random yaoi rp Secret in My Head <3yaoi rp<3 Rated M

knmadden22 posted on Jan 02, 2015 at 09:44AM
set in an all boys school in Japan
different species are acceptable
create OC must include name, age, race, two traits, family reputation/wealth. history is optional (for mystery if wanted)
will start at the beginning of a new year you can include what grade your character is in. if you come in late, i can always fit you in if you are willing to work with me, late transfers are my thing lol
i should also state i myself am comfortable with lemon, smut, and all that goody goodness but it is rated M just in case
last edited on Jan 02, 2015 at 11:26AM

random yaoi rp 466 جوابات

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Ah... so he was one of *those* humans. The kind that were careless about their actions. Until they thought they were actually in trouble, that is. It reminded him immediately of the group of boys who had shoved him so callously in the other corridor, unapologetic until they had been given a dose of equal treatment. It reminded him of the headmaster...
Saiichi leveled a glare on the boy, his aqua irises flashing to a brilliant, tarnished gold, and the slightest hint of shadows crept from his fingertips up along his hands. He felt his teeth sharpen within his mouth. He hated people like that...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel smiled sheepishly. "I may have used some," he admitted. "Surprising an angel is usually a last-experience thing, if we think we're alone. So I used a bit of power to throw up a field in case I automatically lashed out." He noted Saiichi's expression and grimaced. "So you don't like certain people either."
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Koutas tears sincerely fell further "why" his voice cracking as he could barely speak "its all my fault...wh-why would you...." his vocal cords seemed to be malfunctioning now as he let the emotion of guilt fill him. kouta fell to his knees lessening his hold on the angels hand and eventually letting them go he sobbed now realizing what he had done staring in a blurr full of thick tears at the floor
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
He cast a second's glimpse at Daniel, his eyes still stained. An angel, hmm? He supposed he should have known, the feathers were so different from anything else's in Hell. He wasn't supposed to like angels; had been warned to steer clear, or they would try to kill him. He took another step back, wary, eying Daniel up and down. Could he really be so dangerous? He had saved him from those boys, after all, when he didn't have to. And the human...
He swung his gaze back to the boy. Snarled a little before saying, "Certain kinds of people. They're the same in their own clique. I'm acquainted with enough jerks."
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta looked up at Saiichi the tears stopped flowing as his heart was being replaced with anger realizing the comment made was towards him, kouta was hurt and enraged at this point the boy better not say another damn word or things would go bad he thought his hand rolled into a fist but he held himself back trying not to cause problems, he shuffled to his feet and just glared at Saiichi a stinging sensation filled his every being another feeling he didnt understand...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel knelt down next to the boy, slowly placing a hand on his shoulder. "Kouta. We've been over this. You didn't do anything. Usually, I'm careful and make sure I know where people are when walking around, but today I was careless and more relaxed than I have been in a while." He then glanced up at Saiichi. "Most people are." As he was doing this, he desperately wanted to be doing something. His blood had been humming in his veins since Kouta had first grabbed his arm. It was confusing and exciting, and he didn't fully understand it, but he knew that it would be best to figure things out from a distance instead of staying around. But, he felt an obligation to help both boys in the hall with him, and so he stayed.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
before kouta stood up he lifter his head not knowing how close Daniel was and they were nose to nose which filled koutas face in red and he flinched backward before turning his gaze to Saiichi and standing (like in the previous post lol i fixed it agains lol)
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Saiichi grinned, sweet with all the child-like innocence of his current form while revealing the razor teeth ofhis more demonic side. His irises sparked. The way the boy -Kouta- was glaring at him sent a shiver of pent up enthusiasm up his spine. This was different from the boys with the soccer balls; he was being goaded on now.
"You wanna try something, human?" he chimed, ignoring how Daniel crouched beside of Kouta. Leave it to an angel to cater. It was an interestingly saccharine quality, for sure, one that Saiichi could fully appreciate. But for this sniveling heap of meat? His breath hitched for a moment, a surge of bloodlust coursing through him abruptly.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta smirked as he was full to the brim with the same bloodlust he looked away holding his smile "is that....a challenge my dear?" he asked completely drawn in by the boys aura of hatred for him but it did surround him too the hatred for the boy. he glanced out of the corner of his eyes at saiichi with a plan cooked up his sleeve "bring it" he demanded as he took a quick lunge toward the boy.....HOWEVER (hehehe) kouta did not attack the boy but pinned him up against the wall showering the boy with his body so he couldnt escape he came close to the boys ear "i...want a taste" the puffs of breath curled along siichis ear and he licked his lips his slippery wet tongue sliding along his strong mouth
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel, who had by this time backed up several steps, watched in silence. He could tell violence was intended at one point. With a soft metallic ring, two gold and silver swords rested in his hands, ready to use. He opened his eyes, and they were several shades darker than usual. His tattoo shimmered lightly, sending a wave of heat through the inked skin.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Saiichi gasped, utterly caught off guard. He had anticipated a brawl to start up, not to be suddenly boxed in by Kouta's arms. He heard Kouta wet his lips, the noise disturbing and vulgar next to him, and he tensed. He was a bit confused by the whole thing. Looking past Kouta, it seemed that Daniel was more fight-ready, brandishing two swords that gleamed menacingly. His eyes widened, examining them even from a distance, but they narrowed again when Kouta pressed his body against him, further pinning him against the wall. He wanted to change form right there, even if it was as simple as his halfbreed. Kouta was *human*! How *dare* he try to intimidate Saiichi like this!
A growl rippled from somewhere deep in his chest, and he surged forward, exposing teeth. From his current height, he only reached perhaps Kouta's chest, but it was enough. His jaw locked on his torso, just beneath his nipple, his canines delving in search of rib. Blood spurred into his mouth, and with the growth of claws he latched on so Kouta couldn't merely back away.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta winced and screeched in pain but with a smile, his blood oozed from his wound pooling onto his shirt and spilling into the other boys mouth the only thing kouta could think of is how it was fair but a little ironic, didnt kouta want a taste of him but the tables turned around it seemed kouta let out a small chuckle at the irony as his half-lidded eyes fell and his body became motionless but his face was still stained with a smile as his body fell weightless
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel clicked his tongue, abandoning the swords and swishing over the floor. With a muted murmur, he slowed time down for himself, working at unlocking Saiichi's jaw whle ignoring the steadily growing pain in his chest. When he finally got the boy's muscles to relax, he released the spell, stumbling backward and sucking in a breath.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta lay motionless with a wound of pooling blood
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Saiichi's mind went sluggish. He had only enough composure to wonder what was happening, and then a chill raced through him and he was leaning against the wall, his mouth not full of that damned human anymore. He cast a questioning glance at Daniel, blood trickling from his mouth.
"Why'd you do that?"
So, Daniel could manipulate time? If Saiichi had been prepared, he might have used ine of his keys. He'd learned back home to unlock a frozen clock, the point of success (and the difficult part) was just being ready for it.
His eyes averted to Kouta, whose still form lay on the floor. He grinned, ready to lunge forward and rip his throat out. It was so easy now, it was candy.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel stepped between the two, eyes calm. "I don't think you want to be responsible for another student's death, Saiichi." His wings flicked open, obscuring the body on the ground in black feathers. "And I have no intentions whatsoever of letting either of you be harmed further." As he spoke, a series of pale sparks trickled down his neck and pinpointed Kouta's injury, knitting his flesh back together and giving him a peaceful sleep.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Koutas pain seized and he slept comfortably now still obtaining a smile and letting a moan escape is lips "ahhnnn ... ice...cream...yummmmm" he spoke
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Saiichi swallowed his growl, forcing his piercing stare to Daniel as wings blocked his vision of Kouta. He noted how tranquil Daniel appeared in the face of all this commotion. How could he remain so... unaffected by the whole thing? But... he supposed Daniel was right. It was only the first day of school, and having the blood of a student on his hands wasn't exactly the beat way to start off the semester. He straightened back up from his predatory crouch, scowling. He wiped his mouth, smearing red over his face. He glimpsed the back of his wrist, saw all the red. And he suddenly felt... a bit ashamed. Here, Daniel had been so pleasant, and he had gone and caused a scene. All the animosity trickled out of him; he stared up at Daniel with wide, childish regret.
