Arelaine Venzon

سال کے بعد fanpopping

  • Female, 25 years old
  • Australia
  • Favorite TV Show: Explorer of the human body
    Favorite Movie: Horror/romantic/comedy
    Favorite Musician: Any good ones
    Favorite Book or Author: Animes
کاری پچی فہرست

کلب میرا

22Laine99 has not joined any clubs yet

دیوار میری

22Laine99 کہا میں بارے کے Super Junior
Happy Birthday,,,!! I hope your always happy through your life <3 گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
22Laine99 شدہ تبصرہ…
Hoped your happy for the rest of your life*=^_^= پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
22Laine99 کہا میں بارے کے Super Junior
I can't believe that I am in a پرستار club but I can't help it because super junior is a awesome group because they always have fun and have there own unique personality that lots of people like!!!<3 گیا کیا پوسٹ پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک