The Heroes of Olympus The Call of Chaos: The Stolen Lightning Bolt

ChampionChaos posted on Apr 08, 2012 at 09:14AM
This is a story about Chaos and Order( or Percy Jackson) and how they created the universe, the Order gets put into a deep slumber, then wakes up as Percy Jackson and goes threw his quest.
Disclaim: Don't own PJO or HoO
Call of Chaos Series
Book One: The Stolen Lightning Bolt
Book Two: The Golden Fleece
Book Three: Titans Punishment
Book Four: The Labyrith
Book Five: The Power of Order

Percy Jackson characters Are Owned by Rick Riordan

The Heroes of Olympus 100 جوابات

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک jojo12313 said…
plz post soon
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Chapter Five: Camp Half-Blood
* At Camp*
3rd Person P.O.V

Percy knew that Greek Mythology was real, but he had to act dumb. Grover was telling him about how he was a Saytr, Half Goat and Half Man( But Percy already knew, but had to act like he didn')
" So your saying that Greek myths are true" Percy asked Grover. Grover nodded his head meaning 'Yes'. Percy looked at his mom to see if this is true.
" I'm afraid so" She said while shaking his head.
" That's so messed up" Percy muttered. Then the car turned.
" One more mile Sally" Grover said. But that's when 'It' happend. They heard a Roar then lightning stroke the car at it flew over to it side.
" Percy get out and run to the Pine tree up that hill!" Percy's mom said. Percy shook his head in disaprvile.
" Not leaving you, come on get out!" Percy shouted. Then they heard the Roar again and they saw a 12 hairy monster walking down the street toward the car. The monster had human legs covered with hair, and he was wearing underware.( Rhyme) From the waist up he had hair covering his body and on his head he had horns like a bull. Percy knew what it was right away. The Miniotaur. Percy kicked the door open and got out and pulled Grover and Sally with him.
" Perrcy can't you do some Freakish cool powers to make it go away" Grover said. Percy shook his head.
" I'm supposed to act like a Half-Blood not the Creator of the Universe" Percy answered back. When they where 10 feet from the car the Minotaur got there. He sniffed the car then roared in anger, he must have figured out they weren't in the car. He sniffed around again the turned his head toward the Trio then came staggering at them.
" Move to the side when it charges it only goes forward!" Sally shouted.
The Minotaur came charging toward Percy and he did what his mom told him to do, he jumped aside at the last second. The Minotaur came flying past him like a freight train. Percy picked up his smell and he smelled worse then Smelly Gabe, and that's saying a lot. He reeked like dead meat and sewer water.
When the Minotaur stopped and turned around it sniffed then turned its body at Sally. The Minotaur learned its lesson because when it charged at Sally and she jumped out of the way, it stuck its hand to the side and grabbed Percy's mom around the neck and squeezed her. When he squeezed her hard enough, she dissolved in a golden shower of light. When Percy saw his mom dissolve into the golden light. He picked up so much rage that he turned into Order with his Golden armor and his Two swords. His armor was Pure Gold and indistructibal so if you hit it, it would shatter whatever hit it. The Two sword were pitch black with white dots, they could cut threw anything and kill Immortals.
Orders eyes looked straight into the Minotaurs and pulsed with Rage. The Minotaur was in shock, but then it recovered from it and took and brave glance at Order then charged. When the Minotaur was 5 feet from Order, Order jumped in the air and spun cutting of the Minotaurs horn. When he cut it of, the Monster bellowed in anger. Order put his swords away and pick up its horn and charged the Minotaur. Order thrust the horn forward into the Monsters rib cage. The Minotaur bellowed in rage once more then exploded into dust, blowing away in the breeze. Order quickly turned back into Percy making his armor go away, and looked around for Grover and found him laying next to a pine tree mumbling ' Food'. Percy dragged Grover over the boundres then set him down on the grass. Percy figured that people would be suspicious that a knew Half Blood just took out the Minotaur and was not tierd so he collapsed and knocked himself unconshince for a few days, waiting to be woken up.

