Dear Diary,
Today was well, pretty good. I thimk I have met the love of my life. Her name is Ruby and I am madly in love with her. But the thing is, I don't think she is into me. She seems to like this boy called Edward. Yeah he is really hot but I think he likes this wierd hippy chick Alice. She is fun to be around but she has a thing for seeing into the future. A few days پہلے she کہا I was gonna fall in love soon. Oh... Wow she is good. Well the rest of the دن was a bummer. We played doge ball in gym and I got hit in the face with a doge ball and lost a tooth, luckily it was a back one so it is all good. Then we had a math test and lets just say I probaly will get an F. Then when I was walking ہوم I saw Ruby, I was running to talk to her but then suddenly, some little kids sprayed me with thier water guns so I called my mom to pick me up and drive me home. Well lets hope tommorow I can talk to Ruby. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!