Prince Michael Jackson Club
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posted by Bieber-Jackson
I was waiting سے طرف کی the phone for hours to get the call and finally Justin called me."Hey Halle" Justin کہا "Hey whats up?" i asked pretending that i didn't know why he was calling "Well i'm calling about your audition and i just wanted to say آپ are my new backup dancer!" Justin کہا "Really?" I asked "Yeah the other girl wasn't as good as you" Justin کہا "Thanks Justin" I کہا i hung up the phone.Prince came in."Did آپ get it?" He asked "Yeah but i don't think i want it" i کہا "I know but i will be at every کنسرٹ i can" Prince کہا "I know but i dont want to leave آپ no way i dont want...
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posted by PMJLOVER101
ارے everyone,

I'm planning to start a fanfic but i need your opinions. Here are my ideas and summary.

15 سال old Maddie and 16 سال old Prince have done something they shouldn't have. After Prince ends his realtionship with Maddie, she has to go through her unplanned pregnancy alone.

"Cause when you're fifteen,and someone tells آپ they love you, you're gonna believe them..."
آپ will Taylor Swift, until they hurt you.

-Maddie is pregnant
-Prince may seem like a jerk in this story
-Prince cheats on Maddie
-Prince's new GF is Natalie Adaams
-Maddie is starting a موسیقی career when she gets pregnant

THis story will be گیا کیا پوسٹ on
It will be called Don't Let Me Go.

Does this story sound good? I really need to know.

GUYS!!!! I need a stage name for Maddie!
I was in LAX with my brother, my dad and mum. We were going to Disney World (Orlando). After we checked in, we went to gate 19 to Wait for our flight. I was hungry so I decided to buy something in Starbucks since we had to wait like 5 hours.
While I was on the line for paying I noticed 3 paparazzi behind me and then a girl started screaming. After I got my Starbucks I was going return with my family when I decided to go to the bathroom. When i was finished I washed my hands and dry them. Slowly I opened the door, the floor was wet so I tripped on someones shoe and I just went straight to the...
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Two paparazzi were handcuffed سے طرف کی cops after allegedly blowing red lights while chasing Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris Jackson ... TMZ has learned.
The photogs -- not TMZ -- were allegedly chasing the car Paris was in, blowing red lights and driving recklessly, trying to get a shot of MJ's daughter.

We're told the cops are not going to arrest the photogs because police didn't see the chase. In fact, they will not even be cited for the same reason.
Instead, we're told a crime رپورٹ will be written and forwarded to the L.A. City Attorney for possible prosecution.


Note: Paris even tweeted about this.
posted by princelvr123
At school:(Prince's point of view)
As i walked to the door of the school the girl i saw yesterday. I growled softly before she got to me. "I forgot to tell آپ my name. It's kylie." Then she put a little piece of paper in my hand. I saw nicole and ran over to her. I handed her the note to read out loud. I havnt read it yet because i was scared. What she read:"Hey prince, if آپ ever get rid of that tramp آپ can have me. I love آپ and know where آپ live so آپ dont have to tell me your address. Love always, kylie." "If we stay together she wont get you. People are scared of me, atleast the...
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TMZ has learned 13-year-old Prince and 12-year-old Paris started at The Buckley School in the San Fernando Valley on Wednesday.

Family sources tell TMZ ... Prince wanted to go to Buckley to have "a social experience." Initially, Paris was reluctant but changed her mind in a big way.

As for 8-year-old Blanket -- he's still going to be homeschooled. Katherine Jackson feels he's too young to venture out.

Me and my friend Jean-Michel who I have a total crush on walk to our charter school that is very much like private school only free the papz are usually swarmed outside the gate cuz police patrol it till 5 cuz Prince, Paris, and Blanket who happen to be my friends. Jean-Michel’s hair has just been cut and still has the medium brown with natural سونا in his hair. His skins a light brown and his eyes match the color of his hair. Prince gets out of the seceritys SUV and dashes to us his medium length wavy brown hair gently blowing in the wind his deep gorgeous brown eyes meet my hazel. “ So...
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We told y’all about a woman named Mocienne Petit Jackson who came out of the woodwork claiming to be MJ’s seed. Well, Diana Ross’ sister came آگے and کہا MPJ is crazy and she don’t even KNOW that ho*!

