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Twilight vs HP survey



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nati30 said:
I personally think that Harry Potter is much more complex and exciting than twilight. J.K. Rowling made a huge effort to writing this amzing series and succeded wonderfully. The Harry Potter managed to be very original despite the fact that a battle between good and evil is so common and UNoriginal. I also think Harry Potter is much more exciting. For example: after I saw all the movies out so far, I decided to read the books. During the Goblet of Fire, I literally started SHAKING, no kidding, and I already knew what happened since I saw the movie, but I was still shaking with excitment. But, during Breaking Dawn, I was only a few pages away from finishing, during the "battle" with the Volturi, and I got so bored I stopped reading for like 2 days and only finished it because I was so close to finishing.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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i disagree i was reading harry potter and it lost my interest in it after 10 minutes and i was so bored reading it . then when i was reading twilight i was smiling all the way through it with excitement . Stephenie Meyer is a hell of a good writer and doesn't deserve to be dissed like that. some people like stuff like twilight over other stuff like harry potter .
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PMT said:
edwardcullen865, meyer is NOT a good writer. if you actually read many other books, you would realise that. Her plot is completely ridiculous.
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Harry Potter is AMAZING compared to stupid things like twilight. Twilight is a stupid love story for squealing girls and all they say is EDWARD IS SO HANDSOME BLAH BLA BLAH and they don't even bother to read Harry Potter. Meyer is a bad writer I don't know WHAT she was thinking when she wrote Twilight. Maybe she was drunk....
Harry Potter has an brilliant story line with an equal amount of funny, scary, sad and romantic bits. Twilight is just about some stupid teenager who get rescued by vampires whereever she goes. WHO wants to read that? Twilight makes me so angry because on surveys it always wins because theres too many squealing girls out there. Harry Potter IS a better series. Edwardcullen865 who posted is so obbsesed they made their username after edward stupid cullen. Come on people, HARRY POTTER AND J.K ROWLING IS SO MUCH BETTER!!
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Bluefire said:
sparrowpaw, I read both series and I never really liked Harry Potter. I think that it's too boring and the plot is just plain childish. And J.K. Rowling just wrote for money, which pretty much ruined the whole point of writing. I used to admire her but after I realized that she's writing just to get rich I lost all my respect for her. Twilight is a much better series in my opinion. What makes it appeal so much to girls is the innocence and beauty of love. It's kind of like a more extreme version of any book series that appeals to young girls. But then again, of course everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, this is just mine.
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PMT my friend read all of the twilight books and totally agrees that steph is a descriptive writer so did all of the 8 girls in my class so shut up (die harry potter)
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Bluefire said:
THANK YOU, Renesmee. PMT, I DO read other books. In fact I read a lot, but Twilight is just the best. :]
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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my pleasure Bluefire, HP fans sometimes just get on my nerves
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Bluefire said:
Yeah, ikr?
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Renesemee717, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have no right to tell PMT to shut up, and she won't. I personally think that Twilight is an okay story, but it's not that great. And I think Stephenie Meyer is a terrible author. Am I going to shut up about it? Nope. And what does it prove that your friend and 8 girls in your class think that Meyer is a better author? Does that automatically make that factual, because of the supposed popular opinion? Just because Twilight is "in?"

What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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First thing, and this is for Bluefire: if you think the Harry Potter plot is childish, you must not have read past the second book. From the third book on, the plot cannot be called childish. Twilight, on the other hand, is extremely childish in my opinion. It is all about a whiny Mary-Sue talking about how pretty her boyfriend is.

This is also for Bluefire: JK Rowling did not write just to get money. Whatever made you think that? Would JK Rowling honestly spend 15 years planning out every little detail if she were just writing for money? Scribbling a book in six months sounds a lot more like just wanting money to me.

Also, Twilight has no love. The only reason Bella likes Edward in the slightest is because he is pretty. If he were ugly, she wouldn't glance twice at him. The only people she actually likes in the book are all pretty. So what is this saying? That ugly people are a shame to society? What kind of a message is that? Edward is also extremely abusive. He controls who she sees, what she does, where she goes, and toys with her emotions to get his way. (How is getting Alice to kidnap her "love"?) He is stalkerish. How is breaking into her room to watch her sleep not creepy? This, my dear Twilight Fans, is called lust. It is often confused with love, but people who have read (and understood) Harry Potter know what love truly is.

Renesemee717: The HP Fans get on your nerves? What about the Twilight fans? At least the HP Fans have never ATTEMPTED MURDER because someone said they didn't like it! This is a fact, murder has been attempted for someone not liking Twilight. Do not say that the Harry Potter fans are ridiculous.