Percy woke up to the sound of someone saying, " What's going to happen on the Summer Solstice".
When he squinted his eyes open he saw a girl with Honey Blond Hair and Stormy Gray Eyes talking to him. Percy knew this was a daughter of Athena because of the Gray eyes. Percy was about to tell her what was going to happen but he remembered he wasn't supposed to know anything, so he looked at the girl madly.
" The What" He mumbled looking at the Daughter of Athena.
" Now now Annabeth, leave the new camper alone" He heard a voice he knew so firmilure, that voice belonged to Mr. Brunner.
" Mr. Brunner" Percy Blurted out, it just came out so fast that Percy couldn't stop it. Mr. Brunner shook his head then answered, " No child, I am know as Chiron, the Trainer of Hero's". Percy looked at him with scrunched eyebrows.
" Come child follow me" Chiron said then walked off not making sure Percy was following. Percy hurriedly and got up from the bed he was lying on, then stood up and followed Chiron. They passed People Sword Fighting, doing Archery, and Rock climbing.
Finally they stopped at a picnic table and Percy saw a man With Curly Hair and Watery Purple eyes, He was Dionysus.
" What do you remember Percy" Chiron said, and Percy noticed he wasn't in his wheelchair form.
" Whoa, Mr. Brunner you have a-" Percy started saying but Chiron finished for him.
" A real horse' Ass, yes, Indeed, now, what do you remember" Chiron said looking at Percy.
" I had a dream that Greek Mythology was real and I was fighting this Bull thing and it grabbed my mom and she dissapered in a golden light" Percy lied. Chiron shook his head sadly.
" That was all real Percy, You fought the Minotaur, and your mom dissapered, Greek Myths are true, do you remember what I taught you, like the gods?" Chiron said.
" Like Zeus, Posideon and Hades, those Gods" Percy said, but this time Dionysus spoke up.
" Careful kid, names have power, you should know that" He said, but not looking up from the card game he was playing with invisable people.
" Lord Dionysus" Percy said. When he said this the God stopped and looked up from his game. He looked at Percy curiously.
" Howed you know" He said searching Percy carefully.
" If I read was correct, You had curly hair and purple eyes, and you fit the description, anyway, you were always one of my favorite Gods" Percy said trying to get on this Gods good side. Dionysus smiled at him fondly and motioned him to sit down.
" What's your name kid" He said looking at Percy, then down at his card game.
" Err...., Percy Jackson my'Lord" Percy spoke calmly. Dionysus waved his hand aside like to not call him Lord.
" Call me Mr. D, everyone here does, Well Percy Jackson, Welcome to Camp- Half Blood" Dionysus said smiling.
" Now excuse me, I must win this game of Pinchole" He said again then went back to his game. Chiron looked at Percy in shock because Dionysus never welcomed someone to camp, much less got their name right.
" Well Percy lets get you to the Hermes cabin" Chiron said then a girl about his age came out of no where. This was the same girl that asked Percy the questions about the Summer Solstice.
" Annabeth here will take you to the Hermes cabin" Chiron said looking at Percy, then Annabeth.
" You drool when you sleep" She blurted out. Percy blushed and looked down.

As Percy walked toward the Hermes cabin with Annabeth, they where interrupted by a Girl and 4 People following her. The Girl was buff and had short brown hair with close to red brown eyes. She was a Daughter of Ares, the God of War.
" Well well well, who do we have hear" The Girl said. Annabeth signed.
" Clarissie, don't you have anything else to do, like polish your spear or something" Annabeth said. Ah, so Clarissie was her name' Percy thought.
" Shut it bird brain, just going to Welcome the little punk to camp. What your name Punk" She said looking at Percy.
" Percy Jackson" Percy said looking bravely into her eyes.
" Well Prissy, welcome to Camp, now get 'em" She yelled. Her Friends( or gang) came charging at Percy trying to grab him, finally they had his wrists and was dragging him to the bathroom, where they would dunk his head in the toilet water. When the got there Clarissie kicked a stall open and grabbed Percy. He tried to get free but she had a iron grip. She griped his head and shoved it toward the toilet water.
' Not Getting My Head Dunked In Toilet Water' Percy thought. When he thought that, the toilet water shoot up and arched over Percy head hitting Clarissie right in the face. Her friends tried to move her out of the way, but the other toilets exploded hitting them to. When Percy got up and walked out of the stall he saw Clarissie and her gang floting out of the bathroom on top of water. He also saw Annabeth standing there soaked in toilet water staring at Percy in shock.
" How" She stuttered still looking at Percy in shock, but she looked like she was lost in thought. Percy shrugged.
" Didnt want to get dunked in toilet water, what are you thinking" Percy asked her. She looked up and met Percy's eyes then grinned like she won something.
" I'm thinking, I want you on my team for Capture the Flag." She said then walked off, probably to change her cloths. Leaving Percy thinking to himself.

