If you\'re serious about entering the world of professional wrestling, the first thing you need is a world class trainer. Cody Hawk is the man responsible for kick starting the careers of not just Dean Ambrose, but NXT\'s Solomon Crowe and Slate Randall. As well as international women\'s star Hailey Hatred. If you\'re interested in following in their footsteps, click on for MORE INFO.
Had a chance encounter with the mad man? Attended a live show? Got fan Art you\'d like to show off to a massive audience? If you\'ve got something to share with the world please email us at and we\'ll get it in the Gallery along with full credit however you\'d like us to do it! Or you can send beer, we also accept beer.
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