"I'm sorry." he mutteres, glancing back to his arm.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
"It's alright," Daniel answered softly. Then he laughed without humor. "Just don't let me manipulate time again. I'm paying for it." He didn't elaborate, instead folding his wings and turning to look at the snoozing Kouta. "Now, I'm not sure whether I take him to his dorm or what..." He shook his head, smiling as the dropped swords dissolved into dust.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
"If you manipulate time again, I can..."
He allowed the sentence to die away, a slight blush heating his cheeks. He didn't want to show all of his cards, especially not to someone who could potentially be an enemy later on. It wasn't a smart idea in the least.
"You should probably just take him to his dorm. I... I need to go anyway."
He tossed a worried glance at the corner, as if expecting the headmaster to round it right then and there, his head ready to implode with anger. He had told Saiichi to wait in the spare room off the side of the stage, after all, and not only had he ventured off, it had been at least an hour ago since then. He was going to be furious, and Saiichi was in no mood. Licking his lips and silently reveling in the taste if blood he found there, he started down the corridor at a rapid walk. He cast a smile iver his shiulder, waving a little despite the strange events, and called back, "See you later, Daniel!"
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
"Bye Saiichi." The angel called after him. Then he knelt, hauling Kouta up in his arms and thinking. After remembering the room he came from, he set off in that direction.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
The rest of the day Kouta slept in his bed missing the first day of announcements and schedules but having the best sleep of his entire existence
"wake up wake up....wake up wake up..." koutas alarm rang, he squinted his eyes and slid his lids open revealing him in...his room?! now he was utterly confused and tried to recall the events from last night........a blush and the feeling of anger swept over him. kouta unwillingly continued to ready himself for school not realizing he had no idea where to go he avoided Garbiel at all costs as well from fear of being yelled at. he swung his bag with its long strap over his head and rested it onto his shoulder letting it hang near his bottom and he left. now with map in hand it didnt take long to exit the building and find where he wa-...wait he thought he stopped outside the building "WHERE THE FUCK AM I GOING?!?!" he cried loudly so he decided to head to the ***headmasters office*** to obtain his missing information and apologize for not being any where but in bed yesterday...he approached the building that located the office and he entered follwing directions through the halls finally arriving he began to knock on the door and was greeted by the headmaster himself "ah! sir" he bowed "i dont know where to go sir!" he admitted properly
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
"I can show him to class, Headmaster," a familiar voice drawled. Daniel leaned in the doorway, smiling in amusement. "I believe we share the first class."
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Another pulsation jumped through koutas blood cells as he lifted his chin to stare into Daniels kind eyes now standing straight upward his mouth slightly agape and the heavenly being before him glowed in his eyes he feverish blush crawled onto koutas entranced face he remembered all the events from yesterday involving Daniel his head felt mushy and then out of no where he remembered feeling what it felt to touch this being his heart now raced to keep up with how nervous he felt. A bead of sweat dribbled down from koutas temple to his jawline a-all the times he got to feel Daniels flesh or his movements or his touch at all was like heaven itself, the blush intensified he couldnt take it anymore as he pushed himself to look away to start at the floor with a grunt from annoying himself. he awaited Daniel to show him the way...his first class was with..him? how would he control himself he could only take so much of these fluttery feelings...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک pokemonfan909 said…
((I'm sorry about... I should have paid more attention *bows* I'm really sorry..))
((Where do I go?))