Percy was sitting on his sleeping bag in the Hermes cabin. The other day Luke, a Son of Hermes, stole a sleeping bag for Percy. Behind him, The Horn from the Minotaur was hanging on a wall. Tonight was Capture the Flag, and Percy was ready. Chiron gave Percy the pen he used to Kill Mrs. Dodds , and said it was a weapon he could use in the future. Yesterday Luke was teaching sword fighting and was showing a disarming technec and needed someone to use to show it on so he picked Percy, and Percy got the move on the first try and he wasn't even using a balanced sword.
The Conch Shell sounded shaking Percy out of his thoughts and meaning dinner time. Percy made his way to the Pavilon and toward the Hermes Cabin table. When he made his offering to the gods he prayed for his father to claim him. After he ate he got his armor on and made his way to the forest.
" Hero's you know the rules, No Maiming and the Creek is the boundres line, may the Best team Win!" Chiron said then trotted of. The conch shell shook starting the game. Percy made his way to the creek as Annabeth told him to. After a few minutes nobody came by Percy, But that's when Clarissie and 4 other people trailing behind her came. They stopped in front of Percy.
" The Flags that way" Percy said pointing toward the Trees, because he didn't want to fight.
" We don't want the flag, we want the person that embarrassed are cabin and made us look bad" Clarissie said smirking.
" Now, get him" Clarissie said. Ugly Number 1 Came charging at Percy, but he side stepped and took out riptide and knocked him in the middle of his forehead with the flat of his lade knocking Ugly Number 1 unconshince. Ugly Number 2 at Percy and slash at his head, but Percy parried and kicked him in the chest sending him staggering back, then he stood still and charged Percy again this time thrusting his blade forward at Percy stomach. Percy saw his chance and used the Disarming technique Luke taught him and Ugly Number 2 Sword went clattering away leaving him defenseless and making him surrender. Then Ugly Number 3 Came at Percy slashing madly. Percy waited till Ugly Number 3 got tired then kicked his blade aside. All that was left was Clarissie. She smircked at him like she already won the battle. She came bounding forward with her spear cackling with electricity. She brought down her spear at a deadly arch and Percy pushed his blade up parrying the strike. She pulled her spear back a thrust it forward cutting through Percy armor( not Orders armor, this is camps armor) and glazing his skin, causing him to bleed his blood. Golden ichor leaked out( cause Percy is Order, get it?) but Clarissie seemed not to notice. Percy quickly cover his blood.
" No maiming" Percy said looking at Clarissie but she just grined and kicked Percy into the water. The water gave him a surge of strength and healing his cuts. Percy got out of the water and charged her and brought down Riptide. She was to slow and the blade crashed into her helmet knocking her unconshince.
" Where'd you learn to fight like that hero" A voice from behind Percy said. Percy turned around and saw no one. The conch shell blew ending the game. People came down the hill toward the creek. Percy noticed that Luke had the Red teams flag, meaning that they one. Chiron pounded his hoof against the ground meaning to be quite. When everyone stopped talking he said, " Good Job Heros, but the Blue Team wins!" He said and the Blue team cheered. Just then rustling came from the trees and a huge hellhound the size of a car stepped out, growling at Percy. Chiron said something in Greek but Percy didn't pay any attention, he was just staring at the hellhound in shock. The hellhound came charging at Percy but he just stood there not moving. Annabeth said something about moving but he was zoned out. The hellhound opened its mouth and cut threw Percy's armor causing him to bleed. Chiron took out a bow and notched a arrow and let it fly. The arrow empaled it self in the hellhound dissolving it into dust,
" Step in the water Percy" Annabeth said. Percy looked at her in curiously.
" Trust me, just do it." She said again so Percy stepped in the water. When he touched the water it shot up healing Percys cuts from the hellhound and giving him more strength. When Percy stepped out he noticed people bowing toward him. Percy looked up and saw a glowing Green Trident.
" It's determined" Chiron spoke. Percy looked at him.
" My Father?" Percy asked still looking at Chiron.
" Posideon, Earth Shaker, StormBringer, Father of Horses. Hail Persues Jackson Son of the Sea God!"
Read and tell me what you think!
Next chapter is the start of the quest!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Tell me what you think!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Kaia143 said…
Amazingly Awesomely!! It was really good.
I loved it!!
And I cant wait until u post again! I hope its really soon!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Posting tomarow, I couldn't post two time cause I broke my foot
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
I know I am!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Nicolicious said…
How dude?
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
How what?
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک jojo12313 said…
you are a genius
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Nicolicious said…
how did you break it?
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
I'm going to post tomarow 2!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
My toe? Oh I was at Karate and I kicked someone but it like fractured my toes, then when I got home I accededly dropped a broze trophy on them!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Nicolicious said…
big smile
Lol you are a pure genius :D
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Nicolicious said…
No prob :D
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک jojo12313 said…
is this a conversation forum or a story forum ???
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Nicolicious said…
big smile
Same we can all spam and read the story cause we are besties well Fanpop besties :D
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک son_of_cratus said…
big smile
Awesome story, please post soon and I love the idea!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Sorry cant post I'm grounded off Fanpop! But my parents let me go on for 5 Mins today! Sorry I can't post :(
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک zaheer_abbas123 said…
awesome chappie post soon *prayin hestia for u*may ur groudin finish n post sooon.....:)))
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
I'm n grounded tomarow morning! I'll make sure to post a lot tomarow after school!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HollyKirby said…
big smile
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک oceanlover123 said…
post soon ChampionChaos!
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک lcrs50 said…
Post soon, please!!!!!

