Huddy Huddy Couple Counseling Thread - A Team of Experts at Work :P

HuddyBea posted on Jan 17, 2011 at 09:32PM
What can I say? We are back! :D

And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season...or maybe not? :P Who knows, Huddy is unpredictable and common is boring so be ready to the fireworks!!!

PS and I definitely want to have more of this!!!!!!
 What can I say? We are back! :D And hopefully they'll make it through this other half of the season
last edited on Mar 10, 2011 at 03:18PM

Huddy 2093 جوابات

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پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tammyr50 said…
Well the elephant nanny cam was brilliant. The elephant in the room has been House's pain and his avoiding facing it at all costs. He exhausted every means available to exercise his demons to purge himself himself from the pain of being rejected by Cuddy. To face it means it is over. It means you admit there is nothing you can do to change it. He used the vicodin, of course, to try and numb it as he was trying to deal with it. I do think he was trying to process it and for him he was on display and he couldn't get away. He was forced into dealing with it.

Almost every POTW has mirrored the way House feels and couldn't find the words to say. This one was no different. And as her case went on and she was getting closer to letting go of the thing that made her feel special(which was her brain and the abilty to project her art) and taking hold of what would make her happy. When she wouldnt let go of her art to begin with and get treatment House didn't feel all alone in this stand he has made all his life. But then she opted for life and a life with someone.

"Do you really want to end it now?" We watch him through the episode put off the lunch with Cuddy because he wasn't ready and he knew that she had to have "that conversation" to move on and to bring closure. H eknew sh ewas ready to let go and he wasn't.

He asked POTW, "If twenty years of work was worth giving up everything for someone who was going to leave you in the end?" That your brain and your abilities was the only thing that could bring you happiness and no matter if you have to die you have to preserve that thing that makes you special. I wasn't sure if they were talking about the vicodin, the leg, his career, or all the above. Again the anger just building to the top. Everybody again being able to make it work. Everybody but him.

Maybe he went to Cuddy's to further the peace talks maybe he went to see if they could start new but he was met with her trying to move on and he wasn't ready for it.

Now, "How do I feel?" Hurt. I am like House a part of me wants to avoid this. Walk away now and be angry that they did this to this couple and preserve the memory of the love that "I thought" they had. I could go back and state every reason why I feel that this is "ridiculous" and how angry I am at how they wrote it but I am but I won't.
I could say apparently she didn't love him and that she decided he wasn't what she wanted. That he could move on from here and find someone else.
That maybe next year his journey would lead him to a good place but I fear I have trusted these people with too much of my heart already

Edit: I do want to come back later and see what you guys were posting. I saw Bh's post and that I need to say the same thing.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک bluehue said…
I promise to read through ALL your finale comments..and share feedback. First, I'm posting my own short comment, so as not to be influenced by anyone else's..or begin to change my mind..just yet.

I viewed the finale very late, so was tired. To be honest, my thought as it concluded..was simply.. "that was strange." Then I decided to get some sleep. When I woke up, I was was kind of a torture twisting happy ending. Following on the heels of the performance artist, who I really enjoyed, House did a "performance" of his own. I've always felt Cuddy's love was a bit of a poison apple, and so..when all the implements of harm, (scissors, gas can, knives..etc.) were hanging above the artist..I was thinking of that we have seen in the promo poster. Pick your poison people.

House just wants this ongoing "performance" to end..that of Cuddy & Wilson. On a metaphorical level only, driving his car into Cuddy's place was quite a statement to say the least. Cuddy left a huge gaping hole in House's he..left a huge gaping hole in her house...and then walked away from both of his friends an absolute, positive message of closure and reason to forget him once and for all and move on. In other words, he cut the ties that bonded him and cast himself as an outcast. I tried to divorce my love of if I had never known it..and look at
what happened as if from a distance...and in that way, I could better understand the episode.
When the last shot showed House on a tropical isle..I was thinking..okay, now is this really the rock, rock, rock bottom...or just bikini bottom? Crazy stupid love.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
 I promise to read through ALL your finale comments..and share feedback. First, I'm posting my own sh
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
@BH i really like your interpretation. And I think it makes a LOT of sense, actually. It is what I think the writers were getting at. I just don't know what the "sweet" part was supposed to be! Was that when they shared that moment in the hall? Cuz that was sweet, in a not so great way, but it was totally masked by the fact that House drove through her house.