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel laughed softly, reaching out and grabbing Kouta's arm. "Cmon." He tugged the other boy down the hallway, stopping outside a classroom. "It should be in here."
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
(Tee hee, it's okay!! We were kinda just pumping it out last night one after another! ^-^ Just hop in wherever! It looks like things are heading towards a classroom...)

Saiichi woke up grumbling. The headmaster had chewed him to pieces for disobeying, and the whole night had been thick with tension for it. And the morning as well. Saiichi had been sternly instructed to stay out of classrooms so as not to disrupt the teachers; so long as he agreed to that, as well as the unspoken rule to remain in his child form, he had free roam of the campus. Even the headmaster knew he couldn't keep him cooped up all day.
Saiichi was more than pleased to stay away from the classrooms. Learning curves here weren't his thing, and any subjects he was interested in could just as well be explored in the later evenings, when students had long since left and the rooms were dark. Until then, he made his way across the campus squares, noting building names and shops for future references. Every so often, he wondered where Daniel might be, which class he was heading to... and, begrudgingly, if Kouta was all right.
He really usually wasn't like that. His behavior had been unacceptable. He fiddled with the idea of perhaps apologizing.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
((lol no worries i understand sometimes we can get busy or lazy with the rp but im willing to work with you at all times :) kay? so no sweat))
(nowwwww hmmm you can explain your feelings after the kiss then for the rest of the first day, a small description about your whereabouts like for the announcements and schedules they give for the first day try to imagine being Garbiel having to deal with his first day at an all boys boarding school when at the very morning you out of no where were kissed but then at one point Kouta does come home and sleepy the rest of the day u can have fun with that if you want lol and as for the next morning we literally just got up so explain your character waking up their second day, it might be a long post which i dont mind since you need to get caught up but after that you will be good to go just make sure you read the other posts so they dont conflict with one another shouldnt be too hard and if you need help you can ask me anything)
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Koutas arm was stinging where Daniel had grabbed him as they approached the classroom, they entered and seeing as the teacher wasnt there yet took a seat next to one another but Kouta couldnt shake all the feelings from yesterday, the pulsing with both Gabriel and Daniel, the way they both brought out a different side to him hed not known of, the passionate anger he felt for Saiichi and why he became so sadistic with him, then the pain from the grappling Saiichi held onto his torso which left a painful reiinder, all these things wracking Koutas brain he was in a deep trance trying to make sense of it all. Hed not even realize the teacher had come in and was taking roll proceeding to call his name, finally hearing after it was called the third time he snapped out of it and stop up properly "h-here" he bowed and everyone stared at him...like always they knew his family owned half the school he never knew why people would stare at him that way though, he sat back down and the thoughts flooded back in throughout the whole class he could pay attention, he needed some kind of outburst, he needed a reliever of this stress......a...fight! he thought Kouta needs a fight! but noooww who can it begin with, well obviously no one would stand up to him...except.....saiichi? he questioned umm no no no nevermind he didnt want that pain again who else?....wait....there is one person in the room he can get at who cant do a damn thing to him.....the fucking teacher!!!! yess!! so, he began. Kouta leaned back in the chair with a smirk and swung his legs around to rest on the table, when the teacher protested he grinned "why? do you have a problem with the way I study?" she retaliated too, yess this would definitely help get his stress out, they threw back at each other for a while with snide comments and the teacher trying not to get angry, but then Kouta stepped over the line.....another smirk crawled onto his face "so are you telling me i cant doooo, this?" he walked up to the front of the classroom, the students watching with the utmost curiosity, *smack* Kouta was now being reported to the headmasters office on the walk there he began to feel in the wrong smacking your own teacher? that was a bit much he realized why am i acting thiis way what is wrong with me, i have to figure this out then Saiichis face popped into his mind of when he was pinning him to the wall yesterday and how adorable his frightened or off guard face wa-wait what?! no no no no no why am i calling him adorable? he blushed but shook it off when arriving at the headmasters office.....the Secretary announced koutas arrival, as he took a seat to wait
