Zero Kiryuu Club
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The last thing Zero remembered was the unstoppable blade plunging for his heart… then the world exploded. Somehow he knew Kaname was the source, but one of the falling chunks of ceiling grazed his head and the اگلے thing he knew soft, gentle hands were patting his face urgently and a familiar voice was calling his name.


Zero's eyes opened groggily and he saw Yuki kneeling before him, her shocked and worried eyes fixed upon him. He was still in his room, which now looked like the site of an earthquake, still lying on the floor covered in dried blood and plaster dust. He saw one of the black clothed assassins lying still beneath a chunk of the ceiling nearby, so he didn't think he could have been out very long.

Zero instantly pushed up to his elbows, ignoring his pain and his dizzy sickness as he forced himself upright, looking around, trying to get his dazed mind to work.

"Kuran!" he rasped. "Where's Kuran?"

Yuki was staring at him, eyes wide, obviously with no answer. But a tense, cold voice from beyond her spoke up.

"We were hoping آپ could tell us, Kiriyu. The scent of his blood is all over this room, but he's not here." It was Ruka Souen, the devastatingly beautiful blond from the Night Class. Only now did Zero realize that there were several Night Class students in the room, as well as Chairman Cross.

"Aido, Kain, Seiren and several of the others took off after a scent trail left سے طرف کی what I'm assuming is this man's fellows," the Chairman explained, taking pity on Zero's dazed and bewildered look and nodding towards the fallen vampire assassin, who was bleeding sluggishly from the hole Zero had put in him with the Bloody Rose gun.

"They must have taken him…" Zero murmured in deeply consternated worry and alarm, struggling to get to his feet. Both Yuki and the Chairman stopped him, forcing him to remain sitting.

"Zero, please… you're not well…" Yuki pleaded, although her face was pale and it was obvious she was very worried سے طرف کی everything that was going on. The idea that Kaname might actually be in trouble hadn't quite seemed to dawn on her yet. She was so used to him being, well… invincible.

"I'm fine!" Zero snapped harshly, trying to throw her off. But he wasn't fine and ended up slumping sideways, forcing her to catch him.

Yuki was looking at him with big, worried and confused eyes. He knew what she was thinking. He'd been dying last time she saw him. He certainly was no blooming پھول right now, but he was obviously very much alive… albeit surrounded سے طرف کی a disaster zone and one strange, unconscious vampire.

Zero couldn't explain in front of everyone. As far as he knew, most of the Night Class didn't know he was a vampire, and certainly didn't know that Kaname had ever let him drink his blood, much less do it twice. Even Yuki didn't know that Kaname had done that. Despite his lack of full understanding on the subject, Zero had managed to get the feeling that it was not something he should share with the other vampires, for both his own and Kaname's sake.

"They took Kuran," he muttered hoarsely instead, the urgency in his tone effectively putting everything else in the room on hold. "I don't know who they are, but there were six of them, dressed like that bastard," Zero nodded at the fallen one. "Ichiru is involved somehow; it was he and two other vampires like that one who attacked me. Kuran seemed to think someone had sent them for him, someone who… wanted his blood, یا something…" Zero finished with a bit of frustrated vagueness. To be honest, he hadn't really gotten what all of that had been about, just the definite impression that those men wanted to hurt Kaname. Possibly… kill him. "I think he's in trouble."

When Yuki heard what Zero کہا about Ichiru her gaze clouded with pain for him. His brother? His brother had done to him the horrible savagery she'd discovered behind the boy's dorm? Oh Zero… As he finished though, her already wide eyes widened a little further as whole new light of concern dawned in her tender gaze. Kaname? In trouble? It was almost unthinkable.

Apparently the other vampires present agreed. Ruka gave a small, disdainful snort of disbelief. "President Kuran would never be… taken… سے طرف کی a paltry force such as this," she کہا with certainty. It was obvious she thought Zero was either lying یا stupid. Most likely both.

Zero didn't know how to answer that. Any other day, he would have tended to agree as far as Kuran was concerned. But they hadn't seen Kaname a few منٹ ago, hadn't seen the drained, pale shadow of himself that the pureblood had been reduced to. Because of Zero. Because he'd saved the ex-human's life. Zero felt a distinctly unwelcome stab of guilt.