And if this is House wanting to divorce himself from Cuddy, from Wilson....I just don't understand where the storyline can go next. Isn't that the entire purpose of the show? Their relationship? How can House next season be House without the people who make him who he is? That's why this is bothering me...

@LL I love your defense of House. It was sweet, eloquent, well put, and you got the nail on the head. But you can't forget House's fault in this and what Cuddy is feeling too. While I don't think she necessarily made matters better, I think she tried and she deserves recognition for that. She should understand his feelings and what she did to him (I think she does on some level) but that doesn't absolve House from blame. What he did to her was terrible and irreparable. I think maybe that's why I'm so mad at the writers. They made House do something borderline unforgivable.

Cuddy has dealt with House pushing and pulling for 7 years and a number of years before that. Wilson said something along the lines of a few seasons ago "she's not going to give you many more tries." If LE is leaving the show, and that means Cuddy finally does give up on House. And it makes me disapppointed in BOTH of their characters.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک dora201077 said…
well, I've seen the finale...loved the "I feel hurt" moment. that duality in cuddy's eyes..she knows he's hurt and she feels for him, but they are over as a couple...he had the same look when in "now what" he told her ..."this is not going to last...", sadness and dispair in those blue eyes...he was so right then, and Cuddy talked him out of he's hurt, he knows he was right, and he hates her for it, he has nothing to look forward to...Breaking her house is understandable considerring that S7 was more phisical then the others, it required phisical measures...he did not intend to kill or hurt any of the people in the house....he destroyed their lovenest as an act of rage agains her becase he is now hurting a lot more than when they started dating...Against his will she has tought him that when you love you have to be ready to hurt. Hugh Laurie played his part so brilliantly that in the end I onestly believe he is through with Cuddy and has allready moved on...I think I actually enjoyed the finale, I could find reasons behind his actions. Huddy was never meant to last...I expected it to finish badly an year ago , even before it started....we can all learn from it..House MD is not what we want it to be..."it is what it is"...
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LaurieLover said…
Okay, maybe it's just me but there are a hell of alot of fans going on about Rachel! I've watched it twice and I did not see Rachel. How can we even be sure she was in the house? And if she was there, I somehow can't imagine Cuddy having her at the table with the adults drinking coffee. She was most probably in her room.

The reason everyone is SO shocked by his behaviour is because HOUSE was not to cool, calm, collected man he always has been.

THAT maniac is NOT the man we have come to know and love. BUT as I said we all have a dark side and all that is needed to spark it is the right trigger.

He loves her, he wants her back, he is angry, hurting emotionally, he's frustrated, in physical pain and IMO probably hoping for a reconciliation. He kept her brush for a reason; he was using it as an excuse to go to her.

Seeing her with another man, even if it is just a friend, is going to fracture his already over stressed mind. He did not want to kill her or anyone else; he is crazy in love with her and Rachel for that matter. This was NOT domestic violence, nor attempted murder; it was an irrational over-reaction from a deeply emotionally distressed man, a man in love.

The simple fact is that House for all his bravado is still hopelessly in love with Cuddy and heartbroken at loosing her. And the depth of that emotion is what makes his irrationality more acceptable, than if it was just out of malice or spite. This was not a terror tactic, or the actions of a weak man using physical violence and intimidation to make himself feel better.

Think about it, how many women has he really loved and trusted:

Stacy, she went against his wishes with the surgery, and then left him because he was angry and difficult. She told Cameron that he had alwyas been the way he was even before the surgery.

Cuddy, she was partly responsible for what was done to his leg, she suggested it. And we know he has had a “thing” for her for years. Finally he gets his hearts desire an all consuming love affair with the woman he adores. A woman he trusts and loves probably more deeply than anyone else on earth, and she leaves him. But this one he can’t get over, because he has to see her and deal with her daily.

Don’t hate him; he is like a wounded animal. And we know how incredibly dangerous they can be. Give him a chance to redeem himself.

I think season 8 will be interesting especially since TPTB NEVER expected LE to jump ship.

