Huddy Huddy Couple Counseling Thread - A Team of Experts at Work :P

HuddyBea posted on Jan 17, 2011 at 09:32PM
What can I say? We are back! :D

And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season...or maybe not? :P Who knows, Huddy is unpredictable and common is boring so be ready to the fireworks!!!

PS and I definitely want to have more of this!!!!!!
 What can I say? We are back! :D And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season
last edited on Mar 10, 2011 at 03:18PM

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
It took them 7 years to come to the point of being together and it took only two episodes for everything go back to "normal"with Cuddy dealing with guilt and House married to a hooker.That's just great...unfair and ridiculous...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک hughlisafan said…
@evropia and everybody House is NOT married. His marriage license was for one day, and that's it. Chase clearly said that House and his lady friend were man and wife "just for today." In the states, you can determine the length of a marriage license in this case House made it for one day. That is what the prenup stuff was all about and why House was not worried about his insurance situation.

He did all of that to try to get back at Cuddy by drawing an emotional reaction from her, which he did when she left to go into his bedroom. I'm happy he refused sex at the end. I'm also happy he looked pissed at the end.

Overall, I have no idea where the writers are going with this. House has become a caricature of what he once was and is becoming less and less a complicated, complex man. It's not Hugh Laurie's fault. He's just not getting the material he once was. I find this episode again too comedic. It would be nice if the writers and DS remembered that this show is supposed to be a drama. I would like to see some good story lines with good acting again. I've always preferred dramas over sitcom comedies.

I've also never seen House this hurtful before. Usually, the one he hurts is himself but he's definitely striking out at Cuddy here and she's just taking his crap.

I just don't understand what has become of DS. This episode meant nothing in the long run. It didn't do anything about developing House or Cuddy or solving anything between them. As far as I'm concerned this is a one-shot episode. One to be filed away as ep#17 in S7 and nothing more. Since nothing develops in this episode, you can skip it and not miss anything. That's the way I'm looking at it.

I'm sticking this season out, then we'll see. I almost hope Hugh doesn't resign for a 9th season if this is how House is going to go. The man can do better. We won't know anything until the end of the season tho. I hope things get better. I really, really want to see a Huddy screaming match right now. Just to break the ice.

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
The weeks to come will be tough.I really don't know why it hurt me so much.The only scenes i really enjoyed was the last scene where he left and the one with Cuddy and Wilson in his bedroom...They seriously screwing thngs up.At least 13 is coming it may get better.I'll try to stay positive and keep my faith to the writers hoping this nighmare will have a happy end.I can't remember myself crying as much as i did in the last three episodes.Even during season 6 i was holding better.Hopefully the season finale will be as good as Help Me...and even better...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
@hlf i too disliked the episode immensely for its randomness and OOCness. Last week's episode was written well and followed a good progression and this week...? House was being beyond cruel and Cuddy literally had to have Wilson yell at her to get over herself and stop taking his crap. *facepalms* The episode was just...bad. I did like the patient though...that was intense and interesting. The chracter stuff just sucked.

And am i the only one picking up on Wilson/Cuddy sexual tension?! There was the scene in the office and then in House's bedroom and i just felt...awkward watching them like i was interrupting something. i dont think they necessarily meant for that to happen but it just struck me as odd.

i also like the pregnancy idea. however, i still have a terrible feeling that wilson or cuddy is going to kick the bucket and that we are gonna have a terribly tragic season finale. just cant shake the feeling...and i have good intution with that kind of stuff. things are just HEADED for disaster.

p.s. how are we gonna come up with enough stuff to talk about for 3 weeks!? lol they gave us so little to go on
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
Wuddy sexual tension...?Seriously...?I'm glad i missed it because seriously i'm gonna kill myself if anything happens between these two.I mean i love both of them and all but i can't picture them together.Actually i can't picture House and Cuddy with anyone else than each other.They completely ruin everything between them...And for me Huddy is the biggest part of the show...from the very begining i lived for their moments.

But about he whole hallucination theory...?Is it just me or the number of the patient's room was the same with the one House took the penguin in Unwritten...?
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک hughlisafan said…
@huddyjoy Yeah the Wilson-Cuddy scenes have been strong, although I haven't noticed any sexual tension between them. But they do have a strong intimate friendship. I don't know what the hell they are doing with Cuddy. She used to be strong and now she is so weak. In this particular episode she was really, really weak. She never let House walk all over her like this. That was one thing that I loved about their relationship was their ability to confront each other.

Now, Cuddy has given up. And, House, well, I just don't know him anymore. Like I said, the writers' have turned him into a caricature rather than a character. I can still see him because Hugh Laurie is an amazing actor but seriously enough is enough can we get back to some actual drama and a House that is complex and not so loud? I mean, House hanging out with his team? Ignoring Wilson? Being cruel to Cuddy? Ignoring WILSON!!!

What happened to the shy, introvert? I mean remember in S5 when he organizes Chase's bachelor party and spends it in the bathtub by himself. That's House. Or, the quietly guilt ridden man in Remorse in S6, or House in emotional turmoil over Cuddy moving in with Lucas in Baggage. That was just last season!!

By and large, I've liked this season which is why I'm sticking it out to the bitter end. I've re-watched the first 5 episodes multiple times already. They are definitely my favorite. I enjoyed Bombshells and the last episode. I re-watched it, and after giving it an initial grade of B- I now think it is more of a B+. I really liked it the second time around without commercials.

But, this episode my initial reaction is D+. The only reason I'm not giving it an F is because I liked the Wilson-Cuddy scenes, I liked that House did not sleep with his hooker and the POTW won me over enough that I was completely creeped out by the ending.

@evropia I'm starting to hope this is all a hallucination!!!!

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک loretta9018 said…
what's bothering me is that this one kiss we saw with the hooker was more intimate and longer than any huddy kiss we got this season
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
It's the only thing that makes sense.I don't know what to think anymore.The only scene i could actually see House was the last one where he said to the hooker he can't sleep with her.I think they tried to pass Cuddy as the strong one in this episode but sth wasn't right.Cuddy is one of the strongest characters i've ever seen.She is strong enough to dare and take risks with someone like House and embrace her feelings for him but in the same time she is the kind of woman who stands her ground and tells him to fuck off when she has to.

In this episode i didn't see any of that.Cuddy leaving House to do whatever he wanted out of guilt..?If she regreted just go and give him an other chance.Talk to him,say you're sorry.Don't pretend like everything is alright till the last minute he says i do.That was rediculous.And what hurt me the most was the fact that she seams to cope with it.And Wilson asking her to run away from the window instead of pushing her to stop House and all this madness...?And House doing nothing..?Just smirking when she goes and continue just like that...?

They are completely out of character.I mean i feel like i don't know them anymore.Even Wilson said that they tried for months to find a way to deal with each other at work and all we saw was baby-sitting and toothbrush problems..?Oh come on...And House might seem like his old self but obviously he is just a pathetic reflection of the cold bastard he used to be.He just wearing a mask,trying to put everything aside.Instead of letting her in he lies to himself that he can just walk away.Well love sucks at times and it chooses can't choose the one you fall in love with.Him trying to hurt her and ignoring Wilson...she's leaving him go back on Vicodin without even talking to him..?Just like can just write a big end in such a big file...full of all kind of situations,sexual tension,love,flaws,hurt...She always been there for him.She is his greatest can she leave him on the edge of the cliff...?And furthermore knowing it's her fault.