I'm new to this forum.
I really like it.
post soo.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک zaheer_abbas123 said…
POST SOOON!!!!!!!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
K imma post very soon!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Haloskywalker said…
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک zaheer_abbas123 said…
yyyyyaaaayyyyy!!!!! posttttt soooon!!!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Chapter Six: The Prophecy
* Camp Half Blood*
(Remember Percy is Order)
3rd Person P.O.V

After everyone left the creek, Chiron took Percy and Grover toward the Big House. Once, Percy heard him mutter something like 'Broken Oath' or ' Quest' along the way to the big house. When people spotted Chiron they bowed respectfully, but when they saw Percy, they took a step back like he was a monster. When they got to the Big House, they saw Mr. D playing Pinchole with invisable people. He looked up and searched the group. When his eyes landed on Percy's he smiled. Then took a sip of his Diet Coke.
" Mr. D, Percy's been claimed" Chiron spoke up. Mr. D swallowed his Coke then looked straight at Percy, then took yet another drink of his coke and motioned on with his hand for Chiron to continue talking.
" Errr.... He's been claimed the Son of Posideon". When he said that Mr. D spit all of the coke that was in his mouth, in Grover's direction. Spraying Grover in the face.
" Ahh... So the Powerful Posideon can't keep the Oath" He said not giving a care in the world. Thunder rumbled up in the sky meaning Posideon was not happy at Mr. D ( Posideon StormBringer remember?) but Mr. D just shrugged and looked at the sky.
" Err.. What wrong?" Percy asked no one individual.
" Your existence boy, Olympus is ready for war. Old Z blames it on Uncle P, now probably you." Mr. D said like it was a every day basis. Chiron sighed and look at Percy sad fully.
" A quest my' boy. It's time for a Quest"
Percy cooked his head a little to the side to look at Chiron in wonder.
" A quest, for what?" Percy asked but already knew the answer.
" A quest for you to find The Master Bolt, I fear you have till the Summer Solstice" . Chiron looked at the stairs that led to the attic.
" If you are to go on a quest, you'll need a Prophecy. Are you sure you want to go on this quest?" Chiron asked him, and right after he said that Percy answer, " I'll do it"
Chiron nodded and motioned him to climb up the latter that lead to the attic.
" You will need to ask the Oracle. Now follow me, I will lead you"
Percy followed Chiron up the stair of the Big House. They just kept getting bigger and bigger. When they walked, the wooden stairs crack and squeak.
" These stairs" Chiron said pointing to a new set of stairs. " They will lead you to the Oracle. And Percy" Chiron looked at Percy sternfully. " Ask the Prophecy then leave right away". With that, Chiron walked down the stairs to wait for the Prophecy.
When Percy got in the room with the Oracle, he saw old selves with trophies, old weapons and other artifacts. Percy looked around the room and saw a mummy in the corner. He figured it was the Oracle and walked right up to it. When he got in reach of 5 feet he stopped and looked closely at the Acient looking mummy. The thing was rather bony looking figure and had no eyes where they should be. The mummy was obviously was dead so Percy figured it was controlled by the Spirit Of Delphi. Percy cleared his throat and got ready to talk.
" Oracle, I need a Prophecy." Percy said. The Oracle smelled like rotten cheese,and death. The Oracle turned its mummy head and looked at me. Well, if a dead figure can look. She looked like she was expecting a question.
" How do I find and return Zues Lightning Bolt." At first, nothing happend. Then green smoke came poring out of her eyes and it filled the attic. The Oracles voice was raspy and like a growl.

