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posted by Cammie
G'day Fanpoppers! Hope آپ are all well.
I've just swooped in to give آپ guys an explanation as to why I have left the site last week.
Firstly, many thanks to those of آپ who emailed me wanting to know what had happened to my profile. Some thought my account had been hacked,others assumed I had been suspended as a user. To be totally honest, I wasn't in any mood to reply to numerous emails indiviually nor did I want to bother with explanations.
However,this link was linked to my account on Facebook yesterday سے طرف کی a fellow Fanpopper, so I thought the decent thing to do was answer this myself.
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added by DrBsNumber1Fan
Source: ME!
Kidding as usual. Actually, it's Sunday and I have some spare time on my hands so I thought I would write up some points I think need changing with the new layoot and I invite آپ to CONSTRUCTIVELY make your points in the comments. My idea behind this is to have a collection of concerns that we can دکھائیں the F4. This way instead of ranting and going "OMG I HATE DIS!" we can make ourselves heard. I know the F4 are awesome and have listened to us in the past. Remember the دیوار debacle? Remember how they changed the layoot after we pointed it oot? Remember how they brought back the forums?

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I have a lot to thank the F4 for!!! I remember how excited I was when I first found this site! I was looking up “How to make Michael Jackson smooth criminal outfit on Xbox 360?” on Google and it lead me here I شامل میں on the week of September 9th, 2010! I was soo thrilled I mean I was talking to my family about this site and I was telling them all about it! And 2 یا 3 of my aunts joined after a while of me talking about it! So me and them talk on here which is Awesome! The first person I fanned was TeamSongz4eva (Bee) who I got to know and she got to know me we mostly talked on my دیوار and...
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posted by lightingROBONIK
the inhibitor rings glow bright as well the egg
sauke add found Naruto in the forest
under the درخت in the shade what are thoses and what with the egg ask sasuke well wen I got
to the forest I found them under the درخت
sasuke nod I see but how come آپ have them on
ask sasuke mm I know this seems odd but
the rings call me ok but آپ know they might of been a trap set bye zabaza یا that friend of his right
yeah but why did the box have my name on huh
said Naruto oh but how and why I mean who CUD of left this box with them in thought sasuke
mm teame there 2 boxes this 1 I have the black 1
and this...
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Of course these user-names may already be taken. If so, then just add a number/nickname on the end. یا آپ can take some words, re-arrange and improvise:)
The ones with the * beside them are my favourites:)
Enjoy x
WoundedNight *
BloodyMascara *
BrokenAngel *
SoullessAngel *
HeartfeltSorrow *
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آپ all have probably gone to a fellow fanpopper's پروفائل and wondered how they made it look to good. Some of us have no idea how to do it. I myself had to asked my amazing girlfriend (link) how she created hers. So, we came up with a great idea to write a how-to article. :D

You can make boring text interesting. :D

You can choose any country for the flag. :D

⊿ ⌔ ⌚ ■ □ ▲ △ ▶ ▷ ▽ ◀ ◁ ◆ ◇ ○ ● ◥ ◯ ☀ ☁ ☂ ★ ☆ ☉ ☎ ☏ ☕ ☖ ☮ ☹ ☺ ♀ ♂ ⚨ ✈ ✌ ✖ ✚ ✣ ❖❝ ❞ ❤ ❥ ❦ ⤴ ⤵ 〒 ﹋ ɣ...
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added by DrBsNumber1Fan
Source: ME!
added by DrBsNumber1Fan
Source: ME!
added by vagos
Source: Credit: سے طرف کی Me
posted by Mallory101
Some of آپ may have joined fanpop and are new and really don't know much about it. Well, of course fanpop is a fun place to شامل میں پرستار کلب of pretty much any thing آپ like. Many people love fanpop and it's really hard to not to like it. So when your joining fanpop stay on a bit and just go to your fave spot and just chill answering picks and videos.

Since there are alot of people on fanpop آپ may go to someones پروفائل and wonder what something is like a prop. It will take a little time until آپ get a سہارا (s) but until then just add videos,picks,pictures,quiz questions,links,forums یا articles...
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posted by HannaK
Okay, I don't know if it's just coincidence but I noticed this week that some picks just are, I don't quite know how to describe it, bad.

It just seems that a lot of picks are asked so that they are asked, a lot of them don't have pictures. (that's not very important but I can't help noticing)
But the worst thing is that there are so many typos in the questions. Look, my English is not very good, I make a lot of mistakes but al least I try to make as less as possible. I mean, a lot of سوالات are just so wrong, the 'preview' thing that آپ get when you've finished making your pick is there...
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Ok, I usually don't make user guides but this one needs to be made. I have seen a lot of picks and a lot of them are boring یا annoying. Here is a فہرست of steps to help آپ out.

1. Try to have مزید than three جوابات if possible. If the سوال is "Who should Jim be with?" Put, Karen and Pam, and then put an answer like neither یا Katy.

2.Always have pictures for the سوال if it isn't a yes, no, یا maybe question. Pictures bring in مزید شائقین and make the picks مزید interesting.

3. Try to ask سوالات that people haven't already asked and سوالات that people will be interested in. Don't make it boring.

Now these are the three golden steps to making a good, quality pick on fanpop. If آپ feel I need to add anything, then please leave it in the comments.
Amazondebs had the marvelous idea of making Fanpop mad-libs...see the link. This مضمون was last edited on 21 October 2008 to try to explain how the game works a little better...

What is a Mad-lib?
Specifically, Mad Libs is a registered trademark of the پینگوئن, پیںگان Group (USA). Generally, a mad lib is a kind of word game where the player is presented with a questionnaire, prompting for several seemingly random types of words. The player fills in the words, then goes to another location to plug the words into the corresponding places in a block of text, which results in a silly, funny, naughty or...
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posted by rookyboy
Do آپ ever find when آپ make a spot it is always آپ adding all the time with the odd add from another user? That even when آپ get over 100 شائقین to the spot its can still be just آپ adding all the time. Till one دن آپ can't add any مزید یا آپ don't want to. I have found this a problem with a few of my spots where it is just me adding page after page of ویڈیوز and links.

So basicly this is just me asking every پرستار please just go to a spot that hasnt been updated in a while and just add one thing to it please !!! (and i know this sounds like a charity advert lol)
added by Greathand636
Source: Brileyestes
added by chuj123131