First everything is perfect then they fight about crap and now this.No fighting at work and almost none physical contact.The first true kiss we saw after Selfish was the one before everything blew up.I don't know how to feel anymore.Even they are ready for the biggest twist on the show or they have seriously screwed up.And if the second part is true i don't want to participate anymore.I love these characters with all my heart and the last thing i want to do is watching them fall apart.

I hope that GY words about House being in pain for the rest of the season[which means everything will be back in place till the finale]is true.Too many theories and too many character mistakes...I only want 13 and Huddy back.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک hughlisafan said…
Oh yeah, I might be wrong about the one day marriage thing. So maybe House really did marry that hooker. I was looking for an out on that. I guess we'll see. If he's not having sex with her it's easy enough to get an annulment if they are married, although....oh I don't know anymore.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
I don't see how he could get married for one day...?I mean what's the point at that.The annulment thing is probably what happens anyway b/c no matter how insane he is he can't stay married with a woman who doesn't love and not even sleeping with.And enough with the hookers thing...I'll have to watch every single huddy scene till season 5 to just get over the kiss in the last scene.Cruelty has it's limits...

And one last thing.I want deffinitely Huddy make up sex in the finale.Four months without House and after all this crap is the least they can do...
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک hughlisafan said…
@evropia I'm not really upset with the kiss because she started it, and House was rather cold in rejecting her too. I don't know what she was expecting there. House made it perfectly clear that it is a business arrangement only, although he did mention that there would be sex (earlier in the episode) I guess he just wasn't up to it that night.

House is just so stupid and dumbed down right now. I want my analytical, logical, miserable, misanthropic back with the sarcastic wit, and romantic soul who loves music (no piano this year), quietness (his need to be alone to think), study (don't see House reading any medical journals), and intelligence. How did House not figure out that guy was a serial killer? Where has his observation skills gone? His ability to read people? WTF is going on?!!

I worry because none of this is happening in a good way. I fear where they are taking House now and it isn't "tragic" it's two-and-a-half men. I'm worried about the rest of the season now. I've always trusted these writers but I found this episode so bad that now I'm worried that the rest of the season might just get worse. That there's no way out.

I have to remember this is just one episode and overall I would give this season a B even with tonight's episode. If you go on Television without Pity you find that is their average too.

It's just one episode out of like 150, but I'm not used to House's direction and writing being this bad. All of the sudden Hugh's comments in the Sunday Times make sense to me. He made a comment about not planning for the future because one bad episode could end the show and it would be all over for him. It would just end without consideration for him. I thought it was odd only because I've never heard Hugh Laurie speak about House's writing as anything but exemplary. I don't recall him ever mentioning a bad House episode, and, all of the sudden he was anticipating one?! That comment stood out for me.

I was like this is the episode that Hugh was worried about. Then I thought, holy fuck, what if it isn't? There is an adorable behind the scenes picture around of him in the monster truck though, so it looks like he at least had some fun with this episode. *sigh*

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyBea said…
I'm stoned. And my heart have been ripped apart. I'm bleeding and I think I'm gonna die of sadness. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!! HE GOT MARRIED!!! AND THE FUCK I KEEP SEEING HIM KISSING EVERYONE BUT CUDDY!!!! WHY!!!!!! WHY i NEVER GOT A KISS LIKE THAT!!!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
It was a business arangement and ot was officited by chase is that legal and besides i knew when i was lying in bed that he marries her for for lack of a better term green card they were only married a day and beside look in promo he is not wearing a ring relax btw if this season is real and not a dream i will go spare
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک true_love_huddy said…
I agree with you guys, the episode was simply bad. Their behaviour was OOC and the way the writing has chosen is simply confusing, uncoherent,sad and ridiculous. What happended to our genious writers? Where are we going from here? If the further episodes are going to show us the same decadence, I don't know if it's a good idea to have a season 8.

The worst thing is that I'm not sad, pissed or worried now. NO. I'm simply indifferent, feeling nothing. And if a House-episode can have such an influence, that's really a problem.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycat69 said…
I see that you comment a lot, I'll read your comments after posting my first impressions about last ep.

1) I really liked it! I thought I couldn't like ep withouy Huddy so sad and devastated I was, but in fact I really enjoyed this last ep.
Of course some little things sound not so good to me, but they're few.
2) What I like in this ep :
_ the Wuddy scenes! Lisa and Robert are very great! Wilson is so moving, he tries so hard to make things better between his 2 friends, I almost cried to see how many efforts he does to do it! And at the same time, he seems to have some feeling for Lisa, or did I just imagine that because of some comments on tweeter?

_the POTW are pretty good in this ep, and I liked very much the ride in Monster Truck, so funny to see their faces while House is driving! I really laughed.

_the Huddy scenes were not too bad, but it's so sad to see how each other reacts!

3) Cuddy broke my heart several times in this ep, especially in the chapel scene, and of course at the end, when she can't bear to hear House saying "I do", it was so heartwrenching! Poor Cuddy!
But the saddest thing in this, is the reason she gives Wilson : she can't shout NO, as he said, because she doesn't want to give House this satisfaction! She punishes herself just to oppose to him? WTF!!!
Cuddy! com'on, girl, it's time to behave like an adult! Take your life in the hand, go back to the man you love ! Show him you still love him and try to explain him why you acted like you did when you dumped him!
Fortunately, Wilson is by her side to comfort her a little, and maybe he'll manage to put them back together, well I hope so.

4)House is back, but this time the heart is not there any more, he tries to bluff, but the way he looks at Cuddy in her office, remains the way a lover looks at his girlfriend. And at the wedding, when he saw her leave the room, he was so sad and desperate! He may have hoped that she would shout NO and jump on him, but she just left and went in the bedroom to cry and to hide, she didn't want to see his engagement with another one. And I think that she broke his heart a second time.
Once the wedding ceremony was over, he just watched TV without watching it and remained unmoved to his "wife" (I hate to say this word when it's not in relation with Cuddy)and finally went to bed after he told her that he never sleep with married woman! So cruel for Domenika.

5)There's hope for Huddy after this ep! They are still in love with each other, that's obvious, everyone sees it, and House and Cuddy know their love is still alive. They just have to go their way, to review their respective life, to make the peace with themselves, and then they can take back the road together with this time a real chance that this relation works!
I grant you that it will take a long time, but we have 2 more seasons, so...

Just one thing : he marry her for a green card! and he admit it to Wilson;)
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
omg references gain I swear I am freaking anyalising everything thats bad ok there is this I've done horrible things speech from the patient is reminiscent of House's dialogue to Cuddy in was in now what and the moster truck thing then there is room 243 is the same as the room house stole the peace penguin sorry had to hikack this and say it i still the marriage is a sham for her to get a green card there is also someting weird when cuddy says normal

then their is also this i swear speculating is more fun than depression
First, the team. Would they really react like that??
Second, House says to MMM that she's the main reason he went back on Vicodin... why????
this tells me something is not right
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycat69 said…
@evropia I don't agree with you when you say that House was smirking when Cuddy left the room in order not to see and hear him say "I do". He kinda looked like sad and heartbroken.

