1:she's a zombie that stils souls from the dead
2:she took the half of the juwle(spelling)that inuyasha had and gave it to naraku
3:she tried to take inuyasha to hell with her wile(spelling)inuyasha was unconsie
4:she tried to kill kagome
5:she tried to kill inuyasha
6:in inuyasha movie 1 she pushed kagome down the well telling here yet she is dead
7:she took half of kagome's soul
8:every time she falls off a cliff she somehow maneges to survive
9:she shot inuyasha with an arrow binding him to that tree
10:when ever she comes around inuyasha always gose to see her wich resalts in her makeing kagome cry it's not inuyasha's falt if kikyo would have stayed dead kagome and inyasha woulden't have to cry all the time. and theres my ten resons for hateing kikyo.
2:she took the half of the juwle(spelling)that inuyasha had and gave it to naraku
3:she tried to take inuyasha to hell with her wile(spelling)inuyasha was unconsie
4:she tried to kill kagome
5:she tried to kill inuyasha
6:in inuyasha movie 1 she pushed kagome down the well telling here yet she is dead
7:she took half of kagome's soul
8:every time she falls off a cliff she somehow maneges to survive
9:she shot inuyasha with an arrow binding him to that tree
10:when ever she comes around inuyasha always gose to see her wich resalts in her makeing kagome cry it's not inuyasha's falt if kikyo would have stayed dead kagome and inyasha woulden't have to cry all the time. and theres my ten resons for hateing kikyo.