According to TMZ, the sordid Jackson family story is even مزید crazy than we thought.

A woman who claims to be Michael Jackson’s illegitimate love child — conceived when MJ was a minor — has filed legal documents claiming there was a diabolical plot to cover up her existence … involving murder, abduction and Diana Ross’ sister.

The alleged MJ spawn — Mocienne Petit Jackson...
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MICHAEL Jackson’s kids have slammed a close family friend and banned him from their lives after he claimed their dad was gay.

Jacko’s former dermatologist pal Dr Arnold Klein was seen as an unofficial godfather to the star’s children.

But he’s now been branded a “Judas” for spreading rumours that the superstar singer slept with men.

The Jackson family was outraged after Klein backed up a story from his assistant, Jason Pfeiffer, who claimed he had sex with the late King of Pop.

Pfeiffer claimed on US TV that he and Jackson were lovers and “soul-mates”.

Dr Klein, who says he has had...
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Jermaine Jackson's 13-year-old son, Jaafar, ordered the stun gun online that triggered a visit from the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services last night ... TMZ has learned.

We broke the story that DCFS came to the Jackson family house in Encino last night at around 10:30 after someone told them that Jaafar ordered the gun. Randy Jackson tells TMZ the gun was delivered to the house 3 weeks پہلے -- but was intercepted سے طرف کی security.

Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Adam Streisand, tells TMZ Katherine took control of the gun and locked it up. We're told DCFS took the gun away last night....
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( full family at Police station including Kathrine)
Police: when was the last time آپ saw your sister?
Prince: after school i went into the bathroom then when i came out she was gone
Police: did آپ witness her abduction?
Prince: ( takes a deep breath) Yes...
Police: i know آپ dont want to talk about it but what happend?
Prince: well i saw a man wearing a leather جیکٹ with a baseball hat and he dragged Paris into the Car i ran after them but they gained speed and got out of sight
police did آپ see the mans face?
Prince: No
Police: well your information will help us find your sister
Prince: please...
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posted by Jackson-Bieber
Prince's POV:

"Where R U" I Texted Carlee "With 2 People Tht U Dnt Kno" Carlee Answered "Who R U With?" I Asked "My BF" Carlee Answered. Her BF? Doesn't That Stand For BOYFRIEND?! "Im Coming 2 Pick u Up, wher R U?" I texted "Look im visiting 2 Ppl that I love, Leave Me alone" Carlee Texted Back.

I Really Hoped That Carlee Was Okay, I Didn't Want Anything To Happen To Her, یا I Would NEVER Forgive Myself. Why Does My Life Have To Be So Complicated? Well, It's Mostly Carlee's Fault, Before She Started Coming Around I Was Perfectly Fine & Happy... Now Whenever I See Her *Cough* My..My Uh..My, My,My Dick Goes UP,UP,UP!

Fuck. Why Me?

"Look. I'm coming ہوم right now. i'll be there in about 30 minutes. kay?" Carlee texted "Kay♥" I Answered

Why Me?
posted by alicia_cameron
Characters: Thalia Myers [13]; Alexis Taylor [13]; Tyler Myers [9]; Jaafar [14]; Prince [13]; Paris [12]; Jermajesty [10]; Blanket [8].
Thalia’s P.O.V.
I haven’t seen the Jackson’s in two years now, because I moved to London with my mother, my cousin Alexis and my brother Tyler, from California. I’m moving back in a week and half, on July 5, to be exact. I’m really excited to go back and see everyone! They have amazing voices; all of them should be famous! I’m so bored.
“Alexis, Tyler, what do wanna do?” I asked, “Oh, I know! Let’s watch TV,” I said, turning on the TV and...
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Could Michael Jackson's older son have the same rare skin condition that the King of Pop steadfastly maintained he had?