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel watched in silent disapproval as Kouta acted. When he was taken out, Daniel sighed and slid Kouta's books over to his side. When the class ended, he sat there for another minute, making sure everything was in place, then wandered out onto a secluded pathway and unzipped his coat. Underneath was a bandage. Several spots of crimson soaked through, and he chuckled. "Not stopping time again for a while,"
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
It was nice outside, sunny with a light breeze that kissed Saiichi's cheeks and rummaged through his fiery hair as he strolled about. He'd revisited the auditorium, trekking through the two stories to find all the little nooks and crannies, and walked the circumference of the inner most squares, wanting to go inside the buildings and see what they had to offer him fir entertainment, but classes had only just begun and he was making an effort to obey the headmaster. As much as they didn't get along, Saiichi had to consistently remind himself that the man needn't have taken him on for fostering. Contracts between human host families and demon individuals were brittle, usually taking months, even years, to find compromising ground. The truth of the matter, though, was that to become full fledged in their ranks, a demon had to have earth-associated experiences, and that meant spending time in earth to get accustomed; likewise, the favors of a demon was nothing to scoff at, and neither were the automatic perks of hosting one. It was a business transaction through and through, so Saiichi was grateful. Even if they did fight often.
Eventually, he found himself ambling through what appeared to be a narrow network of paths; a series of gardens, perhaps? Everything smelled sweet as he walked along, gusts of wind gently coaxing the last of the season's flower petals to ride their currents. It was beautiful.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta was called in he slumped and shifted his legs to enter the headmasters room....one and a half hours later he walked out witha frown and he left to return to classes, the headmaster was not happy at all but listened to Koutas story he knew Kouta has never acted out so this was a truly strange occurrence but it didnt stop him from giving some punishment so just to show he had done something however the headmaster still expressed how angry he was that such an honor student like Kouta would do something like this. the punishment Kouta received was simple but not rewarding to his reputation a two day suspension and no access to attend any activities those two days what was he to do now. Kouta decided to take a walk in the hot sun roaming the grounds to clear his head until he eventually caught sight of someone but this wasnt any someone and he didnt want to deal with it but he was froze in fear as last time he saw Saiichi he was severely injured where should he go now what does he do? he just hoped Saiichi wouldnt see him and would walk away...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel stretched, both his wings and body, to their fullest extent, reveling in the sun soaked afternoon. He began to sing to himself, as he correctly assumed he was alone. For the time being, at least. He knew that he could probably never sing to someone, or they would become enchanter. A heavenly voice was a powerful thing.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
As he stared at the scenery, Saiichi glanced around quickly. He was beginning to feel exhausted; too much time in this form drained him, and he needed periodic breaks to recharge himself. Normally, he would retreat to the headmaster's personal quarters and rest up there, but... he wasn't in the mood. Feeling isolated enough from the other students, he reached into his shirt. He wore a chain around his neck, and dangling at the end was an old-fashioned gilded key with intricate, swirling designs of obsidian allowing the shaft. He slipped it over his head, turning the end around and placing it a few centimeters from his heart. Taking a breath and closing his eyes, he twisted it. A clicking reverberated in his head, and a rush of energy flowed through him. Tiny, mirror-like diamonds cascaded from the unlocking point and outward, changing his appearance as it went until he stood there in the shimmering remnants. He straightened, rolled back his shoulders and stretching. He yawned, rummaging fingers through his dark turquoise hair and scratching at the base of his horns. The dirty golden eyes of yesterday flashed against skin of delicate cream. Heaving a sigh, he replaced the key around his neck. That was *so* much better!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta watched widening his eyes and his mouth now agape "h-hes not just a child" he finally got it, you see, Kouta didnt put two and two together last time but stupidly he made this comment aloud which obviously could be heard. he stared in Awe but a different kind of awe from the angels, the creatures horns protruding from his skull and at the end of his slender fingers were claws now, koutas eyes strolled along the creatures body examining every part the strands of turqoise that hung from his head flowing along his now pericing golden eyes and then the fangs that had grown out sharply and he was taller! and his features more filled in as his jaw was now a strong edge he looked so much older. Kouta just stood there like an idiot gazing at the figure before him
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Saiichi jerked around, gasping. And then his eyes narrowed.