Cuddy seems to be weak and let House do what he wants because of guilt ? Maybe, she maybe prefers letting House drive a segway and have a big TV in his office, rather than having him jump from a balconey or sleep with a lot of hookers.
She feels guilty probably because of House's behavior since she dumped him, but she still loves him and she is herself devastated by the break-up, she probably have lost her marks and doesn't really know how to deal with the break-up and the crazy-self destructive behavior of House. She is in an uneasy situation and she feels bad and desperate and broken, that can explain why she's so OOC.

BTW, I really like the idea of Cuddy pregnant, that would be a great challenge for Huddy
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
What frustrates me isn't how he is dealing with him.I know that she's kind of lost.What hurts me is the fact that she doesn't talk to him.Try and make it right.She doesn't want to give him the satisfaction...?Come on Cuddy maybe in the surface it looks like he wants to humiliate her but what he really wants is her back.Hos can't see know that...?
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LaurieLover said…
Okay so I just watched this epi and OMGoodness!!

For those unsure if House and Dominica REALLY are married. They ARE!! This marriage is as legal and binding as any one of Wilson's 3, the fact that it is a business arrangement for a Green Card notwithstanding. Just because it was presided over by Chase does not mean it is not real. In the USA anyone can be licensed to perform a marriage ceremony as long as they complete the necessary documentation, and that it is approved by the state. If the bridal couple want a specific person to marry them then THAT person simply gets the license. In this case where Chase says “for one day only,” he simply means that HE is for this one day only allowed to perform a civil marriage ceremony. The licence does not allow him to keep marrying people after that day.

House is MARRIED in every sense of the word!!

And now I am going to go finish my thought process so I can post it, and see if ya’ll had the same reactions.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
yes we know he married her but by the end he didnt even like her and had the look of regret he still loves cuddy i still think something is up though and if watch the promo for the next ep no wedding ring just saying
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
I personally think that House was hoping that Cuddy would try and stop him. I think he was hoping for a "dont do this i love you" or a "dont do this i care" kinda thing. and when she didnt do that but just left the room heartbroken, it was like he didnt know what else to do and just married her.thats why he seemed so upset.

i too cant figure out where this could possibly be going...and im worried about it as well. i hope the rest of the season isnt like this. altho i feel like episode 18 will be interesting...the 13 stuff looks crazy. maybe they will take a break from huddy for an episode and give us something else to focus on?
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
ep 18 is also the 150 ep and i doubt his wife will be back well hoping anyway and did how the team reacted just saying
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycallianfan said…
ok. First of all. I liked the episode. I cried in the end, when Cuddy walked away and sit there in their..errmm..his bedroom and was sad because of what? as Wilson said, she could just say a word and House would get back to her (well, he said another thing, but let me think he meant that! XD) IF (the always key word:IF...) Cuddy shout NO, do u guys really think he would just throw everything away and run away with Cuddy into the sunset? xD No, he won't. And probably even IF she said something, he wouldn't do anything.
Anyway, all that Wilson/Cuddy thing was cute, BUT I would NEVER FORGIVE both of them if Cuddy will get pregnant from Wilson. Wilson is a true friend and he's NOT going to hurt House THAT much since he knows that House's been hurt by Cuddy. And IF Wilson betray him it'd be a TOTAL disaster and THEW WORST ending of the show itself.

The wedding: It was fake indeed, and my heart was broken into a smaaaaall pieces when I saw House watching Cuddy leaving the room. And when Cuddy couldn't stand there and watch House to say "I do"
AND House DIDN'T actually said "I do" he said "yep." So does that mean that House gives a very big mean to that words? IDK.

The POTW, OMG!!! I was shocked when there was said that he was a serial killer!*shocked face*
And why House said that MMM was the only reason why he got back on Vicodin? O.o

Cuddy HARDLY said that things in chapel. And of course they are in love with each other still. But something separates them from each other. BUT House & Cuddy are the end game. It has to be end game.

THE REFERENCES!!! OMG! The 243 room!

AND the last word is IT HAS TO BE CUDDY THE ONE WHO'LL GET PREGNANT AND IT'D BETTER BE HOUSE and IF it will be Wilson who the father is I will buy a ticket to the "place where GY or DS live" and kill them for giving me the worst ending!
 ok. First of all. I liked the episode. I cried in the end, when Cuddy walked away and sit there in th
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycallianfan said…
Ooh! AND the end!
House really didn't wanna MAKE LOVE with her, 'cause he suffers still. Sex is another thing. Making Love is another. He couldn't neither make love with her nor having sex.
He really does still love Cuddy. And he's trying to live without her in his life. But ...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
Ok clarify time yes I am aware that house got married its faux pas meaning he not happy about it but i also heard clearly from chase that it was just for today and he waasnt worried abou prenup or the insurance forms there are als oto many references that tell me something aint right and i cant shake it

the finale better resolve these issues or Ds and comapny are gonna here from me
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Belle0308 said…
I hesitate to comment on here because I feel like I should be a lot more chipper than I feel. I don’t know what to say.

Wilson…I love the way he is trying to help out Cuddy and handle House. The poor man has his own issues, but he is there for the two of them. I do however agree that I can’t see anyone seriously as a couple other than Huddy, so I don’t picture them together, although he treats her far better than House does at the moment.

The whole idea of the stupid wedding was just…well….stupid. I didn’t like it at all because it is meaningless and it mocked marriage. I mean, he never proposed to cuddy but he asks some foreign hooker to marry him as a business arrangement?

House isn’t really funny to me anymore. The whole thing with the Monster Truck didn’t even make me smile. I didn’t laugh at anything that should have made me laugh because he is nothing but this cruel ass now.

@evropia “Actually i can't picture House and Cuddy with anyone else than each other.” Exactly! Me either which is why this is beyond stupid.

@hughlisafan “Now, Cuddy has given up. And, House, well, I just don't know him anymore. Like I said, the writers' have turned him into a caricature rather than a character.” I couldn’t agree more!! Everything he is doing is just validating for her that she made the right decision.

For the record, I did miss Thirteen because for better or worse I always felt that she was a compelling character. I saw that she is coming back and I should have been intrigued, but I guess I really wasn’t. I guess I have lost my House MoJo. I didn’t even care a whole lot that we had to wait for three weeks.

Like I have said before, the only reason I haven’t stopped watching is probably because I like to finish books when I start them. I have watched this from day one and what is happening now seems like filler episodes until the figure out what to do or something. They re-wrote the last part of the season and this is what they came up with? I would love to see what they had down in the first place.

As far as Cuddy being pregnant, I had hoped that would happen but really…will it? I can’t see them doing that now that they have ripped them apart and he is married to someone else. Although, I did see her grab her stomach like she was sick BUT…I would be sick too if I watched the man I loved marry someone else. I guess as much as I want to believe that Huddy is going to make a return, my mind tells me it won’t.


پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
I threw all my hopes to the hallucination theory.That way we'll still see House deailing with the loss of Cuddy and after walking up being the man he has to be for her without any real sacrifice but knowing how it would taste like.That way they'll deal with the real Huddy realationship next season.

By the next episode i believe House's marriage will be already over.In the promo he didn't wear a ring and i don't see him accomplishing sth beyond what he already had.And the fact that he meets 13 again.I don't know why but i think she lookes as much broken as him.Of course we don't know what happened to her and she doesn't even know about him and Cuddy...but maybe he'll reliese sth deeper about his feelings.

It's good to have her back after all this time.Because if we'll have to deal with a new Taub problem in the next episodes i could really throw up.He's just boring...

The number of the room and the "normal" thing with Wuddy at the end reminded me again of Unwritten.And i don't think it's a coincidence.Sth is going on here...

Three weeks for next episode huh..?Well i am looking forward for an episode where i won't have to cry my eyes out.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
something is for sure going on and it been that way all season i need a break form this and i just watched the ep fully and wth cuddy was sitiing on house side of the bed thats just brutal but there is just to references for it to be a concidence
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
Hopefully...I plan on watcing the episode again too but i don't know...Maybe I'll take it from the begining of the season.At least I won't have to cry that way..i am too damn depressed already...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LaurieLover said…
Okay guys this is a long one. I am going to split it into two posts.


House is MARRIED in every sense of the word.

Chase was licensed by the state for “one day only”, to perform the civil marriage ceremony. For Dominica to get a Green Card she and House will have to be married and stay married for a significant period of time. This will be checked by the State Department. What House and Dominica did is legally binding, but unlawful as they are defrauding the Government.
That is why Wilson, Cuddy and the Team keep bringing the illegality of the “sham marriage” up to House.

House does not hide the fact that it is a business arrangement and that both he and Dominica are getting something out of the deal. She is getting a Green Card and he is getting a live in Personal Assistant, Housekeeper, Cook, Masseuse and a vessel for his carnal appetites all for free. Hence the “iron clad prenup.”

The up side is he does not have to hide his agenda. Dominica knows the situation, and is thrilled to go along with it. House is sexy, smart, funny, playful, and mischievous; we know he is a bobcat in bed and she is obviously attracted to him and clearly likes him. Also he is her ticket into the USA.

Dominica is young, beautiful and willing to do for House what he needs, without him having to risk his heart again. She entertains his crazy stunts and plays along with his games. And YES he IS attracted to her, he DOES like her. One of her “obligations” is to be intimate with him and for that to happen he does not have to love her, but he does have to like her and be physically attracted to her.

His marrying Dominica does not mean he is by any means over Cuddy. Everything he does leading up to the actual ceremony is aimed at making her crazy enough to confront him. When that fails he has no choice but to go through with it. At the wedding ceremony House is not looking at Dominica as she walks into the living room, HE is looking at Cuddy. As she gets to him he glances quickly at her, and then looks back at Cuddy. NO REACTION FROM CUDDY!

At no time during the ceremony can House even look at Dominica. He looks down at the floor or at Chase. Is he perhaps hoping Cuddy will do or say something to show him she loves him and give him a reason to stop the madness? The first time he really looks at Dominica is when he is putting the ring on her finger and then he is standing more than an arm’s length away from her. He does NOT want to be there! His attempt at a smile is filled with pain and hopelessness.

His entire being is focused on Cuddy, he lifts his hand for Dominica to slide his ring on, but he is watching Cuddy as she leaves the room, as is Taub btw! House at no stage was interested in what was going on. As Chase turns to House you see the frown on his face and still he is not looking at Dominica. He is still completely focused on Cuddy and the fact she is walking away toward his bedroom. Even after his “yip” he still avoids looking at Dominica, but looks instead at Chase. When he finally does look at Dominica his face tells the story of deep pain, lost love, frustration, disappointment, fear, desperation and anger.

When House and Dominica hug Forman & Chase are looking to where Cuddy and Wilson disappeared. After the ceremony House is still not smiling, we know he hates weddings and thinks they are a crock. But he did this and seems to have caused the pain he set out to cause. Only thing is HE is hurting even more. He is completely desolate, his eyes are dull and sad; he is dejected as he sits on the couch watching TV. He is very far away from that room as Dominica sits down next to him. What a waste, I wonder if he is not thinking that it should have been Cuddy he was marrying. They both know it is not a “real marriage” there is no love between them. He knows the only woman he wants is Cuddy and I think Dominica knows it too. She knows why he is marrying her, but until then, she many not have realised how deeply in love with someone else he is.

Their attempt at intimacy was not out of any obligation, their kiss is as intimate and sexy as any kiss should or could be. Their touches, meant to stimulate and arouse. She really does like him and he likes her. Part of their deal is that they will have sex. THIS however would not have been just sex; she wanted to make love with him. And he desperately wants to be turned on by her. His response to her kiss is evidence of that. He was trying to let himself go, to enjoy her attention, to want to take her to bed. The fact that he couldn’t annoyed him.
His inabilities to respond mentally and physically to her are not because he does not want to consummate the marriage or because he finds her undesirable. It is because the only woman he really wants is Cuddy. When he pulled away from Dominica and told her he couldn’t, it was not just a line or “because he does not sleep with married women,” he really physically can’t. His mind, body and soul are screaming for someone else.
Although Dominica is well aware of the situation she looks stunned and confused by his rejection. I suspect she realises with regret that his love for Cuddy will prevent him from ever being able to touch her intimately. She will still be expected to perform her obligations when he needs her to, but it will no doubt be a mechanical and one sided affair. The fact that he does not even want her in his bed is proof of his state of mind.
He just married a beautiful, young, willing woman, who wants to BE with him just for the simple pleasure of it and he leaves her to sleep on the couch. House is depressed and deeply hurt, all he wants is Cuddy but she won’t have him.

I have no doubt House & Dominica eventually end up on the wrong side of the law; I remember reading something about a Police Station.

ctd below
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LaurieLover said…



CUDDY on the other hand seems to be just apathetic about the entire thing, so much for “I love Him.”

IMO House was hoping that he could somehow goad Cuddy into a confrontation with him. They have been nauseatingly civil to each other. He wants her to fight and scream and cry. Because THAT is exactly what he wants to do, he wants to shout at the world for the pain he is feeling. When she stops him on his “scooter” he takes a good look at her while they are talking. Handing her the invitation personally was meant to hurt, because Wilson’s he dropped into his tray. As he backs away from her he never looks away from her, not even to look where he is going.

When he goes to her office with the file to get her to add Dominica to his Medical Insurance he again hopes she will react differently. He brings Dominica into her office to force her to acknowledge the fact he is getting married. Again to hurt her, forcing her to react, but again she lets the opportunity to really talk to him slip by. House is shattered by Cuddy breaking up with him and breaking his heart. Cuddy if she is hurt by the fact he is getting married and by the fact he is flaunting his “fiancé” in the hospital for all and sundry to see, is not behaving like she is affected.

When she warns him about loosing his medical cover if he fails to actually get married, the pain is clear in his eyes and face, not the reaction he was hoping for. He wants her out of her mind with jealousy and she is not a bit concerned it seems. When Cuddy does sign the document, the look on Houses face is like he just got kicked in the stomach. He almost does not want to believe it; he is incredibly hurt and disappointed. He wants so badly for her to stop him, his spirit is broken. Yet he can’t seem to look away from her, as she hands the file back to Dominica. In fact he has not looked away from Cuddy since Dominica walked in. The look he gives her as he turns to leave was a silent plea. “Please say something, stop me, I LOVE YOU!” And what does she do? She just sits there.

The toy helicopters in the lobby, he again wants her to have an emotional outburst. He is desperate, he needs to have a reason to get close to her, and an argument would be perfect. If she is angry and emotional, maybe he can get near her, if he can break through her defence, and make her angry enough to cry he can take her in his arms, pull her against his body and hold her close. Even if it just to “comfort” her.
But again she ignores his challenge. A fact that hurts and frustrates him even more, his face shows the strain of needing to get her to respond, something she would have done before. You see him considering what he can do next to finally break through her armour.
When he tells Wilson he is happy she feels bad and guilty for dumping him, he is not really pleased at all. He it seems is stuck on the fact she does not want him and THAT is making him want her even harder. The mere fact that she broke up with him is a sore point with him. The fact he is hopelessly in love with her makes him unable to get over it. He loves her, he is in love with her, to a point he would gladly choose her over everything and anything else, yet that is not good enough for her, HE is not good enough for her. And she throws his tender heart back in his face. He thought she loved him. He finally started to trust again, to open up; he wanted to make a life with her. But she it seems would not allow him the time to grow emotionally stronger, secure in their love. Instead she broke an already broken man. And no matter what he says or does he is stuck!

Wilson realises as does House and even Cuddy that everything he is doing or has done is to get a reaction from Cuddy. Wilson knows that House is a desperate man, and that he needs Cuddy. The monster truck in the disabled parking, the demand for the TV in his office and all the other nonsense are all just a means to engage with her. He supposes that the more he pushes the closer he will get to breaking through.
Again Wilson’s intervention in Cuddy’s office is his way of trying to get her to confront House. If she stands up to him, they will have to talk, because House being House won’t just back down. He knows that if he can get them talking they can get to the heart of the problem, which is their feelings for each another. Even suggesting that if she continues to let her feelings of guilt override her common sense, House will soon be targeting her person. She claims nobody cares what House does because nobody is being hurt, but she knows Wilson has already worked out that she is hurt and desperately unhappy. Wilson knows Cuddy is being torn apart as is House. Getting her to stand up to House is important for their relationship going forward.

The confrontation in the chapel is exactly what House intended, but he may have expected or even wanted a more emotional Cuddy. Yet she seems calm and unconcerned about his decision to get married and more concerned with little details, like the chapel being for the families of patients blah blah blah….
The only indication she is having difficulty is her deep breath as she walks out. Again he stands and stares as she leaves, hurting every second he does. The woman he wants walking away from him as the woman he is marrying is standing behind him.
So nothing he has done has roused her anger or emotions, so the wedding is his last resort. He is still hoping she’ll stop him.

As Dominica walks in House is looking at Cuddy. He never looks at Dominica until she is right in front of him, and then it is just a glance and his focus is back on Cuddy, who is watching him with a bored, disinterested look on her face! Had she said something or showed him any emotion at that moment he would have stopped the ceremony. But she just stands there emotionless watching him watching her. I don’t think she thought he would actually go through with it. Not until he put the ring on Dominica’s finger did Cuddy think he was serious.
That is when she realised what the implications of her non action meant. He wanted her to react and respond, she had several opportunities to talk to him, to tell him how she feels, that she loves him, but that being his was impossible until he had dealt with his demons.
But she was too stubborn or to proud. Even after she walks out, her heart no doubt in shreds, does she want to give him the satisfaction of knowing she is hurt, unhappy, in love with him or desperate to fix them. She is supposed to be in love with him, she feels guilt and remorse over the break-up, yet she will stand there without reaction as she looses him to another woman. Not a single tear, not a single glimmer of the pain they both feel. His face shows his every emotion. Instead she feels angry at herself for allowing his stunt to get to her. She digs in and refuses to show her weakness for him, instead she is content to loose him, go back to “normal”. Wasn’t she the one that said, “normal is boring.”

Whatever happens it seems both House and Cuddy have given up! There is too much pain and too much hurt and anger for them to deal with.

If Cuddy wants him back she is going to have to tell him so. He is to hurt to ever try and get her back, besides his terror of further rejection. So he will spend his time with loose women, danger, drugs and alcohol.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
wow Laurie I do agree with what you said but i cant shake the fact that something is going on there has been to many concidences if you have been watching closly i cant help but think this to many references have been made while i do agree with you i cant skake the feeling something aint right but i do value and you have point i just hope we find out what by the season fnale on may 23
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
@LL all your points are really well made! and pretty much exactly what i was thinking as i was watching the episode. House has always done this kind of stuff to her to engage her.

i think some of it IS the emotional reaction out of her and i think some of it is his need for their communication. prior to lucas entering the picture (season 1 up to season 6 episode 7) they communicated through bantering, sexual tension, just that involvement with each other and he wants that back too i think. but she's not even giving him that.

i remember reading a spoiler about cuddy getting extreme. it doesnt surprise me. she is NOT gonna be able to hold that emotion in any longer she is literally gonna lose it very soon. and i hope house is there because i think it will give him a sense of relief. he wants to know that she is hurting too because then he wont feel so ALONE.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycat69 said…
@LL great posts! what you say about House and Domenica, and about House/Cuddy is true.
House wants a confrontation with Cuddy to get close to her, to show her that he cares for her, that he still loves her.
And Cuddy seems petrified, she can't do anything to get him back to her. I'm sure she desperately wants him, but she doesn't know how to show him how much she loves him without loose the face in front of him.
They both are stubborn and don't want to show their weakness, that's so sad!
We have to hope that a confrontation will finally happen, maybe if Cuddy is pregnant and that House is the father! If this is gonna happen, then they have to talk! And they finally fight, yell, cry and end with a "make up sex". Well I hope so

Just one thing more : Maybe is Cuddy's behavior so weird, she doesn't react, she seems stoned, maybe because she took some pills too; not vicodin, but something to avoid pain? What do you think?
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
guys something is fishy here i looked up the laws for new jersery chase could not officate at it well because you might need to read this and scroll sown to nj and marraige liceneces i have a knack for details

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tammyr50 said…
I can;t wait to read everyone's posts. One quick item. As long as House does not have sex with Dominica they are not technically married. The marriage could be annulled.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک barbie246 said…
hi whats up with yall
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LaurieLover said…
Okay just read the link. It does not mention that the state of NJ does not allow "laymen" to apply for licences to officiate a wedding.

They simply use CA as an example.

It says that it is a misdemeanour for the authorised presiding officer not to present said license. And an unauthorised person to perform the ceremony.