"He…he was… weakened…" Zero stumbled through a partial explanation, struggling for what to say. "I was hurt, he was trying to help me," the words were soft, almost a whisper. "It was a trap…"

"Of that I have no doubt," Ruka's voice would have frozen the sun, her aura dark and perilously stormy. "But what I want to know is why آپ reek of his blood, Kiriyu." The accusation was not subtle.

Chairman پار, صلیب stepped between Zero and Ruka, gesturing for silence before Zero could respond with whatever retort was obviously on the tip of his tongue and make the situation worse. Zero could see in Cross's face that he knew, یا guessed, exactly what had happened between Zero and Kaname. Knew the only reason Kaname would have been vulnerable to an attack like this. Despite his sometimes irritatingly starry-eyed idealism, the Chairman was no fool.

"Now, now, let's not get unpleasant," the Chairman کہا with a forced cheeriness that was out of place. "Zero is a brave young man, Ruka, but as آپ pointed out, I'm sure he would have been no match for Kuran if he meant him harm. Kuran did come in here to help Zero, this I can vouch for personally," he said, leaving no room for doubt. No one here was willing to سوال his word, at least, not yet. "That something happened after that, and that strangers from the outside were involved, is obvious. That Kuran is gone is obvious. So I think we had better precede for now on the assumption that Zero is telling us the truth, and as unlikely as it seems, Kuran may have been the object of a malicious plot and a… a… kidnapping." The word felt totally incongruous to everyone, even the Chairman who was usually blissfully oblivious to his own unique choices of phrase. There was no arguing against his steady logic, however, and even Ruka had to agree that he was right. The details could be sorted out later. Right now, the important thing was trying to find Kaname. Swiftly.

Several of the Night Class students were already extracting the assassin from the rubble. When he awoke, if he awoke, they would have plenty of سوالات for him. Chairman پار, صلیب sent several others off try to track down Ichiru and find out what part he played in all this, although the Chairman secretly doubted that the boy would be foolish enough to still be hanging around if he was involved. This was not good. Not good at all. Kaname was in many ways like a nephew to the former vampire hunter turned headmaster, but پار, صلیب was also aware that there was much مزید at stake here than just friendships. Without Kaname, the dream of fostering peaceful coexistence through this school was over. Even if some of the Night Class might want to remain on their own, their families, all powerful aristocrats in the vampire world, would never allow it, not after finding out how Kaname had been taken out on the very campus where their children were staying. And the consequences wouldn't stop there. Kaname was one of the only purebloods who openly and fully supported pacifism and co-existence. His loss would be a shattering setback to the movement. Things could destabilize… there could be another war. پار, صلیب had to wonder if that wasn't actually at least in part the reason for what had happened here tonight. Pacifism was not مقبول with all vampires. In his opinion, Kaname's parents' fates were very likely proof of that.

Yuki still seemed a little stunned. Worrying about Kaname was so unusual that she wasn't sure what to think. But as her adopted father spoke, anxiety flooded her in a sudden, savage rush. Somehow… whatever Kaname had done to try and help Zero had left him vulnerable. She got that much. No… oh no… she was the one who had asked him to help Zero. She had begged Kaname to save his life. She had unintentionally set him up for whatever was now happening to him. A strange, cold, clinging fear gripped her heart. What would life be, if she could never anticipate turning a corner and catching sight of Kaname's tall, dark figure at the end of the hall? If he never passed her on his way to class again? If she never saw his quiet smile, یا that deep, sad, soulful look in his eyes that made her want to fill whatever void it was she saw there and make him happy? Those were سوالات she'd never asked herself. Because she'd never contemplated losing Kaname. He was like the sun, یا مزید appropriately perhaps, the moon… he was always just there, literally for as long as she could remember. Taking him away would leave a huge, gaping wound in the fabric of her sky that nothing could replace. If Kaname was gone… she felt she would never be able to smile again.

Zero could see the stunned, pained emotions playing across Yuki's face like an open book. He reached over and pulled her close, holding her tenderly against him as the tears came, spilling down Yuki's cheeks silently.

"I'm sorry…" he whispered softly into her hair as he held her. His words kept low, for her ears only as Chairman پار, صلیب ushered the other vampires out and oversaw the removal of the unconscious assassin. If he had only been stronger… if he'd not let his feelings for his brother blind him, if he'd not gotten so hurt in the first place, none of this would have happened. Zero didn't know how he could make this right, for any of them, but he would try. With every breath in his body, he would try. Zero wanted to be doing something. Right now. But there was nothing he could do. The ones responsible for this were long gone, as most likely, was Ichiru. Kain, Aido and others were already in pursuit. If anything could be done, they would do it. Zero was in no shape to be doing much مزید than sitting here and counting his blessings that he was still alive.