He cast his gaze around, in a slight panic, and then was striding towards Kouta with a searing glare. He snatched his wrist, swung him around, and shoved him against the trunk of a tree. Held him there, a snarl distorting his mouth, his hand splayed over Kouta's chest to keep him secure.
"If you *dare* tell the headmaster-!"
He snapped his mouth shut. Much like admitting he could manipulate time to Daniel, admitting that he would be in serious trouble with the headmaster if he told that Saiichi had shifted on campus was terrible mistake number two. Instead, he merely glared, hoping to Baal that would be threatening enough to have his silence.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta pushes against the rough bark "th-the headmaster ? I dont realy want to see him ri-right now, he is a little mad at me presently" Kouta admitted with a scratchy voice his heart raced faster with a sudden rush and he smiled pushing against the demon swirling him around to like before shower him with his body as he smirked "why Saiichi why dont you want me to tell the headmaster?" he questioned with a grin clenching his hands into the tree out of the blood lust that once again filled him
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Saiichi huffed when he was rounded on, pushed against the tree. Kouta was pinning him, much as he had yesterday in the corridor, only now they were eye-to-eye, shooting daggers at each other. His hand twitched; he wanted to slap that arrogant grin right off Kouta's face. But if he did... He bit his lip. He knew Kouta would waste no time in letting the headmaster know that he's seen Saiichi shift, right out in the open, and that would be catastrophically bad. The last thing he needed was the headmaster getting into contact with any of his siblings back home.
"Nothing. Never mind." he said, trying to shove against Kouta so that he could slip by. He could roam further into the gardens, wait just a little longer before switching back to his child form and making a bee line for the dorm, where he could rest in peace.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک pokemonfan909 said…
((Thank you very much! *bows profusely*))

Gabriel woke up, feeling a bit disconnected to his sorroundings.
"Where am I?" he mumbled to himself. Then it hit him. "Oh right... Boarding school. Japan. Kissed by strange boy yesterday.... Classes begin today."
When he thought about the sudden kiss, which must have been bestowed on him because he was in the boy's way, his hand went up to touch his lips, and he felt a strange fuzz in his stomach.
He licked his lips. "I wonder if I'll meet that boy again today," he mused. He got up, and started getting ready.

*Skips to classroom*
He presumed he would be late. But he wasn't really late. The teacher wasn't there yet. He walked to the back of the room and sat there, waiting.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta pushed back against Saiichi "is my little snowflake trying to get away?" he asked sadistically with a grin as he leaned in and kissed lightly on Saiichi's cheek wait what why did i kiss him his eyes widened a little and he pulled back quickly but still leaving enough pressure to hold Saiichi and he stared into his eyes just a bit confused
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
Again, Saiichi was completely caught off guard. What was with this human? One minute he was acting all big and tough and the next he was stooping in for a kiss? Saiichi didn't understand in the slightest.
"Psh, I'm not a 'snowflake', and I'm most certainly not *your* snowflake!"
Saiichi all out shoved Kouta back, adding in a bit more strength than what he actually meant, but he wanted Kouta off! Instantly, though, as he watched Kouta stumble, he regretted it. The headmaster... Kouta could tell the headmaster... That was the only reason Saiichi hadn't bit into him as he had yesterday. He didn't think Kouta even realized how important it was to be kept a secret. What he could possibly ask of Saiichi in exchange...
