Michael Jackson Club
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Have آپ seen the recording of the live performance of آپ Are Not Alone سے طرف کی Michael Jackson during the HIStory Tour in Munich 1997? If آپ care for Michael Jackson آپ probably have. (Otherwise, آپ can find it on YouTube.) There is this girl with the Teddy برداشت, ریچھ who’s screaming her lungs out when the song starts. Suddenly, a man pulls her out of the crowd and they both run up to the stage. And there she literally jumps at Michael. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him close. She’s crying, screaming (we can’t hear her because it’s a playback). Then she falls to her knees and hugs...
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 Michael And Younger Sister, Janet
Michael And Younger Sister, Janet
Whether it's a mother, sister, daughter, female colleague, lover, spouse, friend, یا female fan, these women played an important part in Michael's life.Michael has been seen the company of women over the years; as well, as being romantically linked to some other the most beautiful women from Brooke Shields to Whitney Houston. However, Michael disappointed his female شائقین when him and alongside new wife, Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson,by way of his production company, MJJ Productions, Inc.,released a statement informing the media of their حالیہ nuptials, which took place in Domincan Republic, on...
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Ola Ray: “I met Jane Fonda at the studio while getting my makeup done and she asked me to take [Michael] a note and give him a kiss and a hug. When I told Michael about the kiss he said, ‘Well…!?’”

Frank Cascio on Karen Faye: “I called her سے طرف کی the nickname Michael had دیا her – Turkle. Michael loved Turkle and messed with her all the time. If she was wearing a zippered jacket, he’d try to unzip it. If she was wearing a skirt, he’d lift it up.”

About Michael kissing a پرستار in 1981: How Michael Jackson, sexy lead singer of the Jacksons, surprised a female پرستار who broke through...
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posted by cherl12345
 Signing Autographs For His شائقین
Signing Autographs For His Fans
"You really want to have it", Maris replied, "of cousre", Michael also replied, "I was intending on giving it to آپ on our first, تاریخ but I forgot". Michael had placed the book on order weeks after they first met at Quantrell's رات کے کھانے, شام کا کھانا party, and had it sent o his office. He it would be good way for Maris to get to know him as person; as well, as an entertainer, so he gave her a personal copy of the book for her read. "Oh, Michael", Maris replied, "I really don't know what to say". "You don't have to thank me"Michael replied, " I wanted to have it". "Thank you, Michael", she replied and she...
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1. Mikegasm: An orgasmic sensation created سے طرف کی watching videos, کنسرٹ performances, پرستار videos, یا thinking sexually about Michael Jackson. During a mikegasm, one usually feels horny and lustful; and has an increased desire to have sex with کہا person.
Example: Oh, my God; everytime I watch Dirty Diana, I get a freakin' mikegasm when he rips his شرٹ, قمیض off! Damn!

2. Mikegasm: A particularly strong orgasm cause سے طرف کی watching Michael Jackson's sexiness. Frequently caused سے طرف کی the آپ Are Not Alone موسیقی video, where all he's wearing is a sheet.
Example: Michael: Hehehe... *grabs crotch and grins* Girl: Ooooh.. MIKEGASM!

I found this on one of the other MJ پرستار clubs. Lol
 The rose Michael had left behind for Taylor as if he was living part of himself behind with Taylor
The rose Michael had left behind for Taylor as if he was living part of himself behind with Taylor
I slowly turned around to see the handsome angel I grew to love, staring at me in the eyes while laying there with nothing but his silky black pajama pants. I was in pure happiness to see that he was home. "Michael! What are آپ doing here?" he didn't answer. He just leaned towards me and gave me a slow passionate kiss. I kissed him back as I began to cry seeing and feeling him here at home. I never shut my eyes as we kissed. I wanted to see him. Michael slowly rolled onto me and just kissed me slowly as if this was the last time forever. I didn't mind because I never got tired of his touch....
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About a week goes سے طرف کی and michael has pretty much forgotten all about that horriable Nighmare he had. Everything seems to be going oka, but as the days go سے طرف کی wierd things begian happening. The occurances are nothing major just things randomly happening without explaination.