"Kaname let me drink his blood, Yuki," Zero whispered, voice still very low. She deserved to know the truth. And he owed it to Kaname, that Yuki should know what he had done for her. Zero was not so petty he would keep this from her, not when so much may end up hinging upon it. And if there was anyone he could trust with his secrets, it was her. "It kept me alive, but he was very weak afterwards, that's why…" he couldn't finish, there was no need to. Yuki understood fully now what had happened. His bloodstained fingers curled tightly in the fabric of her uniform as he held her close and Yuki's arms wrapped tightly around his bare waist, heedless of his messy state. "He did it for you, Yuki. آپ saved me," he murmured hoarsely.

Yuki could not reply, she simply cried silently against Zero's shoulder in a mix of joy and pain. She was desperately glad that Zero was all right, that he was alive. Losing him would have destroyed her. But now Kaname might be lost because of it, because of her. She was surprised to find out what Kaname had done for Zero. But yes, that was Kaname. That was the gentle, selfless side of him that no one else seemed to see, but she had always known. Yuki buried her face against Zero's chest, drawing strength and comfort from his nearness. Her feelings were so jumbled and confused and she thought perhaps she would never understand her own heart.

Consciousness returned slowly to Kaname, and it was not welcome. His head burned as if it was filled with hot sand and he was staked out under the broiling midday sun. His body ached about the same and his insides were knotting with painful cramps of hunger. To put it crudely… he felt like crap.

He tried to lift his hand to his head, but that was quite impossible because his hands were already lifted and he was apparently incapable of moving them. Much slower than he would have liked, Kaname realized that he was on his knees in the middle of some kind of دائرے, حلقہ that was etched into the smooth stone floor he was kneeling upon. His wrists were encased in manacles above his head which were joined together and dangled suspended on a single, thick chain from the ceiling high above. If Kaname stood, the chain would dangle slightly, giving him a limited range of movement. But it did not stretch enough to allow him to lie down properly, hence the reason he was on his knees, dangling from his arms as consciousness returned. The room was not large, but it was not small either. It possessed no windows and only one door, which he just bet was locked from the outside.

Kaname blinked slowly, forcing himself to take stock of his surroundings and try to add up the balance of his somewhat foggy memories of where he'd been last, with the reality of where he was now in order to get a clear picture of his situation. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to nab him. He was now their prisoner. Kaname assessed these facts with a cool head. Fear یا even anger would بادل his thinking and he couldn't afford that.

He studied the دائرے, حلقہ on the floor. It was writing, he realized - runes and symbols. A faint, mirthless smile tugged at his lips. Of course. An anti-vampire spell. Meant to keep the person placed inside it from leaving the circle. He could probably overcome it with a little time, if he was at full strength. Right now… it'd probably cause him مزید pain than it was worth. Obviously, the chains meant his captors weren't placing all their eggs in one basket and he gave a light tug on the restraints. The material felt unusual. Some kind of special alloy no doubt. He could just barely make out that there were runes etched into them as well. Meaning they were most likely also specially made for taming and restraining vampires. No measures had been spared then. His smile was grim. So… they were really afraid of him, his unknown captor یا captors. Good. They should be.

After a few منٹ effort, Kaname managed to drag himself to his feet. It wasn't easy, he was weak and ravenously hungry, but some significant time must have passed while he was unconscious, because his body had naturally regained a little bit of strength, although only feeding would truly restore him. At least he could stand… and only swayed a little. Right about now, Kaname would have swapped his right arm for even just a box full of blood tablets. But no doubt, his privation was part of the game being played, and he'd be damned if he played along یا let anyone see him desperate. Vampires… were quite literally like sharks. They could smell blood in the water in مزید ways than one. Never appear weak. Never, ever appear wounded.

Kaname was thoughtfully testing the strength of the chains connection to the ceiling when the door across from him opened. He did not bother to hide what he was doing and did not immediately acknowledge the new arrival's presence, as if the intrusion were a mere annoyance in his day. Kaname had known someone was coming, and who it was, when the other man was still outside the door. He'd know that scent anywhere.

