Michael And Younger Sister, Janet

Signing Autographs For His Fans
1. Mikegasm: An orgasmic sensation created سے طرف کی watching videos, کنسرٹ performances, پرستار videos, یا thinking sexually about Michael Jackson. During a mikegasm, one usually feels horny and lustful; and has an increased desire to have sex with کہا person.
Example: Oh, my God; everytime I watch Dirty Diana, I get a freakin' mikegasm when he rips his شرٹ, قمیض off! Damn!
2. Mikegasm: A particularly strong orgasm cause سے طرف کی watching Michael Jackson's sexiness. Frequently caused سے طرف کی the آپ Are Not Alone موسیقی video, where all he's wearing is a sheet.
Example: Michael: Hehehe... *grabs crotch and grins* Girl: Ooooh.. MIKEGASM!
I found this on one of the other MJ پرستار clubs. Lol
Example: Oh, my God; everytime I watch Dirty Diana, I get a freakin' mikegasm when he rips his شرٹ, قمیض off! Damn!
2. Mikegasm: A particularly strong orgasm cause سے طرف کی watching Michael Jackson's sexiness. Frequently caused سے طرف کی the آپ Are Not Alone موسیقی video, where all he's wearing is a sheet.
Example: Michael: Hehehe... *grabs crotch and grins* Girl: Ooooh.. MIKEGASM!
I found this on one of the other MJ پرستار clubs. Lol

The rose Michael had left behind for Taylor as if he was living part of himself behind with Taylor

imagine sparkles on the top part of the dress

i miss u and u know its true
it's true......
I miss u Michael RIP :'( (breaks into tears)He will always always be the king of pop forever and that will never ever change

I know that almost everyone believes that Michael Jackson is dead, but what if he's not? I mean, if آپ think about it, he probably had enough money to fake his entire death! He could have hired actors to play the coroner and doctors, and now he is happily retired on some private island that's not on the map! His children might know that he is alive and they might just be acting like he's dead! Also, his coffin was closed at the funeral, so maybe there was no body in it! So, maybe the king of pop is really alive! Think about that!

"I simply hide behind my masks. Oh, how I hate these masks! Under them I can hardly breathe."
Joe Jackson is now revealing why he put a $500 million price tag on his wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray. His theory -- "The مزید آپ go, the less آپ get ... so I went high."
During Joe's interview with GOOM Radio -- in which sported some severely oversized MJ bling -- he کہا Dr. Murray was just "the fall guy" ... and that a lot of other people were to blame for his son's death.
Joe also took issue with our story that he was following Oprah Winfrey around like a کتے dog during her sit-down interview with the Jackson family earlier this ماہ ... but you'll have to watch the video for the lowdown.
During Joe's interview with GOOM Radio -- in which sported some severely oversized MJ bling -- he کہا Dr. Murray was just "the fall guy" ... and that a lot of other people were to blame for his son's death.
Joe also took issue with our story that he was following Oprah Winfrey around like a کتے dog during her sit-down interview with the Jackson family earlier this ماہ ... but you'll have to watch the video for the lowdown.
The first shipment of Katherine Jackson's coffee میز, جدول book about Michael Jackson isn't exactly flying off the shelves in Gary, Indiana. In fact the کتابیں never even made it to the shelves, because they were stolen.
A rep from the publisher, Vintage Pop, tells TMZ they FedEx'd seven boxes of "Never Can Say Goodbye" to the ہوم of a Jackson family friend in Gary ... and they were supposed to end up for sale at the new MJ monument. But someone absolutely, positively wanted them so badly, they چرا لیا, چوری کی them right off the front steps of the house where they were left.
A rep from the publisher, Vintage Pop, tells TMZ they FedEx'd seven boxes of "Never Can Say Goodbye" to the ہوم of a Jackson family friend in Gary ... and they were supposed to end up for sale at the new MJ monument. But someone absolutely, positively wanted them so badly, they چرا لیا, چوری کی them right off the front steps of the house where they were left.

TMZ sunflowers
Lisa Marie Presley's prayers have been answered -- TMZ has learned a پھول company is about to deliver a field's worth of sunflowers to Michael Jackson's burial site in Glendale, CA.
Jason Levin from sunflowerguy.com tells TMZ he's shipping several thousand sunflowers -- which were Michael's پسندیدہ -- to his mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery today.
Levin's donation follows Lisa Marie's MySpace posting Wednesday, complaining that Michael deserves مزید than the few bouquets, candles and gifts that currently surround his tomb.
Ask and آپ shall receive ... sunflowers.
See also
Lisa Marie Presley Wants Flowers at MJ's Tomb
MJ شائقین Dispute Lisa Marie's Cemetery Claims
The Force Is Strong with Blanket Jackson
Tags: Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley
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Michael Jackson