This whole, "I'm done with House, I'm never watching again, No Cuddy = No House," is a knee jerk reaction fueled by dissappointment. Don't disrespect Hugh and the rest of the cast by giving up on them. We have loved this show for 7 years and no matter what happens in S8 Hugh and Co. are going to work their arses off to entertain us.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک fran2 said…
First reaction
 First reaction
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک fran2 said…
Second reaction
 سیکنڈ reaction
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک fran2 said…
Third reaction

we got huddysex.....eventually
 Third reaction we got huddysex.....eventually
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
I guess i could talk about my feelings about the finale but it be just too painful.I refuge to believe that Huddy ended just like that after 25 years.I just can't.So i am going to rewatch Help Me,Now What and Selfish,reread my favourite fanfiction and pretend that the last few months never happened.I'll keep praying that some miracle will happen and LE will come back and that was not the end between them even if they will never be together again...I think I could use some Vicodin to feel as numb as House at this point...Damn...i have to move on..and i don't even want to....
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک fran2 said…
And then, having regained the use of the word, my thoughts about the episode before reading your comments.

Firstly I must start by saying that I tried to watch the episode not thinking about the news of LE leaving (I still can not understand why this news was leaked just before the season finale, but here we would open another chapter and for now my brain is already damaged enough. I'll think about it tomorrow).
So, a kind of mind free and open to the delirium. And frankly, in this way, it seemed that the ep was thought by the writers as a "milkshake" of past seasons and this one. Many references to the past, too many, to tell the truth, that have made me suspicious. House looking Cuddy through a glass, a screen (The Hitch, Remorse). The dinner scene in Cuddy's home reminded me of Thanksgiving dinner in season 6. The guy approaching Cuddy encouraged by her sister (BTW could we kill Julia??? Thanks). Who is him? Lucas 2.0??? Wilson out of House’s door "I can hear your cell phone ringing” (Now What). The final scene on the beach (Locked in). House at the PPTH bar with Cuddy, repeating by heart all the phrases and interpretations of his behavior that Cuddy and Wilson have said him in all the past years. And the title of the ep, Moving On (Cuddy: I'm moving on, Wilson is moving on ... (Help me).

Currently I can’t remember other examples but there are probably many other clues to discover.
All this to say instinctively that this episode made me return to my old theory, that is: the end of Help Me was not true (the writers have told us that it was, but .... Everybody Lies).
So I'm still processing.

House telling Wilson “I feel nothing and this is great” and then telling Cuddy “Do you wanna know how I feel? I feel hurt” were the best moments of the ep.
The final crash in my opinion was a metaphor, an aggression not more as an instance of self-destructive behaviour but "spewed out". This is right when you take the road to recovery.

Anyway I feel that the House/Cuddy relationship is far from over (I know, I’m hopeless and incurable. Be patient please ;-) ).
Sorry if this comment is probably pretty messed up but one thing is certain: Hugh Laurie is the hottest man in the world. The grey sweatshirt and the glasses.... Breathless, a heavenly vision. I need to sleep on it. :-))
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک LaurieLover said…
@Fran once again the pics are a scream!!

But guys did I read correctly in the MA interview with DS about Moving on.

MA asked DS if there is any hope for re-negotiation as far as LE is concerned and his answer a simple NO !

That is the first we have heard from any of the EP's, Fox Execs or any one else besides Lisa and her publisist, about her departure.

YES @Fran Hugh is absolutley the "hottest" (and that does him NO justice, we need to find a special word for him) man on the planet.

And I need to sleep ON him!!

****The HEART is for HUGH and for GREG HOUSE****

last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
 @Fran once again the pics are a scream!! But guys did I read correctly in the MA interview with D
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycallianfan said…
Hello everyone! I haven't been here in awhile,b because a. Lisa's departure. b. season finale. c. Taub's storyline is not interesting anymore. It is suck! So I haven't read all your posts.

