Jamal Abdul'Faruq ترمیم - Exit historical view

Seven-year-old Jamal Abdul'Faruq was last seen on April 16, 1990 in Richmond, Virginia.

Jamal's stepmother dropped off Jamal and his eight-year-old brother, Basil at the apartment of their mother, Tambra Ellis. At 2:30 in the afternoon, he and Basil were playing outside while Tambra (who had worked the night shift the day before) was taking a nap.

When Tambra woke up from her nap, she looked for the boys, but couldn't find them. She called the police after searching for them for 45 minutes. 

Three days later, Basil's body was found in a landfill in Chesterfield County; he had bound, gagged, stabbed twice in the back and his skull was fractured postmortem. There was no sign of Jamal at the scene. 

The boys' father, Everett Abdul'Faruq was detained by police for three hours; however, he and Tambra have been ruled out as suspects in Jamal's disappearance and Basil's murder.

As of 2023, Jamal has not been located and his case is classified as a non-family abduction.