He couldn't even say he was very surprised. Disappointed, maybe, that he'd been right in his suspicions. But not surprised. He'd thought those dark assassins had reminded him of the private guards employed سے طرف کی the Ichijos. Kaname had always known he and his former guardian would be pitched against one another someday. The pureblood continued to ignore the elder vampire, forcing Ichijo to make the first move, to vie for Kaname's attention, making Kaname the one with the power and in effect in control of their conversation. It was subtle games of power like this one that Kaname excelled at.

Asato Ichijo was not oblivious to what Kaname was doing. He'd known the boy too long to not know that it was completely intentional. And yet… he always fell into it. He hated that about this infuriating, pacifist pureblood.

"They won't come loose. Even were آپ at full strength, those chains would hold you," Ichijo کہا coldly, although his eyes betrayed his irritation.

Kaname's eyes, on the other hand, betrayed nothing. He was much better at playing the game. He finally deigned to look in Ichijo's direction as if just noticing him, and not caring very much that he was there. "Really?" was all he said, a faint, amused smile pulling blandly at his lips, as if he found this all very amusing and childish.

Ichijo did not play the game well. His face visibly colored in anger at the younger vampire's nonchalant arrogance that took no account of his current position. This maddening, conceited upstart was going to pay, and pay dearly for this, and for all the indignities he'd committed against Ichijo over the years. That thought calmed the elder vampire enough to enable him to speak again.

"Really," he returned. "And آپ will not be nearly so smug سے طرف کی the time he is done with you, I can promise آپ that, my dear ward."

Kaname's ears perked up at the mention of this mysterious 'he'. So… Ichijo was not the mastermind then. That put Kaname off a little, although he didn't دکھائیں it. Who could possibly be مزید powerful than Ichijo, that he was not the one calling the shots?

"Ah, I should have known آپ wouldn't have the courage یا the intelligence to attempt to raise a hand against me on your own, dear former guardian," Kaname returned with cool, biting disdain, returning the insincerely meant endearment. "So this master of yours… does he intend to grant your fondest wish and let آپ have my blood, which آپ have coveted for years, یا does he intend to keep it for himself, and آپ are merely here to bore me with your unsharpened wit?" Kaname raised an emotionless eyebrow. But something strange was tugging at his senses – a scent that was out of place, because it was familiar, and yet… strange at the same time. What on earth…?

Ichijo appeared ready to boil over again, his fists clenching at his sides. It was true; he'd wanted to sample the younger vampire's blood since the boy was a child. He'd tried, when Kaname had been his ward. He'd tried every trick in the book short of actually forcing Kaname to get the youngster to let him indulge in that pleasure. But Kaname had never let him. And Ichijo was fully aware that he could not force himself on the head of the royal Kuran family, even if he was a child.

But Kaname was no longer the head of the Kuran family, even if he didn't know it yet.

Before Ichijo could reply, another voice answered instead. The voice was surprisingly young, and yet… not. "The master has no need of your blood, Kaname. His blood is already pure."

Kaname stared at the young man who had entered behind Ichijo, and this time he did not manage to keep his expression impassive یا hide his surprise and confusion, even if they were only there for a moment.

"Shiki?" Kaname's brows knit in incomprehension. There was no mistaking his young cousin and fellow پار, صلیب Academy student. The stylishly wild brown hair, the soft, perfect features that got him plenty of work as a model in the human world… even the scent was undoubtedly Shiki's. But something was off. Very off. The scent wasn't quite right and his eyes… they had changed. They were two different colors. He felt different. Wrong. Like Maria Kurenai had felt wrong when her body was being inhabited سے طرف کی the spirit of her distant relative Shizuka Hiou.

Of all the people Kaname might have expected to see, Shiki was definitely one of the last. He would have even expected to see his friend Takuma Ichijo, the elder Ichijo's grandson, before this. Takuma would never willingly betray Kaname, he knew that, but he'd also known for a long time that his friend's family ties were going to one دن cause conflict between them. But Shiki? He'd always been a sweet soul and never shown any interest in power یا politics, preferring the fashionable world of fame inherited from his movie-actress mother. He was Kaname's cousin, the son of his deceased uncle Rido, but Shiki wasn't a pureblood. His mother was mixed-blood, so his words made no sense.

And yet… Kaname suspected the truth, deep in his gut… and for the first time he felt a twist of fear.