Chase would not have placed himself in jeopardy; also House is well aware of the law. His marriage alone will not guarantee Dominica a Green Card. There will have to be documented proof. THAT is why Chase encourages those with cameras to take pics. You hear him say take pics for documented proof. Submission for the Green Card will require a copy of their personal docs, the marriage licence (House & Dominica's) as well as the proof that Chase was licensed to officiate.

As much as I would like for this to just be a ploy on Houses part, unfortunately it is REAL.

Oh and just because he is heartbroken and unable to take Dominica to bed then, does not mean he never will. The very first time they "honour their contract" their marriage is consummated.

AND we all know HOUSE is TOO much man not to sleep with her!

last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddyfantatic said…
just been reading the reviews from last nights ep and they all agree that it was bad and appartently the rating was an 9.31 and down by 3%
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LaurieLover said…
Mmmm I just can't shake the feeling that this hiatus is NOT a good idea. What with the general discontent among fans, the bad reviews and the drop in ratings, if I were DS, I would be more than a little concerned. Instead of a hiatus, I would keep the ball rolling. But the House "POWER TEAM" are all arrogant beyond belief!!

In 3 weeks fans are going to be less inclined to tune in again, because the last 3 episodes have been SO out of character, disturbing and just gut wretching. Even for those for whom House has become a HABIT. It is a well known fact it only takes 21 days to break a habit. The thing is there is nothing to look forward to so after one has purged yourself of this "THING" why go back?

And it seems it is not just the Huddy fans but the Non-Huddy's too. The entire show seems to have been flipped on it's head. What is going on in the writers room? House the DRAMA has become House the COMEDY, and the sad thing is it is really not even funny!

More disturbing than that is that fewer and fewer viewers are really even THAT interested anymore. If House has not been renewed by the May sweeps IMO it is over!

Whatever they TPTB decided is best for House is clearly not what fans expected. I for one never expected for him to loose almost all the ground he has made up. I did not think that after so much agony, angst and hard work to become a better, happier man they would simply pull the rug out from under him.

Hugh Laurie must be so disappointed that the House HE has has built is crumbling infront of his eyes. With the crap coming out of the writers room he will never win an Emmy. Even though he is hands down the best actor in his category. Shame!
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tammyr50 said…
@huddyfanatic - Way to go get those details. Maybe House has a spot for you on his team.

Ok guys I know they really have "seemed" to be off this year. And I know GY has rubbed people the wrong way. The rest of this season has the possibility of really being tough if you are a "Huddy or a Hilson." There are still a lot of things that could happen that will make you cringe.
But, the chemistry and the love are still there between Cuddy and House. There is a bigger picture that if we go 2 more years they need to set something up.

My theory is that David Shore was into the other project which was the "Rockford Files", and may have lost some interest in House. With the other project shelved they decided they might need to pay attention to House. Here is the thing these two actors are pouring theirselves into these roles now that they see some light.

Before this is over Cuddy will probably do something that we probably don't want to happen.

Here is the thing they are still House and Cuddy and they still have time to turn this thing around. So let's not give up on them. we have come this far. We can walk it out the rest of the way together and have some faith.
It has got potential to be a finale that we will be holding our breath. Let's give them a chance.
I wrote a FF from House's perspective and Cuddy's. Writing Cuddy's is what made me see there might be a chance of some type of redemption.

I hope it doesn't get too ugly between House and Cuddy but unless they do something that is irreversable and completely detremental I am in for the ride. I still believe in House and Cuddy.

Thanks for listening
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
Hey all! Got some good new and bad news!


Aussiello said that there are no major House deaths this season. That means we still got Cuddy and Wilson around. Thank flippin goodness.
Bad news: "Mrs. House" is gonna be around for awhile. Possibly into next season. Like what the frick?!


پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
Ιf Mrs House[hate that title]is going to be around for the rest and maybe next season isn't the hallucination theory going to the trush automatically..?Damn i don't like thaT.We'll have to endure more kissing ad who knows what else...?That means all this crap happened for real and we'll have a non-Huddy season finale.This really sucks...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک fran2 said…
I just watched the episode and I cried from the beginning to the end. They broke my heart. All. Starting from POTW and finally, gloriously, with House and Cuddy.
I have loved so much this episode, so sad and painful. The abused patient who returns to the repetitive cycle of violence because no one has been able to help him develop his past as a mistreated and tortured child. I've seen many of them, my heart is bleeding.
For now I'm crying and I'm not able to write more, except that this season is surprising me in a positive way, because despite appearances it is digging deeper and deeper. Maybe I'm a white fly, but I repeat that the episode has been phenomenal. Tomorrow I'll be probably able to think better (the idea of a hallucination/coma/dream is more concrete in the way I feel) and make observations less emotional.
I think that the promotional pics of "House the Clown" were really appropriate in the light of recent developments.
So much sadness hidden under the surface.

My spirit, my clothes wear out
No matter what I did
They laughed their hearts out
I cried a river of tears
Only to have it drawned by their cheers
They never saw beneath the skin
Oh what a dreadful sin
They never understood my tears
So I set out to become
The greatest of their fears
 I just watched the episode and I cried from the beginning to the end. They broke my heart. All. Start
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tammyr50 said…
I believe that we will see Thunder Road Trip before this is over.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
I hope you're right.If and when Huddy gets back together will be one of the best days ever.Even better than Help Me...
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Belle0308 said…
So far all we have seen them do successfully is come up with new ways to keep Huddy apart. Stacey, Cameron, Lucas, drugs and now a new foreign bride. It's getting tiresome and less than believable to me. He point for this is just plain stupid. Rather then be an adult and live clean so he can have a legitimate relationship with Cuddy, he just "bought" a wife. SOOO believable. I don't know guys. I think that this is probably the lamest thing I can think of at the moment. I thank God that I have Castle to watch afterwards. It's light, funny, cute and so far they haven't made me cry.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
I started watching Friends all over again.I really need a good laugh right now.Damn I though the Rachel/Ross brake up was the worst I'll ever have to deal with.Little i knew.There wasn't a single episode after Bombsells that i haven't cried.I'm gonna need a lot of tissues for the next two months...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tammyr50 said…

First of all, I want to say that, whatever it turns down to be in the end, which will probably be something WAY much different than what I think it could be, there is still ONE thing I am fervently convinced of and it’s that there is a specific moment when the events of this season has become UNreal, as in not happening in the way we see them happen.

I chose to say that the starting point of that, where things fell over towards a sort of surreal, parallel world is ‘Unwritten’ and even though I try to look at it differently, that’s still how I see it. ‘Unwritten’ contains some references that are used and echoed in different manners later in the season and that’s why I think, this episode and the two prior to it (“Now What” and “Selfish”) are part of something REAL.

Why? because later in the season, and starting from “Massage Therapy” there are NO more new clues that can be found again in later episodes. Every reference, or Easter eggs, that can be dug up in an episode this season can ALL originally be found either in 7x01 “Now What”, 7x02 “Selfish” or 7x03 “Unwritten.” And from then on, it’s only a repeat, or a different declination of the same concept.

