Justin Bieber Justin Bieber in Australia.

comeatme posted on Apr 04, 2011 at 09:49AM
Oh yeah, I have no idea what this is or what you do so I'm just going to write random stuff and see if I get any reply.
Hi, hey, hello, bonjour (is that how you spell it) yeah, um... I'm from Australia and it is currently Monday. 4 days till the holidays! YEAAAAAAAH MAN <--- Usher's voice.
Anyways, I am bored and I just signed up. This probably isn't what you do on this site but, mmmmh.
ANYWAY, I need my laptop charger. 3 mins remaining, NINJA STYLE NOW.
Back now, which you didn't notice I bet. And I also bet there is no you reading this so yeah.
Justin Bieber is in Australia jsut after the holidays, 2nd day back to school. EXCITING? I think sooo.
He should be amazing, yeah. I'm going to the Sydney concert, EPIC, SWAG, BEAST.
K, this is pretty boring, I just felt like saying all this.
Alright, bye now!


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