" You shall go west and face the God who has turned,

You shall find what's stolen and see it safely returned,

You shall be betrayed by the one who calls you friend,

And fail to save what matters most in the end.'

With that Prophecy, the Oracle went back to being lifeless and scary. Percy shivered then walked out of the attic. Percy walked back down the stairs and into the Kitchen where Mr. D, Chiron, and Grover where waiting for Percy to deliver the Prophecy. Percy felt the hairs on his neck stand up as he remembered the line about getting betrayed by a friend.
When they saw Percy, they perched up and waited for Percy to tell them the Prophecy, so Percy continued on to tell them. When he finished everyone had a deep look in their eyes like the where trying to figure out the Prophecys meaning.
" You'll need to take two others" Chiron said coming out of his trance. Percy looked at Grover and nodded.
" I'll take Grover" Percy decided then thought of another person to take.
" One more person My'Boy." Chiron spoke with a friendly expression. Mr. D looked bored out of his mind so he went back to what he's best at. Pinchole.
" And I'll take.." Before I decided who to take next a shimmering view came next to Grover, then a soiled Annabeth stood there.
" I'll volunteer" She said her gray eyes sparkling. Percy nodded his head accepting her into the quest.

Soon enough, it was the next morning and the Three were standing with Chiron ontop of the hill. Percy looked down from the hill. He could see a normal day at Camp Half-Blood. Sword Fighting, Archery, Pegesus riding, Canoeing, and everything else that they would do at Camp Half-Blood. Chiron spoke to Percy.
"Your Weapon, Ankumalus, it has a tragic past. But remember this Percy, when most needed, it will fail you. Now off you go. You have a week to find the bolt and get back.But you must find it, if not, let's say the Earth will be a battle ground. I wish you luck" And with that happy note, Chiron trotted off leaving the 3 at he top of the hill.
" Let's get going. We have a Master Bolt to find" Percy said then ran down the hill with the others following him.
They didn't even know where they were going, but they were willing the Fates to guide them. Only if they knew what troubles were coming.
Read and tell me what you think!
Next Chapter is called
' The start of a quest'

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک zaheer_abbas123 said…
woww!!! Awesommmmeee chappie although u are deficit*grumbles idk if the spellin is correct* detailin the situation part but u hav a different n unique story.......hopin for more chapter post soon......:)))))
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک lcrs50 said…

Post soon, please!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Haloskywalker said…
big smile
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Can't post tomarow. Sorry
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک zaheer_abbas123 said…
its okay post ASAP!!!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک lcrs50 said…
Post soon, please!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک zaheer_abbas123 said…
post soon pleaase.....
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک post-now675 said…
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک lcrs50 said…
Post soon, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Kaia143 said…
Pretty please post again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Yea, I know I haven't post in about a week, well I got grounded again, well in two days I'll post. Sorry I got grounded!q
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک lcrs50 said…
What did you do to get grounded?

Anyways, don't worry about it.
Just post when you can!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
Lmfao, punched a kid in the face, then yelled at my principle and said to him ' stop being a little insecure brat, your a useless teachr' soon.... Yeah
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک lcrs50 said…


Just post when you can.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Kaia143 said…
big smile

I salute you for haveing the guts to do that............ I would probly do the punching part but u don't think I could yell at my principal. She's to nice.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…
OKAY People, i disided to give up Fanpop, but i have a acount. on my acounts name is TheseusTheGreat. there are no spaces in that name. i look forward for you guys to read my stories on i havent posted a story because of a reduce spam thing, but i will start this story tomarrow. agian i look forward to you reading my storys on Thankyou for your wonderful comments on how to make me a better writer im thankful. Goodbye Fanpop, ill see you on Fanfiction!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک ChampionChaos said…