- Like, House’s watch: last seen in “Now What”, and as the promo for next episode “The Dig” shows, scheduled to reappeared in episode 7x18.

- The notion of sacrifice: first evoked in “Selfish” (what a title btw, considering what Cuddy reproaches to House) with the brother giving his lung to his sister and therefore shortening his life for the one he loves.

- The first sexual reference coming in an out of the blue context (with the “She does go south”) in HR department, first heard in “Selfish”, and then every other ones later on in the season, growing more and more inappropriate and graphic.

- The (car) accident, and the brain injury that ensues: first evoked with “Unwritten” and Alice Tanner’s case, and echoed later with multiple other clues: metaphorical car accident with the Go-kart scene, in “Unwritten”, then the possibility of a car accident evoked yesterday in “Fall From Grace” with the monster truck going too fast.

- The broken engagement (therefore, the idea of marriage) mentioned in “Now What” (in the bath scene – “You dumped your fiancé.”) by House and then, later during the season, a multitude of further references about marriages, weddings, breakups and other related themes.

- The presence of a child, or baby mentioned by Cuddy in “Now What” with Rachel needing to be taken care of; and House’s peculiar sentence to Chase (“Interesting factoid! Did you know that if we don’t have a neurosurgeon on the premises, all the puppies in the world will choke to death on all the babies?”) and then, in later episodes, a multitude of baby references, or case: “Unplanned Parenthood” (think about the title btw…) a mother who has a child, visibly not desired. Then later in “Recession Proof”: after the patient dies, his wife confesses to him that she is pregnant.

- Room 243: first mentioned in “Unwritten” as the room where Cuddy should return the Peace Penguin to. Then again in “Fall From Grace” as the room where the POTW is.

- Dominika: first heard in “Unwritten” as the name of a restaurant, then heard again in “Fall From Grace” as the name of the woman House is going to marry.

Those are the ingredients I’m taking into account to support the idea I have of how the season could unfold (but it’s only a guess and I don’t pretend to be right! This is just how I see things, connecting them together as we approach the end.)

First, I want to clarify that what I think is happening has nothing to do with a dream, or a hallucination. I do not think House is dreaming, neither do I think he has a hallucination, which would be like in “Under My Skin” and “Both Sides Now” triggered by drug or alcohol abuse; which is why I don’t see the repeat of the same plot twist again, but something new.

I’m not saying that the current events, which I view as UNreal are not what could be called hallucinations, but then, which is different, I think there are the expression of MEDICAL SYMPTOMS, triggered by a brain injury, or a brain tumor, which then affects House’s judgment.

Some would object that the whole season could be “real” as in: in the end we’ll find out that everything happened like we see it and I could say that yes, it was because House’s brain was slowly deteriorating due to a brain tumor, but no. Again, I just can’t see what is happening now (and I mean especially now that it has become beyond OFF) as something real because then, if it were real, only House would act weird and OOC, but NOT the others. They would stay themselves, and yet there (and in a more and more emphasized and blatant way now) we all can see that EVERY character acts weirdly and, most of all, in the opposite way they’re supposed to: Cuddy “doesn’t care”, Wilson “doesn’t want to get involved” Foreman “enables the games and detours his attention from medicine” Taub “doesn’t moralize but thinks that House being back on Vicodin is not worth worrying”… Frankly, it’s impossible (especially in the context of the last two episodes) not to see how much they are ALL unreal and not acting in a normal way. So that’s why I keep thinking the events are not happening but they are a transcription of House’s brain going haywire after a brain injury.

I do NOT think House is in a coma either, as in: unconscious since several months while everyone else’s life carries on. I think that what we’ve been seeing since “Unwritten”, which is described storyline-wise as a several months span of time, is in fact just a few seconds, or minutes, of flashes within House’s brain, that happen directly AFTER the accident or the brain stroke, or whatever it is that ails his brain.

Those premises and my obsession for meaning and details (which I’m glad to share with a lot of other fans like me out there!) led me to deepen my thoughts again (sorry for the ones I’m bothering with that by the way, I really do not intend to be annoying at all by doing this):

Anyway, here’re my thoughts:

Dominika was the name of a restaurant House and Cuddy should have gone to in “Unwritten.” In “Fall From Grace” House marries a girl named Dominika, so it made me think that, perhaps, House’s original plan was to propose to Cuddy in that restaurant (have you noticed that House is particularly well dressed for the occasion, wearing a Lilac IRONED shirt, and a black jacket which could indicate that the occasion is special?).

But of course, House never proposed to Cuddy because they never went there. They never did because the housemaid surprised them after they broke into the house and it aborted their initial plans. But that could still mean that Dominika has a special meaning which is related to marriages.

Then, since I choose to say that after “Unwritten”, House and Cuddy have an accident (or maybe, only House) they never have another opportunity to be in that restaurant anymore, except that later, House’s brain distorts the memory of that event and transcripts it into: “I’m marrying Dominika.”

Interesting factoid: The girl is introduced by House himself as being “The future permanent member of team House,” and when Chase asks “Doing what?” House answers “Me.” (“Unwritten” scene everyone? In Cuddy’s office, Cuddy asks House to hire a female replacement for Thirteen and House says: “I’ve been busy.” C: “Doing what?” H: “You.”)

Anyway, I think House could have wanted to propose to Cuddy in “Unwritten.” Which would fit with his impulsive nature, and the fact that they were in a period where they’d never been happier, as Cuddy says.

Now… about Masters.

I’ve said that Masters was probably an allegory of House’s mind, since her character looks absolutely surreal. In my opinion, she’s too brilliant and weirdly perfect or oddly off to exist for real.

And now, given the elements we had in the last two episodes, “Out Of The Chute” and “Fall From Grace,” I’m indeed convinced that Masters doesn’t exist but is a pure invention emerging from House’s injured brewing brain.

Apart from every little odd thing that characterizes her, there are now clues that she is really completely OFF, as in not even part of the real world… Last week in “Out Of The Chute,” Masters didn't know House was a former Vicodin addict (which Chase, stunned, commented with: “You really don't have any friends in this hospital do you?") and it indeed felt as if she never had any interactions with anyone except the people that surround House’s world. Other than that, it’s pretty baffling to consider that in several months, she would never have once heard that House was a former drug addict and that he was clean after being committed in a psychiatric hospital, especially when gossips usually flow freely in those kinds of professional environments.

But, even more baffling was Masters’ ignorance about who Ferris Bueller was in yesterday “Fall From Grace”! That was a real ‘duh’ moment for everyone, as evidenced by the look of puzzlement on their faces.

So, IF Masters doesn’t exist then WHAT is she a representation of? Why does House’s brain feels the need to create her, and who could she impersonate?

To explain where I’m going, we need to go back to House and Cuddy one night stand in Med-School. We never really had a date for that event, but I’m pretty sure that it happened BEFORE Cuddy’s wedding. And I would even risk to say that it happened, just really shortly before.