He shook his head, grumbling. He could walk away right now. Kouta had mentioned that he had already been in trouble with the headmaster. Maybe, if he spun the web soon enough and with plenty of skill, he could make it out to seem like Kouta would be lying about whatever he might say. But... But then how would Saiichi explain a phony story like that? If Kouta mentioned seeing Saiichi in his halfbreed form, there wouldn't be any possible way to make it seem a lie. It would be too farfetched a tale. Too accurate.
Saiichi was in a bind he, for once, couldn't simply unlock and get himself out of.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta he pushed hard against the ground and glared back up at Saiichi with more rage as he rose quickly and slammed Saiichi into the tree once again with one hand clenching his throat just a little so he couldnt move and he smirked moving his other hand along Saiichis lower abdomen pretty close to his groin "dont even, or everyone all over the school will know about your change" he threateed sliding his hand down to just barely rub against Saiichis member
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک pokemonfan909 said…
Gabriel was looking out of the window when he saw two boys fighting. It was something between a fight and a courtship ritual.
He decided to go down and check things out, considering the teacher wasn't here still.
"Well well," he said, stepping between the boys when they reached. He was surprised to see the boy who'd kissed him yesterday as one of the two boys in the fight.
"What's the fight about?" he asked.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک kissmyfrost13 said…
He was angry at first. Very much so. Kouta's hand around his throat was just *begging* for his arm to be ripped off. But then he was ghosting his hand between Saiichi's legs, and oh... that was sensetive. Something Saiichi had never felt before. He gasped softly, wanting to bow forward but Kouta's hand was clinched at his neck, holding him back against the tree trunk. So instead, his hips arced forward, just a few centimeters, totally without his conscious permission. His hand shot up to Kouta's arm, to the wrist that was pinning him, and instead of clawing at it he held it in place. And that was confusing.
He gasped again when another voice intruded in. His eyes flew open and a heat entered into his cheeks; he was shocked and highly embarrassed to be seen like this, by anyone. His stare darted to the new arrival, who was fast approaching, to Kouta, a mixture of fear and inquisition. As if to say, 'Now what?'
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک pokemonfan909 said…
Gabriel looked at Saiichi with an amused expression.
"I mean no harm," he said, casually. "I'd really rather not be here at all to be honest. But I'm not really a fan of fights."
Suddenly, with demonic speed, he was behind Saiichi, holding up his arm above his head.
Then, he leaned in to whisper. "Now maybe you could come with me," he murmured into Saiichi's ear.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Kouta glared at Gabriel realizing it was the boy he locked lips with well wasnt this a surprise both of them right in front of his being the boy whod been kissed and the boy whod been pinned in a swift swoop Kouta leaned in to yet again match Gabriels lips with his own while at the exact moment rubbing Saiichi more now fondling the balls that hung rolling his fingers gently and with his other hand pushed the three of them back up against the tree having them both in a lock with a slight moan as they slammed up against the tree
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک pokemonfan909 said…
Gabriel looked at surprise when Kouta kissed him again. But this time, it didn't catch him off-guard like it had last time. He smirked to himself and kissed Kouta back, harder, trying to pry his mouth open.
"Same trick won't work twice," he said, his lips still on Kouta's.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک BlackPetals said…
Daniel wandered back to the buildings, eyes mostly closed and his jacket over his arm. He was humming softly, mind on other things. He stepped through the door and paused for a moment before shaking his head. He thought he had felt a spike in the emotions on the grounds, but surely something like... That wasn't going to happen so quickly, was it?
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
Koutas eyes popped open in shock wait what why is he kissing back kouta exclaimed in thought he tried t release the kiss as he struggled against Saiichi's body grinding his legs and chest against him his hand lifted and cupped Saiichi's member as a slight moan from all this emotion slipped vibrating into Garbiels mouth his free hand tried pushing against the tree but lost in the kiss rested roughly and dug his nails into the tree a feverish blush had appeared as another moan escaped "mmnnn" he let out
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک knmadden22 said…
((oh shit wait i didnt know you were gonna post again okay do u still wanna walk away? if so ill edit my post))