Hunter x Hunter Club
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added by lyssarie_02
added by blue-roze
Source: my_nameisyoon
added by blue-roze
added by blue-roze
added by hayhay28
added by blue-roze
Source: anime365ent
added by Hisokasimp
Source: hxh creators
added by Blacklillium
added by Blacklillium
Source: royallguards
added by Blacklillium
posted by anime_cutiez
So what do آپ think?Is Kurapika a boy یا a girl?Many people asked me that like a MILLION times now.Being a Hunter X Hunter پرستار forever,I personally agree that Kurapika is a boy.You need proof?Here it is:

1) HxH's creator, Togashi, کہا so in his published Hunter's Guide

2) Kurapika was shown half-naked on the cover of volume 14. Aside from the fact that he has no breasts, there are legalities that prevent people from publishing manga volume covers with naked girls on them

3)Watch the anime, read the manga. He sits like a boy, he stands like a boy, he moves like a boy.

So,what do آپ think?
added by blue-roze
Source: LYDart_Mclo
added by blue-roze
Source: nyallukaa
added by blue-roze
added by blue-roze
added by blue-roze
added by blue-roze
Source: clay0229
added by Blacklillium
added by hayhay28
added by blue-roze