Diane is at ہوم سے طرف کی herself washing dishes. Suddenly she hears what sounds like sccurying in the dinning room. "Michael, girls are آپ there?" Diane called thinking michael and the girls came in the side door for whatever reason. When she walked into the Dinning room the door that led outside to the pato was slightly ajar....
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The اگلے Day
Michael got ready in a hurry, excited about دکھانا Saronia around his home.
He ran to the بارن, گودام and opened the large doors.
Light shone in, causing Saronia to jump up and back into a dark area.
"Oh c'mon sleepy head!! Its time to ride!!" Michael exclaimed happily.
He opened her stall and let her out, throwing a mat onto her back.
She looked at him.
"What?" He asked. She just shook her head.
He then strapped the saddle on her and put the rest of the riding gear onto her.
She seemed to be fine with all of it and just stood there calmly.
"Alright. Now, lets see how آپ react then."
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 imagine sparkles on the سب, سب سے اوپر part of the dress
imagine sparkles on the top part of the dress
The اگلے day
Michael woke up and stretched. Today was the wedding and he was excited and nervous. He, Chris, and his brothers were to be the first ones at the church to prevent him from seeing his bride. He got up and popped his back and went into the bathroom to fix his hair, humming Someone In The Dark. 'I'm nervous about today, but I hope I can get through this. I think Aislinn is thinking the same thing.' He thought. He heard the doorbell and went to answer it to see his brothers and Chris. He let them in and went back into the bedroom to get his suit.
At Cory's House
Aislinn was up pretty...
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posted by fayegaringan123
آپ are my sister
Forever and ever
I don't know what I'll do
If I will lose you
For آپ are the dearest in my heart
We will never تقسیم, الگ کریں apart

If آپ ever think that I have left you
That I never cared for you
My dear loving sister آپ may be wrong
I'm always here for آپ singing this special song
Never will I leave آپ for I am your sister
In times of your troubles and sorrow, I'm here for you

When آپ are lonely and don't know what to do
Just call my name and I'll be there for you
If آپ need a shoulder to lean on, I am here
If آپ think I'm so far away, I'm always there, I'm always near
We can make it through...
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Only آپ can be the one even though i know your gone.Only آپ can fix my دل that's broken i wont pretend.Only آپ can understand everything i really am mmmm.The only one who found my smile was آپ and i see your face there when i close my eyes and i cant even erase the way i feel inside.i still remember all we shared how much i wish u knew that i... miss you.only u can say the word so my دل wont have to hurt.only u can stop the tears from falling im calling.only آپ can make it right i wish that آپ were سے طرف کی my side.the only one who made me laugh was u and i see your face there when i close my eyes and i cant even erase the way i feel inside i still remember all we shared how much i wish u knew that i miss u.
i miss u and u know its true
it's true......
I miss u Michael RIP :'( (breaks into tears)He will always always be the king of pop forever and that will never ever change
I know that almost everyone believes that Michael Jackson is dead, but what if he's not? I mean, if آپ think about it, he probably had enough money to fake his entire death! He could have hired actors to play the coroner and doctors, and now he is happily retired on some private island that's not on the map! His children might know that he is alive and they might just be acting like he's dead! Also, his coffin was closed at the funeral, so maybe there was no body in it! So, maybe the king of pop is really alive! Think about that!
posted by WhisperOfLove
 "I simply hide behind my masks. Oh, how I hate these masks! Under them I can hardly breathe."
"I simply hide behind my masks. Oh, how I hate these masks! Under them I can hardly breathe."
"For that there is someone out there who understands me. Maybe there are more. If I may I’d like to write some sentences to the people of the world. Sentences آپ will never find in your newspapers, because for that they are not spectacular enough.

Dear people,
I would like to ask آپ a سوال – the سوال WHY. Why is there so much poverty in the world? Why so many wars? Why so much torture and agony? And why must children die and innocent suffer? I don’t understand it. Do آپ understand it?
I want to help. I want to make people happy, and may it be just for a moment. That is what gives...
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Joe Jackson is now revealing why he put a $500 million price tag on his wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray. His theory -- "The مزید آپ go, the less آپ get ... so I went high."

