Total Drama Island Fancharacters Club
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Saphira brushed her hair out of her face and walked to the front with Chris and Chef. Saphira was Chris's پسندیدہ and only niece. Chris even liked her مزید than Chris's nephew,Markcus AKA Saphira's brother. "Strap in,Saphira"Chris laughed. Saphira nodded and did what Chris said. "Attention all,we are going to land"Chef کہا over the intercom. Chef started to drive the plane bumpyly.Chris,Chef and Saphira laughed.Screams were herd from the campers.The plane stopped as un-gracefully as it could. Owen opened the door to the exit and toppled out. The others followed the same way. Saphira walked...
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*Last time on TLITD, 15 new characters arrived in Florida. They met, got their rooms, and had their first challenge. They had their first elimination and voted off Kyle, the mime. Now, for the اگلے 6 episodes, آپ will see the reaming 14's life in Florida. آپ will see Drama, Love, and so much more! NOTE: IF آپ want to add your OC in this, تبصرہ this information: Name, personality, crush/dating, and Pic location (if have one). آپ will not be in a lot. آپ will be supporting roles.

(Jordan's and Jason's room)
(Jordan's alarm goes off)
Jason: aggghhh.. Turn that fucking thing off!
Jordan: sorry....
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added by i_love_music
Source: PrincessBeautiful
added by Freaxxx
Source: Meh pic :P
added by sorandom15
Source: Idk who made the base i think it was angilicbases
added by i_love_music
Source: PrincessBeautiful
added by i_love_music
Source: PrincessBeautiful
added by i_love_music
Source: PrincessBeautiful
Later that night was the elimination ceremony. The team huddled together, all scared who would leave.
“This is the bonfire ceremony.” Stella began. “I’m sure آپ all know the drill from watching your parents go through it, but here it is, آپ get a کے marshmallow, مآرشماللو if you’re still in the game, if آپ don’t get one آپ leave and can never come back. Ever.”
The group of teens all looked at each over nervously; it was the first night... who did they send home?
“The first کے marshmallow, مآرشماللو goes to...” Stella started. “Callie,”
Callie grinned to herself as she stood up to receive her marshmallow,...
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Boxxy: ارے GUYS!! Hows it goin'! Last time, our contestants had to film a little scene they made themselves, but in the end Leo got the boot for being a bossy brat. Let's see what happens on this week' episode!

(Theme Song)

*Mess Hall*

Bradley: So are آپ sure I have a chance with Cassie if I try this?

Kristyn: Of course! I know my sister. *smiles*

Cassie: *walks over* ارے guys! What are آپ guys talking about?

Bradley: Gah! *face turns red, and falls out his chair*

Kristyn: :O

Cassie: Are آپ okay?

Bradley: Uhh...Y-yeah..I-I'm fine. *runs off*

Cassie: What's wrong with him?

Kristyn: *shrugs*

Boxxy: Okay...
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posted by GeekGirl

Dear Diary,
Today was well, pretty good. I thimk I have met the love of my life. Her name is Ruby and I am madly in love with her. But the thing is, I don't think she is into me. She seems to like this boy called Edward. Yeah he is really hot but I think he likes this wierd hippy chick Alice. She is fun to be around but she has a thing for seeing into the future. A few days پہلے she کہا I was gonna fall in love soon. Oh... Wow she is good. Well the rest of the دن was a bummer. We played doge ball in gym and I got hit in the face with a doge ball and lost a tooth, luckily it was a back one so it is all good. Then we had a math test and lets just say I probaly will get an F. Then when I was walking ہوم I saw Ruby, I was running to talk to her but then suddenly, some little kids sprayed me with thier water guns so I called my mom to pick me up and drive me home. Well lets hope tommorow I can talk to Ruby. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!
added by Mrhead22
Source: DoodlezCait-Stickman
added by flanery
added by ninjacupcake88
Source: caninesister1 on deviantart
Chris: In the wild, آپ are the hunter یا آپ are the prey. The predators must hunt to survive while prey must avoid capture to live another day. Eleven teams of two are about to compete in a primal game of capture. Each team will consist of one of our پسندیدہ Total Drama characters from later seasons, and a totally new character. This intense competition is truly survival of the fittest. In the end, one team will win and walk away with $250,000. This is Total Drama Capture. Previously on Total Drama Capture, The Black team was accused of being the devil after Mariam from the Grey team found...
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I'm gonna post the teams every now and then so I can remember who is on which team.

Team Dynamite

Team Romance
*With Team Dynamite*

*A paper falls on Adriana's head*

Adriana: Huh? *picks it up and sees a test with a big red "F"* *screams* NOOOOOOOO!!!! *goes into a Fetal Position*

Boxxy: Adriana! Bye-bye! >:D

Kendall and Liam: *picks up Adriana and throws her into the Limo-of-Losers*

Jade: -3- Is she serious afraid of failing?

Drake: Apparently...

*With Team Romance*...
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Boxxy: Welcome back viewers! Last time on TDTM, people sang songs to their sweeties! x3

Liam: And things got heated up between the spicy love مثلث of Bradley, Cassie, and Lila!

Kristyn: And in the end, Lila got the boot.

Boxxy: So what will happen اگلے on....Total....Drama.....THE MOVIES!

(Theme Song)

*Boxxy's Trailer*

Boxxy: *digging through stuff* Where's my eye liner? I lost it? NOOOOOOO!!!!

*Mess Hall*

Cassie: *feeding*

Veto: *kissing Valencia*

Max: *whispering something to Paige*

Lana: *riding on Eddie's back* GO EDWARD!! XD

Edward: Man....look at all these couples....
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Boxxy: So... آپ guys are back here again...

Lila: Because SOMEONE *glares at Mary* bailed on us!

Mary: *crying*

Eddie: *quietly singing Nicki Minaj lyrics*

Riley: *comforting Mary* Leave her

Edward: *whispers in her ear " man stealer "*

Riley: Man stealer!

Lila: Oh! Like I haven't heard that name before, آپ blue haired freak!

Riley: Ugh! Whatever.....

Lana: I'M A TURTLE!!

Lila: Ugh! I'm surrounded سے طرف کی a bunch of morons!

Boxxy: *screams really loud*

Drake: *covers ears* Ouch! آپ were right in my ear!

Zak: Damn Boxxy!

Boxxy: ON WITH THE ELIMINATION! Whoever doesn't get a Boxxy...
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Boxxy: ارے guys! How's it goin'? Last time on TDTM, a few of our campers sang songs, and I judged them on it! What will happen today? Stay tuned! :D

*Mess Hall*

Zak: آپ know, that was wrong what آپ did to Cassie yesterday.

Jade: Agreed.

Lila: I didn't do anything. *shrugs*

Zak: *scoffs* Yeah, okay...


Lila: I don't see what the big whoop is. In fact, I don't even see why Cassie likes Bradley. He's not even that cute...


Boxxy: Okay campers! Breakfast is over!

Hinta: It's ironic how آپ tell us we need to eat, but آپ only give us 30 منٹ to eat. :3

Boxxy: Well, if آپ guy's woke...
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