"Yes, this is Shiki's body… but Shiki is… sleeping," the being that was not Shiki replied, the cool, mocking smile on his lips a very near approximation of the calm, collected expression that Kaname had been wearing earlier. "I'm hurt, nephew… that آپ don't recognize your own uncle, even if I am borrowing my son's body for now," Rido mocked, his eyes cold and deadly as a serpents as he glared at Kaname.

Rido…so, it was as he had feared then. Kaname's eyes registered the shock of it for only a moment before he quickly closed off again. The impassive calm returning to his features, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for the uncle he'd believed dead to be inhabiting the body of his cousin. "If آپ wanted a reunion, uncle, آپ could have merely dropped me a line. This whole چادر, فرغل and dagger foolishness was most unnecessary."

"But nephew… آپ always did like playing games. Did آپ not enjoy this one?" Rido purred, crossing the floor and standing just outside the دائرے, حلقہ on the floor that surrounded Kaname.

"The true head of the Kuran family has returned at last," Ichijo کہا from where he still stood سے طرف کی the door, glaring at Kaname.

"Really? I think it will be hard to make anyone else see the pureblood, past his mixed-blood body," Kaname کہا mildly, but with well placed bite. Ichijo may accept that Shiki was currently Rido… but not everyone would. There were some physical realities and limitations that could not be ignored.

Without warning, blood whips snapped out of Rido's fingers. Kaname had seen Shiki produce them many times, it was his power, like ice was Aido's. But Kaname had never been on the receiving end of them before. The whips snapped at him, alive with their own power and مزید stingingly painful than any leather thong پر, سلو as they bit and sliced harshly across his skin. They seemed to come from every angle at once, whipping his chest, his back, his arms and even his neck at the same time, leaving raw welts behind on Kaname's pale skin.

Kaname barely held his feet under the onslaught, swaying and gripping the chain dangling before him tightly in order to not give way in front of his uncle. Everything had happened so fast… but now Kaname was left standing with as many welts as if he'd been brutally assaulted سے طرف کی a cat-o-nine-tails, مزید than once. Pain seared and rippled in waves through him.

One of the deeper welts, cutting diagonally across his chest, had gone deep enough to draw blood, and it trickled slowly down his naked torso. Kaname could see both vampires react visibly to the scent of blood and a quiet, bone deep terror dug its claws into his stomach, although he still denied it expression. He already knew, though. This was going to be bad, very, very bad.

Rido's gaze trailed the trickle of blood on its downward journey with rapt fascination. "You know… it's terribly unfair of you, Kaname. For years, آپ denied your own guardian the blessing of your blood… but آپ squander it freely on some insignificant ex-human. Truly… your parents misguided pacifist ideals have obviously left your sanity wanting. But no matter, we can rectify this matter. Ichijo…" Rido gave a gesture, indicating that .he was giving Kaname to the older vampire. No doubt, it was this moment that Ichijo had been waiting for.

He moved آگے swiftly enough, crossing the دائرے, حلقہ to reach Kaname. It seemed whatever enchantment was there was specific to Kaname, یا perhaps to whomever was wearing the matching chains.

Kaname was not going to take this violation passively. That despicable man would bite him only at his own risk. The pureblood bared his fangs at his former guardian, growling low and menacingly in his throat. Blood was in his eyes. Just try it… just get close enough to me old man…

Kaname was starving and Ichijo's blood would be just fine سے طرف کی him. The instant Ichijo was in reach, intent on getting his own fangs into Kaname, the younger vampire lunged him, grabbing the older man's شرٹ, قمیض with both crossed hands and yanking him in close with ruthless strength born of hunger and fury. Kaname's fangs sank deep into flesh and he instantly started to draw like a drowning man gulping air.

This, of course, was not part of the plan and Ichijo howled in fury مزید than pain, grabbing the younger vampire's chained wrists and thrusting him back, attempting to pull away. But Kaname was relentless, frenzied سے طرف کی the much needed taste of blood. He struggled and clawed at the older vampire, his fingers lengthening and extending into wicked talons that caught in Ichijo's clothing and his flesh, cutting and tearing and not letting him pull away. His teeth tore at the other vampire's throat as he drank. Left unchecked, he would kill Ichijo in a matter of minutes. Even in his current state, the aristocrat had seriously underestimated him. Unfortunately, Rido had not. .

Rido's blood whips enveloped Kaname again, unmerciful, unrelenting, lashing him again and again as if they would strip the skin from his body. Kaname fought, but he couldn't hold onto Ichijo around the crippling agony and Ichijo ripped away from him, holding his torn, bleeding neck with one hand and glaring at Kaname with blood red eyes, his own fangs now fully extended and sheer murder written across his gaze.