During Joe's interview with GOOM Radio -- in which sported some severely oversized MJ bling -- he کہا Dr. Murray was just "the fall guy" ... and that a lot of other people were to blame for his son's death.

Joe also took issue with our story that he was following Oprah Winfrey around like a کتے dog during her sit-down interview with the Jackson family earlier this ماہ ... but you'll have to watch the video for the lowdown.
The first shipment of Katherine Jackson's coffee میز, جدول book about Michael Jackson isn't exactly flying off the shelves in Gary, Indiana. In fact the کتابیں never even made it to the shelves, because they were stolen.

A rep from the publisher, Vintage Pop, tells TMZ they FedEx'd seven boxes of "Never Can Say Goodbye" to the ہوم of a Jackson family friend in Gary ... and they were supposed to end up for sale at the new MJ monument. But someone absolutely, positively wanted them so badly, they چرا لیا, چوری کی them right off the front steps of the house where they were left.
 TMZ sunflowers
TMZ sunflowers
Originally گیا کیا پوسٹ May 14th 2010 12:35 AM PDT سے طرف کی TMZ Staff
Lisa Marie Presley's prayers have been answered -- TMZ has learned a پھول company is about to deliver a field's worth of sunflowers to Michael Jackson's burial site in Glendale, CA.

Jason Levin from sunflowerguy.com tells TMZ he's shipping several thousand sunflowers -- which were Michael's پسندیدہ -- to his mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery today.

Levin's donation follows Lisa Marie's MySpace posting Wednesday, complaining that Michael deserves مزید than the few bouquets, candles and gifts that currently surround his tomb.

Ask and آپ shall receive ... sunflowers.

See also
Lisa Marie Presley Wants Flowers at MJ's Tomb
MJ شائقین Dispute Lisa Marie's Cemetery Claims
The Force Is Strong with Blanket Jackson
Tags: Michael Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley

Read more: link


Your butt is mine
gonna take آپ right
just دکھائیں your face
in broad daylight
I'm telling you
on how I feel
gonna hurt your mind
don't shoot to kill
sham'on, sham'on
lay it on me all right...

I'm giving you
on count of three
to دکھائیں your stuff
or let it be. . .
I'm telling you
just watch your mouth
I know your game
what you're about

Well they say the sky's
the limit
and to me that's really true
but my friend آپ have
seen nothing
just wait 'til I get
through. . .

Because I'm bad, I'm bad-
(bad bad-really, really bad)
you know I'm bad, I'm bad-
you know it
(bad bad-really, really bad)
you know I'm bad, I'm bad-
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 Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

They Say That He Was a Boy Who Became a Man, And That As a Man He Became a Boy. The King Of Pop Now Lays To Rest, And All We Have Are Memories Of Good Music, ویڈیوز And His Legacy. Michael Jackson, Who Died Two Months Shy Of His 51st Birthday, Will Never Grow Old. But Then, He Never Wanted To Grow Old. One Of His پسندیدہ Animated Stories Was That Of Walt Disney's Peter Pan, The Boy Who Never Grew Up. Michael Had Spent Over 45 Years Entertaining The Public, First As a Member Of The Jackson Five, And Later As The Most Famous Entertainer In The World. Beloved سے طرف کی شائقین From...
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posted by Beatit
She always takes it with a دل of stone
'Cause all she does
It throws it back to me
I've spent a lifetime looking for someone
Don't try to understand me
Just simply do the things I say

Love is a feeling
Give it when I want it
'Cause I'm on fire
Quench my desire
Give it when I want it
Talk to me, woman
Give in to me
Give in to me

You always knew just how to make me cry
And never did I ask آپ سوالات why
It seems آپ get your kicks from hurting me
Don't try to understand me
Because your words just aren't enough

Love is a feeling
Quench my desire
Give it when I want it
Taking me higher
Love is a woman
I don't wanna...
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The biggest سال in history was 1972. But what is the reason? How is 1972 the longest year? There are two reasons behind being the longest year. One is lip year, the other is two 'lip seconds'. Usually we haven't heard much about lip سیکنڈ even when we hear about lip year