White patches of skin under Prince Michael's arm were noticeably visible when he wore swim trunks on a حالیہ Hawaiian vacation, prompting speculation that the skin-bleaching disorder vitiligo could be the cause.

Michael Jackson کہا the condition was to blame for the gradual but steady lightening of his own skin and with his 13-year-old son displaying similar symptoms, skeptics who سوال the paternity of Jackson’s children may finally be convinced that the singer really...
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The اگلے part of The Voice I hear inside my head will take place a week from the last part because it makes مزید sense. It took a long time even though I didn't leave town because I had a stupid softball game. But, I have spent a huge amount of time puking at the sight of Jaafar's face. So, the story is going to change and probably end in about a week یا two. It really just depends pn how weak my stomach is. Every time I type his name I get sick to my stomach. It's not that I don't like him anymore, it's just that his face nauseates me. So writing this story would be bad for my health. But I've decided to write another one to replace this one. The other one will be better becasue honestly The Voice I Hear Inside My Head was a pile of hot steaming ہاتھی sh*t:p So I am so looking آگے to ending this story. The only reason I'm going to actually finish it is for the 3 people that liked it:)
Me and Prince are in the ماند, خلوت خانہ I'm reading Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Askaban for the 3rd time and he's reading the Series of Unfortanate Events the Grim Grotto. The Kai comes in and shouts " Prince Dr. Murry wants آپ something may be wrong with your dad." Prince and I spring to our feet and run up the stairs he's faster then me and gets there first. Prince rushes to his dad's side but all I can think about is that the lifeless man on the بستر who's been my role model since I was 9. What breaks me of my zone out is Prince screaming at Dr. Murry " Why are آپ just standing there do something"....
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I walked into the house. Everything was quiet. A creepy calm was bestowed in the rooms. I walked through the whole ہوم with my phone in my hand making sure no one was in there. I came to my room last. The horror of everything was still stained into the walls, like a horrible scar. The sheets were messy from when he shoved me on it. Cigarette buds and cans of بیئر littered the room. I looked up at the painting of the lake my کیبن was on. The paint meshed together, making the water look so real it makes آپ want to touch it just to see if it is. It reminded me of Prince. I took...
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(Anna's Point Of View)

After playing with Blanket, I went into the kitchen. Katherine was talking to my mom. I walked out the kitchen. I saw Prince coming downstairs. I smiled when I looked at him. I felt my دل melt. He smiled back at me. He stared at eachother until Blanket came running up to me. "Want to go in the pool with me? We can race!" Blanket insisted. "Sure!" I said. I went upstairs to get on my bathing suit.

I got dressed and went downstairs. Blanket was really excited. I went outside with him. We jumped in the pool. "Why don't we have a race?" I suggested. He nodded yes....
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The doctor - who is facing manslaughter charges after being accused of administering a lethal amount of the anesthetic Propofol to Michael Jackson prior to his death on June 25, 2009 - reportedly plans to call Prince Michael, 13, and 12-year-old Paris to his trial اگلے year.

He is کہا to believe the late 'King of Pop's offspring will reveal their father had long-standing addictions, and had been ill for months prior to his sudden death.

An insider explained to the News of the World newspaper: "If they back him it will work well in the eyes of a jury."

A preliminary hearing - which will see prosecutors...
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Prince must've seen Sammy and Paris,too. He jumped out of the pool and ran towards them. I was right behind him. When we got to the fence, i saw Kylie and Adrianne holding Kansas. He was yelling. Sammy and Paris we yelling at Kylie and Adrianne. I went to the gate to open it. Prince, Paris, and Sammy where right behind me.

"How did آپ get here?" Prince asked angrily.

"Your Grandma let me in." Kylie answered.

"Why did آپ bring Kansas?" I asked.

"Because he has to tell آپ something." Kylie answered.

"Nicole, I have never liked you. I have always liked Sammy. I was using you. Now that Sammy is...
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