Rido hadn't eased up on the whipping, focusing on his nephew's back, in order to مزید easily spare his nephew's pretty looks, which he would yet have use for. Kaname barely stifled a ragged cry of pain as the multi-tongued lashes descended across his already torn and bleeding back again and again, punishing him without mercy. He sank to one knee, unable to keep his feet under the abuse, hands curled and knotted in tight fists around the chain, holding onto it to keep from going down completely.

"That was stupid, nephew… it didn't have to be this hard, not yet…" Rido murmured smoothly as he ruthlessly whipped the young vampire with vicious strength, cutting him to the bone. He could be as ruthless as he wanted… he was well aware just how much the pureblood body could take. Kaname's body wouldn't even scar once he was allowed to heal. But Rid had no intention of letting him do that for some time. The scent of Kaname's blood now filled the room, stirring up both vampires to even greater excitement and cruelty. Kaname did cry out now, he couldn't help it. The whip was flaying his flesh and Rido gave no indication of دکھانا him mercy any time soon.

Kaname was screaming, collapsed back to his knees, dangling from the chains that bound him, blood running freely down his back, before Rido finally stopped. It as well that his nephew understood right now that he was theirs, utterly. Any defiance یا disobedience would be punished in the harshest manner possible.

Kaname's limp, dangling head was jerked back سے طرف کی a rough hand tangled in his long, disheveled hair. Harsh fingers pried his jaw open. Kaname was reeling too badly to resist, یا even to understand what was being done to him now. Until he felt the unwelcome sensation of metal and leather sliding into his mouth. He fought them then, trying to yank his head away and reject the hideous gag-like muzzle, the لگام, لگام دینا they were placing upon him. A couple of sharp, fiery slashes across his bleeding back put an end to his struggles, if only because he was too dazed with pain to move.

The muzzle was slipped ruthlessly into place, Rido forcing the large ball gag bit into his nephew's mouth and fastening the straps of the cruel contraption behind the boy's head to hold it in place. The hard, uncomfortable metal ball in his mouth kept Kaname's jaws pried apart, mouth open so that he could not bite. He could not speak, either.

Once the pureblood was safely subjugated in this manner, Ichijo apparently felt محفوظ approaching him again. Kneeling down in front of where Kaname dangled, he grabbed a handful of the younger vampire's hair and jerked Kaname's head roughly to the side, exposing his neck. He intentionally chose the side still raw and injured from Zero's feeding earlier and leaned in close, sinking his fangs ہوم with cruel delight and anticipation.

Kaname's face creased in pain, snarling, his mouth straining at the muzzle to no avail. Ichijo viciously ripped a chunk out of his neck before sinking his fangs in again, as if claiming ownership and marking his property. In a way… he was. Kaname had already bitten him. Biting the younger vampire now formed a blood bond between them. Kaname knew this and his tortured body shuddered slightly. Dear god… if there was ever anyone he wanted a connection with less…

"You let that filthy little ex-human maul آپ quite enchantingly, Kaname," Ichijo hissed against his torn skin, his lips and teeth playing across the wounded flesh and sending dark, disgusted shivers down Kaname's spine. "Do آپ like it that way?" He bit Kaname and jerked his head, again tearing the already torn, bleeding, and unbearably sensitive skin.

Kaname cried out hoarsely, the sounds of his desperate agony muffled and muted behind the gag. There was no pleasure in this raw, brutal violation as Ichijo greedily forced from him what little blood his body had to offer in his current state. With Zero, it had been rough, but in an odd, exciting way, and that had been Kaname's choice. Ichijo and Rido gave him no choice. This truly was a complete rape in many ways, and Kaname shivered weakly as the older vampire drained him of whatever he'd managed to recover since being brought here, Ichijo viciously biting and tearing him the entire time until Kaname wished he might die rather than keep enduring this pain and degradation.

Kaname pressed his eyes closed to hide the silent tears of pure agony, rage and humiliation that welled unshed in his eyes. But he didn't let them fall. Kaname refused to give them that final confirmation of his torment. He was not yet sure what they wanted, what their purpose in doing this to him was, but whatever they were after, he would fight them with every last breath in his body. They could do what they liked, they would never break him. Never.

It was a relief when he finally passed out.
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