The Reformed Mephiles Club
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added by MephilesTheDark
Source: blizzardwolf on DA
added by LuciferTheDark
Source: Me & BeccaDaHedgehog
added by LuciferTheDark
Source: Me and BeccaDaHedgehog
added by LuciferTheDark
Source: Me & BeccaDaHedgehog
The سٹریٹ, گلی was busy, filled with cars. I grinned. This was the place.

A carton of دودھ in hand, so aged that it was not lumpy, but a lump, and the outside was faded past recognition. (See link for further details on the Lump of Milk)

I looked at the busy road; a two-way street, bustling with activity.

I waited till there was no incoming traffic, then hurried out and put the carton just near the dotted line, then quickly retreated back to the safety of the Bus Stop.

Sure enough, مزید traffic came, and I concentrated on the دودھ carton, praying this would work.

There it was, the milky lump, on a busy...
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added by Thunderjix
added by LuciferTheDark
Source: Me
Mephile's P.O.V

I finally got friends, I've equality now but why do I feel like trying suicide? I've everything I ever wanted, have دوستوں who like me just the way i am. I ask to nobody, "What is missing in my life?" Sonic came out of nowhere and said, "Maybe آپ need a girlfriend, but I won't let آپ live long enough to find that person." I state, "Sonic I have reformed." Sonic says, "As if I would fall for that. آپ killed me آپ killed thousands of innocent people, آپ tried to destroy the world, that kind of bad guy would never reform!!!" I growl, "Shut it!!! آپ don't know anything, you...
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added by Thirddevision
added by Thunderjix
added by RaeLogan
posted by BeccaDaHedgehog
Full Name; Rebecca Joi "Scorch" Arms The Hedgehog.
Age; 14.
Lives with; Mephiles, Robo-Knuckles, and Crescent the Vampire Hedgehog.

Country; Australia.
Food; Chili Dogs.
Movie; Avatar 3D.
T.V Show; The Simpsons.
Music; Crush 40, Owl City, Zebrahead, مکڑی Stacey, Dizzie Rascal, The Senile Delinquents, The Creaky Joints, Prann, Midnight Oil, Hilltop Hoods, Bliss n Eso, P!NK, and her own band.
Video Game; Sonic Unleashed, Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic Advance, Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing, and Grand Theft Auto IV.
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added by sonicgoth
Source: MRi
added by Thunderjix
posted by Ocean_Hedgehog
Ocean the Hedgehog

Age; 14.
Gender; Male.
Species; Hedgehog.

Ocean is a young Mobian Hedgehog who is کہا to have a legendary bloodline. His parents were Anna and Cody the Hedgehogs, Anna being Shadow's daughter and Cody being Sonic's son. This makes Ocean the first pure crossover from both Shadow and Sonic's bloodlines, resulting in his incredible powers.


Ocean is immature. Enough said.

He loves video games, although he isn't very good at them despite his constant efforts.

He is happy, confident, and, to an extent, hyperactive. Coffee + Ocean = Bad mix. He will be bouncing off the walls...
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posted by LuciferTheDark
Lucifer the Dark

Nickname: Luck.
Species; Genetically altered Mobian African pygmy hedgehog-demon.
Name deprived from; link, god of hell, demon, Satan, devil, light-bearer, morning star, fallen angel.
Age: Unknown, ageless. Probably about 27 in the current timeline.

Theme Song: link

Lucifer was created as a back-up for the link, in case the original failed. In a way, آپ could say that this made Lucifer and Solaris ‘cousins’. Nicknamed ‘Project Lucifer’ after the after Satan, because of the Scientist’s unwillingness to work on two experiments at once. What the scientist’s didn’t count...
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posted by shade-hedgehog
"mephlies ,what are آپ doing?!" "taking care of your little boyfriend" he کہا with a little evil smrik."hes not my boyfriend!"' "yeah....right" "you know what when i know how to get out of here your dead!" "you can try to run away with shadow but youll die,so i think آپ better stay here,and there gun soldiers here if آپ live they shoot you" "damn it!,youre soo- " so -what" "evil!" "You just now found out" "mephlies why-why are آپ doing this?!" "because your little boyfriend -shadow sealed me in the darkness,i could feel the world,touch it for 4 years do آپ know how i feel!" "you were...
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added by LuciferTheDark
Source: Me & BeccaDaHedgehog
added by Shadowsister
Source: Faezza