Emmett Cullen Club
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added by LoveSterlingB
Source: tumblr
added by emma-jeff
How cute is the first bit?! NadiaAndIsabellaShow made it on youtube.
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added by Cee1901
added by Cittycat19
01 - Team Emmett, because Jacob is not as cold, Edward is not as strong, Carlisle is not as crazy and Jasper is not as funny as him!

02 - He’s funny. He’s sweet. He has great smile and because he’s muscular. Big پچھواڑے, گدا muscles…

03 - He may have pale skin but looks good with it.

04 - His abs are real.

05 - Because I would arm wrestle him any دن just to see his victory smile when he wins!

06 - Not only because he’s hot, but Emmett is strong, has amazing eyes and cares for others.

07 - He makes آپ love him.

08 - He will never let us down, he’ll be there for us no matter what.

09 - Because...
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"We think it's Jane. But we dont know why she would do anything to him." Rose said, stil frantic

But "I" was still standing. it was final, Jane was controlling me., I had no control of any part of my body.

All of a sudden Jane directed me across the room. I forcefully snatched the phone out of Rosalie's hand, and threw it across the room.
"What is آپ problem!? I'm trying to help you!" Rose yelled
I want so badly to say that it's not me. But Jane's preventing me from saying anything.

After she yelled, I threw her across the room. She quicly recovered, and punched me in the face.

Then I stopped...
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posted by IluvEdwardOk
Alice, Edward and I took off running. Alice's good timing made it so her text came just as the گھنٹی, بیل rang. I was running through the school trying to beat Alice and Edward back to their house. My dad was chief of police and I was always at Doctor Cullen's house. had 3 children, twins Edward and Alice and their older brother Emmett who is currently at boarding school. He went to boarding school two years ago. Emmett had been the older brother I never had. Now he was supposed to be at boarding school. Key word supposed to be I was running and thinking where was Emmett now. I tripped and fell and...
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added by haley_scott
added by Andressa_Weld
added by gbyaln
added by Cittycat19
added by Natbr
added by sweet_twilight
Source: Twilight Passion
posted by RealRosalieHale
Emmett Tries out for cheer leading:

(Rosalie POV)
“Ugh! I am so sick of this!” I say as a walk down the stairs following my
Emmett. As much as I love him he can be really immature sometimes. And his has
a new Game? Truth یا Dare! Thank آپ Alice for teaching him this wonderful
game! Rolls eyes..

I Sigh; “let’s just get this over with”.

“That’s the spirit, Rosie”. Emmett Jumped up and down as I settled down

on the floor and picked up my latest issue of Elle. I only got to the first
page when it was yanked out of my hands.
“No no no Rose, Truth یا Dare?” Emmett asks me.
“I think...
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by Cittycat19
added by Andressa_Weld
added by mimika_s
emmett cullen
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