Let’s suppose that Cuddy and House had a one-night stand. They undeniably have a thing, but House is expelled from Med-School and leaves the next day. Cuddy, as her reaction in “Known Unknown” showed last season, was quite shocked to learn afterwards that House would have in fact liked to give their relationship a try. Why? Many people by then had speculated about the fact that Cuddy could have been pregnant which would have explained her resentment, and why she was so astounded by House’s confession.

And then… what IF? Let’s suppose Cuddy WAS pregnant, but House had left her and as a reaction she gets married. House’s reaction in “Fall From Grace” and even his comment to Wilson (“Yeah, that’s the classic ‘you dumped me, so I’m gonna get married a week later’ rule.”) made me think about Cuddy and how her reaction could have been back then. It always felt (at least to me) as if Cuddy’s marriage at that time was exactly the same kind of resigned-don't care anymore attitude as House's.

So now, dates! Masters is (supposed to be) 23. Hence she’s born in 1987. 1987, is also the year where Cuddy was married during 6 days. So… bear with me… What if, Cuddy was pregnant after her one-night stand with House? She aborted, (and we can also assume that the operation is responsible of her having physiological problems to have babies on her own later) and, in a fit of pique, she gets married.

Masters, whose traits are so undeniably a subtle mix of both House and Cuddy could be THE perfect impersonation of the child House and Cuddy never had because Cuddy had to abort after House left. And now, what if…. around “Unwritten” time, Cuddy confesses that specific part of her past to him. They’re now together; she preaches honesty and openness so it’s only natural that, if she feels at ease in her relationship, Cuddy would talk to House about that. But what if, it completely shatters House because, actually, that’s the reason why House became a Vicodin addict in the first place, since we would found out that his addiction started with him not dealing well with his break up with Cuddy the FIRST time in Med –School?

David Shore said – in his recent Brazilian Press Conference (and that part of his interview intrigued me so I’ve looked for meaning) that this season would be about finding out the emotional implication of the pills in House's life.

So what if Cuddy WAS his addiction? The reason why he took Vicodin the first time? His emotional connection with the pills? Last week, in “Out Of The Chute” Cuddy told Wilson: “I can’t fix his problem, I am his problem.”

And now, I can imagine that, possibly, Cuddy confesses her secret to him and House loses the control of the car and they have an accident (OR… Cuddy confesses to him AND then House leaves, in shock, and takes his bike, riding like crazy in the night and he has an accident.) I’m ready to take Cuddy out of the accident equation. But I’m still holding on to the idea that House has an accident, which causes him to have a brain injury and that this accident (NEW PART of the speculation) is caused by the shocked state of mind House is in after he learned that Cuddy got pregnant after their one-night stand and that she had to abort because he’d left.

Learning that, in the still fragile metal state he’s in (“Unwritten” is early after “Help Me”), and also considering that House’s drug addiction could have been triggered exactly at that moment in his life, because of the emotional aftermath of him leaving Cuddy, this would be the perfect mapping for another break down, a distraught state of mind, leading him to have a reckless reaction, causing the accident and then the injury in his brain, triggering the flashes that we are now seeing unravel in every episode since “Unwritten.”

Therefore, and in that same logic, it would explain why, if the accident is directly related to House learning about the existence of a child he never had, his mind would have created the character of Masters, an immediate mind transposition of that child he could have had. Which also could explain why, to Masters who acts disgusted in “Fall From Grace” when she sees House pop his Vicodin, he answers: “You’re the only reason why I’m on this stuff.”

It would also explain why we have multiple baby references, and weddings and marriages and why House, after Cuddy dumps him in Bombshells goes straight back to his Vicodin addiction, since in his mind, that's a pattern he's already lived through, so his brain interprets that as the logical next step.

From then on, I’m ready to bet that the upcoming departure of Masters (which is supposed to be for a VERY good reason) will be the shocking revelation (maybe not blatant at that point) that she in fact does not exist, but I’m ready to bet that she will vanish as oddly as she first appeared, and doing something that is completely the opposite of who we assume she is.

How would all of that play out in the end of the season and how could such an intricate storyline unravel? I honestly don’t know. But as far as I can imagine things, and in the same spirit of “House’s Head” and “Wilson’s Heart,” I can see two last episodes showing House having the accident, but depicted as if it were in real time (viewers have to be confused as long as possible to preserve the delightful effect of surprise of the shocker) The accident would most probably happen directly after he leaves the strip club where he’s supposed to be in episode 7x22. Then, in the hospital, badly injured, we’d see his body lying unconscious, as a direct consequence of his injuries. And while the team, and Wilson and Cuddy would be in shock, trying to save his life, there would be flashes of what’s happening, starting to mix up with flashes of significant moments of the season, designed to point out the important details that the viewer is supposed to put together. I can see it starting with the number of the patient room where House would be: 243. Then maybe mentions of injuries that were already symptoms of previous patients, then more and more obvious details UNTIL it’ll revert back to the REAL time, where it’ll be unmistakable that House is injured, on a hospital bed, suffering from something in his brain, but the moment it happens is a moment close to “Unwritten,” and not after everything that happened during the season. There are several ways of demonstrating that, by timely references, or simply by showing that Cuddy clearly acts like a girlfriend, still in a relationship with him. No pills, no marriages with Dominika, no stupid hookers’ fest… (btw, I think it’ll be important to look at House’s ring finger to see if he still wears his wedding ring in the next episodes and then, if so, WHEN it disappears, because I’m convinced it will…)

Anyway, that’s my deeper, clarified version of the events.

I have several ideas about the impact of that journey on House’s decisions for the future - one of them is connected with “Two Stories” the boy came to the girl and told her that it was best if they didn’t start anything just yet but that he would always be there, and when she’d be ready, she could come to him again.”…

And there is also the impact of the brain injury on House’s mental faculties that has to be taken into account…

So! What do you think? :)

Ok you guys so in reading this if you haven't then please do and then maybe we could open a thread during the hiatus and discuss this.
Let me get started adding to this theory and why I am thinking it is plausible. Tonight was the first time I read it. I have been avoiding most everything and scuddy got me to read it:

I am speechless at how you have pulled all these details and put them together. We have all said this season everybody seems out of character. But you went a lot further to prove it.
I said Masters was like a child I would think House and Cuddy would have.
Here is my thought process on Masters. If she is indeed in House's mind and he is making her up so to speak she said in "Small Sacrifices that her mom was a student and beautiful and her dad was a professor. Cuddy was a student when House met her and House views himself intelligent of course. That would set that theory pretty rock solid. House also said In "Fall From Grace' that it was Masters fault he was back on vicodin which would solitify Maya's theory that Cuddy was telling House about having an abortion.
I think Chase is totally out of character. He was desiring thirteen at the end of 6 and playing the long game has he said then he is hopping on everything that would sit still. House would write Chase this way.
House never thought Sam was right for Wilson but she left abruptly.
Foreman has been light-hearted and completey unbelievable.

I will think on this more but this is simply amazing. you should consider this for a living. WOW
I rise and give you a standing ovation

Whether this is correct or not somethign is wrong and Huddy will always be the end game.

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HLforever said…

Dominica has to go. Seriously. If she stays into next season and turns into female/Polish Lucas I am going to have to shoot someone. Like maybe GY. Or DS.

Once again.