Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on titan) Club
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Hello, I'm new in this club but not in Fanpop. I've just finished watching the first season and I was thinking about which character would be the strongest and which one would be the weakest.

Credit to IllusionDolls, who helped me with the article.


I can't understand how this girl was able to enter in the unicorns, I really can't understand how she is alive. I haven't seen her using her swords once. She has a weak personality, yes she is kind, but people with this type of personality are the...
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posted by zanhar1
Any time I enter a fandom and pick a پسندیدہ character that I really love, I feel obligated to make one of these, 'why I like' articles. So here's why I like Annie so much.

One of the main reasons I got into Annie's character is because I simply find her to be an intriguing character. For the most part she was very quiet and stoic but definitely has something مزید going on beneath the surface. مجموعی طور پر I like her personality. There are characters who like to play the hero and there are characters who have مزید selfish desires, but feel bad for doing so (like Jean). And then there's Annie who...
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So this topic is floating around community, thought I'd give my ramble opinion on it.

Colossal I'd say is the weakest.

Eren is kind of a one trick pony. "Rawr" *Charges*
Reiner was shown using similar straight آگے tactics, I believe Eren remarks upon him using nothing but offense, could be wrong, been a while.

The agility the dancing gets from her size is significant. My only issue is if she could get through the armor of Reiner.
And Annie, I think she has the best مجموعی طور پر stats with a well rounded fighting style, in the عملی حکمت Eren gets the better of her because he came out of nowhere with a...
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NOTE: The reason the whole story refers to me is 'MimiBlue' instead of 'animegurl235' is because i copied and pasted this straight from my fanfiction account


and I was to lazy to ترمیم anything :P. So yeah! ENjoy!

Hi guys! This is MimiBlue and it's my first fanfiction! YAY! I really want to be a writer when I grow up so I just wrote this small story based off of Episode 5 of Attack on Titan I love love LOVE the pairing of Eren and Mikasa so I just HAD to write this! :D SO without further ado…. 'Promise Me'. (Told from Mikasa's POV) And the عنوان SUCKS I know
P.S: plz R&R

NOTE: At...
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To pick a body apart takes special precision. آپ have to dig deep, deep into the flesh, through the muscles, until آپ hit bone. In some cases آپ have to dig your way through a crystal first. After months of picking and prying Zoe has managed to strike gold, which in that case, is the venerable form slumbering deep within the crystal. And a treasure she is; a female titan, finally ready for subjection to Zoe’s curiosity. She hoisted Annie out of the crystal’s husk with rough hands. She regarded her with the same inquisitiveness as she did Eren. But this time the Titan is all hers. What...
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posted by digimon_lover_
Dear readers,
This is an rp/roleplay /fanfiction for attack on titan
The regular characters will be there and just so آپ can enjoy it even مزید آپ can make an oc character and I'll put it in the fanfic.I even made one for the fanfic myself.

For the oc character imput
1-whats his یا her first and last name?
2-whats their appearance?
3-do آپ want them to be in a relationship with anyone
4-if آپ want them to be in a relationship with someone than with who?

My oc character
Alexis Yeager
She wears black and red باسکٹ, باسکٹ بال shorts with a red t-shirt and black nikes
She has long black hair and velvet eyes
And last she's in a relationship with levi