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added by LisaForde
added by LisaForde
added by LisaForde
added by LisaForde
(Enchanted Vs Tangled)


I love both of these films so here is why I love both Tangled & Enchanted.

The Charcthers

First up is Giselle who I actually found hilarious as she was so OTT and sweet. I like how Amy Adams acted in the real world and I think she was snubbed at the oscars for this film.Sure it was daft in a way but come on I liked the film. As for Patrick Dempsey this is the ONLY movie I loved him in because he was charming and funny as Robert Philip.


I love Rapunzel because she’s fiesty,nice,a...
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 سوان, ہنس princess transformation
Swan princess transformation
Okey so it may not be a Disney movie but I think the part where Giselle becomes a human reminds me of The سوان, ہنس Princess in a way.You know the one where Odette becomes a سوان, ہنس and she goes in a lake every time the moon disappears . It is one of my favourite فلمیں and I hope that آپ will like my references (see article)

Enjoy it as much as I do .

Reason: Evertime I watch Giselle's tranformation in Enchanted it always reminds me of the سوان, ہنس princess , even Giselle in live action form remined me of her .

Good luck
 Giselle's tranformation
Giselle's tranformation
 The chemstry between Dempsey and Adams was brill
The chemstry between Dempsey and Adams was brill
This is my favourite film so here is a little something I decided to do. Please rate


Ballroom scene was brillant and very well done with the camera movements.

The zooming into قلعہ at the beginning of the film was very well done as well.

The charcthers are enagaging and fun-loving

The message : Love can happen in real and fiction world was great.

The chemistry between Dempsey and Adams was very well put together . Very real and very passionate.

The close up of Dempsey and Adams on the tower was sweet.

The end credits were very creative and whoever came up with the idea of the film was also...
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posted by LisaForde
Giselle's Wishes Are About To Come True

Once upon a time in an enchanted world filled with trolls,princes, evil queens and woodland creatures there lived a lovestruck maiden named Giselle. Giselle was in her early twenties with long سٹرابیری, اسٹرابیری blonde hair that went as far as her back, and she wore a گلابی dress. Giselle was about to finsh off her dream prince . "Oh Pip I know his out there somewhere...........(Sighs)I just know it" she کہا to her chipmunk کی, چاپمنک friend Pip. "Maybe he is sweetheart...........". says Pip. Suddenly a troll appeared out of no where and کہا " Girl Yummy". "AHHHHHHHHH"...
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added by LisaForde
Source: Love
added by LisaForde
Source: enchanting
added by LisaForde
added by LisaForde
Source: enjoy
As Robert knew what Giselle went through he decided to help them get back to FantasyVille with Giselle. The اگلے morning and Robert’s teenage daughter مورگن got up out of بستر and as she was going into the باورچی خانے, باورچی خانہ she heard someone saying ‘hello there’. مورگن turned around and let out a scream.’ DAD’. Robert heard her and he asked her what was wrong?’. ‘Ahw who are these women are they princesses too like Giselle?’ she asked her dad as she was twirling her ringlets with her fingers. ‘Yes honey but it’s a very long story, Giselle found them wandering around NY last night...
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added by LisaForde
Source: Cute
posted by LisaForde
Ballroom Leader:I'd like to ask each gentleman
to invite a lady he did not accompany this evening
to dance the King and Queen's Waltz.

Edward:May I have the pleasure?
Nancy: Please.

As Nancy went off with Edward, Robert went over to Giselle and quickly looked at her dress which looked like a mermaid dress.

Robert:Shall we?(takes Giselle’s hand and walks to the dance floor with her)

Song: SO CLOSE Jon McLaughlin.

You're in my arms
And all the world is gone
The موسیقی playing on
For only two

As the song So Close is playing Robert looks into Giselle’s eyes all the time and pours his دل out...
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added by LisaForde
added by LisaForde
added by LisaForde
added by LisaForde
posted by LisaForde
There are many parts of this movie that were purposely[5] included سے طرف کی the filmmakers to be a specific reference to other Disney movies[6]. A فہرست of official references was provided سے طرف کی the filmmakers to reviewers so they could include them as talking points in their reviews. The items on the official فہرست were:

* The storybook opening is a tribute to how Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty began. The book's location in Sleeping Beauty قلعہ (in the Walt Disney Pictures logo) is based on artwork from Sleeping Beauty.

* While Giselle herself has many traits similar...
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