Jacob Black Club
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added by CrazyForCamGX
added by Brysis
Source: celebuzz & just jared jr.
added by Natbr
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made سے طرف کی me - flowerdrop
added by fatoshleo
Source: @BreakingDawnMov
added by TaylorandPeter
added by Natbr
added by Andressa_Weld
added by nessie-eska
Source: Summit Entertainment + nessie-eska
posted by floydieface

When Nessie finally forgave me it felt like all the wrongs in the world were suddenly set right. I still didn’t understand Bella’s gift of sending us to Hawaii. Nessie and I could have worked this out back home. I wondered what would make Bella think of Hawaii. What did she know that I didn’t? What exactly was Bella’s plan? Why would she send her unwed daughter with me of all people to Hawaii? Nessie had rejected my proposal to her and I certainly wouldn’t have thought to let my daughter go away anywhere with a guy alone. Not if I had a daughter. It wasn’t because Bella...
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added by az0965022
Source: tumblr
added by AdaLove
Source: fuckyeahjacobbella.tumblr.com
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made سے طرف کی me - flowerdrop
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made سے طرف کی me - flowerdrop
added by Natbr
added by nessie-eska
Source: Summit Entertainment + nessie-eska
added by moonlightgirl
Source: lainey gossip