Twilight is poorly written and has no real plot. Bella is the most pathetic excuse for a protagonist in the history of forever, Edward is only liked because he is hot, the book has bad messages (ex. "Stalking = love, as long as it's a hot guy stalking you".) Bella abuses her friends and is the most whiny character ever. All the characters are one dimensional. The book is extremely predictable. The "action" is absolutely ridiculously pathetic. The humor isn't funny. It is a fad that will be forgotten in a few years. It is completely anti-feminist. I could go on and on and on, and I would be happy to challenge any Twi-hard.

Harry Potter, on the other hand, is exactly opposite. Harry Potter is amazing in every way :) (I know it isn't perfect, but I love it just the same)

Wow, that was really long. Sorry about that, guys!
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Look, all of you people that think Twilight is better because it has higher number of votes on surveys like this, If everyone in the world said that snow falls up would they be right? NO FREAKING WAY! HP is way better than Twilight ever can hope to be. If you need reasons, I can give them.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Bluefire said:
@XDRoseLuvsHP I read all 7 HP books and i didn't like them much. so yeah, I actually can compare the two series, and I think Twilgiht is better.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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That is fine. You are free to like Twilight better. I really don't mind. That is not my point. I'm just arguing some of your points as to why Twilight is better. I'm not saying you shouldn't like Twilight. I'm just making a point.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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jadle811 said:
I love Harry Potter. I would worship it if that wasn't weird. I have never read Twilight but my friend is addicted and so I know all of it's plot and stuff. I have read loads of books and the first chapter of Twilight and I just don't conect with it like I do with Harry Potter. Maybe it's just me, but I just don't like Twilight. Never have, never will. Like people and facebook. You either love it or hate it. I really don't maid but I thought I would make that point. Oh, and listening to everyone else got me thinking about how Robert Paterson is REALLY UGLY. If I had to choose between him and Daniel, I would so choose Daniel, not just because I love Harry Potter
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Bluefire said:
I want to thank those of you who didn't flame. I understand that some of us like Twilight better and some like Harry Potter better. It's an opinion. I get it. But please, RESPECT OTHERS! DON'T YELL OR FLAME!
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Read Twilight. Check.
Stephenie Meyer is a good writer. Check.
Twilight is good. Check.
2+2=22. Check.
I am a sparkling werewolf. Check.
Lost my mind. Check.

Read Harry Potter. Check.
J.K.Rowling is a great and intelligent author. Check.
Harry Potter is fantastic. Check.
2+2=4. Check.
I am a fan of good reading. Check.
That's what is called GOOD READING. Check.


posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Hehe DivyaHarry, that was funny :p

I don't think us HP fans are telling Twilight fans you can't say you like Twilight better, purely that you can't say Twilight is better. Because we have evidence that it is not. But feel free to like whatever crap you want, I'm like that with TV. I love some crappy shows, but I respect it may not be the best. :P
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Torment17 said:
Twilight was made in much thought.
Think of this.
Those of you who love action and are mad because Twilight is romance than look at the action scenes and Stephanie Meyer thought about the boys reading it. And the girls who love action. If you bought the newmoon dvd that had special edition disc the crew explain that there is action in parts.
HP is a very good book for girls and boys, and I respect all you HP fans but you liking HP suddenly makes you think that nothing else can be good too and that Twilight is instantly rubbish. No offense intended, because I respect everyones opinion, as long as they respect ours, too.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
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well i used to be a twlight fan Now im not...unless u count watching the movie's is being a fan i was in the 3rd or 4th grade when i learned and read the harry potter books i was hooked and i wanted to finish the seris....then 2 or 3 years later i learned about twlight at first i thought twlight sucked...because i didnt read it then i read it the 1st book was good the 2nd was kind of boring the 3rd was rubbish and the 4th was embrassing i started hateing and not being a fan of the seris near the middle of my 6th grade year...harry potter on the other hand teaches u something and I ABOUSLULEY Hate Edward cullen i like Jacob Better and i disagree with torment17 on what she said about likeing hp we dont respect anything else i respect twlight but i just think harry potter is better it is my opinion after all
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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I would like to just put out there that Rob pattenson would rather play cedric diggorey than edward. :)
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Twilight fans think that their all special when they haven't even READ Harry Potter. If they had read them they would know that HP is all about love and fighting for whats right...not a lovesick, whiny girl that is opposed with a Vampire. I have read twilight and its good...but it could never even come close of HP. The word twilight doesn't deserve to be one the same page as the word Harry Potter...
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BTW both series are AMAZING! My list of top 3 series is HP, HUNGER GAMES, TWILIGHT. HP over rules.
posted پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک.
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Twilight fans... actually READ HP and then we'll talk. At least most of the HP fans have read twilight! And if you have only watched the movies then you are a sad sad soul indeed...tisk-tisk
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bri-marie said:
Majority of the active Twilight fans here have read Harry Potter.
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