AND SPECIAL for @Fran by @Tammy's request my theory on Taub's storyline in season 8.
So, those two kids (I want to call them little Taub and tiny Chris) are the consequences of Taub's sperm. AND Taub and his "lovers" will live in a Ménage à trois (did i say it the right way? 'cause if I didn't, correct me ;P). And those two kids will keep screaming all nights and Taub will commit suicide because if this and this will be the end of the series and GY will tweet "Ka-BOOM!!!" and that's where the series end, without House without Cuddy without Wilson. And everyone will be so pissed and David will say "Well, I guess we did our job wonderful and we explored House as well as we could. And Taub was the center of everything because fans wanted to see his storyline"

The pic below is Taub and his lovers... TA DA! The End
 Hello everyone! I haven't been here in awhile,b because a. Lisa's departure. b. season finale. c. Tau
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
@huddycallian love sarcasm. it describes my reaction perfectly. The tweeted "ka-boom" was so unnecessary and so frustrating. i hate it when they tease us like that because some people just react and yell at them instead of remaining collected and they get off seeing everyone react that way. jerks.

@fran thanks for the pics :) I think they pretty accurately describe my reactions as well.

@LL i see where you are coming from, i do. but we cant just dump the blame on cuddy for this and absolve house because he is a wounded animal. they both deserve blame for their hand in this and cuddys feelings shouldnt be ignored. i think that she made the decision based on what she thought was right. in that scene in the finale remember she says "im sorry." and i think she really, really means it. she didnt wanna hurt him.

i just hate what they made house do in the finale. it was just so dumb and it makes me mad. they could have had something else. the violence part of it just makes me sick.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tammyr50 said…
@Huddycallianfan - I love that pic. "Taub and his women." I also love your avatar. The one scene they finally jerked a tear from me.

The situation that House "the show" is in is not House and Cuddy's fault nor is it Hugh and Lisa's. When you take away the pointless arguments over toothbrushes, garbage, etc and give them a real scene the chemistry between the "actors" is still breathtaking and they still have the ability to make your heart skip a beat. I held my breath the entire scene. How in their infinite wisdom TPTB believe that we really want to watch hookers, drugs, and crashing cars into people's living room more than medical mysteries that always unfold something about the team and House on personal levels and watching the characters grow and mesh with each other is beyond me. Have you ever heard the saying, "if ain't broke don't fix it"?
@HJ - I just hate what they made house do in the finale. it was just so dumb and it makes me mad. they could have had something else. the violence part of it just makes me sick.

YOu are so right. Ratings didn't drop because of Huddy. Huddy has been around as far back as "Humpty Dumpty." The ratings dropped because they wrote a horrible script and not even as brilliant as the actors were could stop this plummett. they coudl hav ewrote it witty and funny and stayed true to the POTW. They could have wrote better arguments and had more genuine moments. Not sex. Just moments. When House helped her stand up to her mother and saved he rmom's life. Rachel climbing into his lap should have been so much more. They never intended for them to stay together and they came up with horrible ways to break them up. They should have left it alone.

Cuddy turned into the person she did because they wrote it that way. They were trying to break them up almost as soon as they got together.
When they had the scenes together in the last two episdoes there were moments that they allowed them to be who we had come to know and it made the show work.

For what they were building up to House crashing into her living room wasn't a shock. But at the same time it is to say that this character has not grown at all. He went through detox, a year of waiting and watching for an opening to approach Cuddy. Then the door opened and they wanted to give it a try and they made all these declarations. Even if they had broken up it never had to be done as horrible as it was. It is not a break-up in itself that bothers me it is them asking us to believe that Cuddy spent all this time loving House, an admission made by Wilson in season 6, episode 12 and that she would have dumped him over these petty things. They wrote this crap and and the job of these actors was to try and sell it and nobody bought it.
we couldn't figure it out becaus eit was never true to the characters we saw. For someone who doesn't believe people change these characters surely did change.
Do I think it is emotional to say you are not going to watch it? Yes. Just as it is emotional to post most anything we have posted here. I will watch because I don't want Hugh's Hosue stint to end badly but if they don't step it up he want even be able to keep this ship from sinking.

I admire LE for having convictions and when they wrote a good script for her she rocked it. I think we will hear more of what happened in the future. She loved this show and this role and I will choose to believe the best about her because that is the way I woudl want to be treated. I don't agree with all her politics but she fights for what she believes in and she shows her fans love. She takes time to give back. Is she perfect? No. If I recall there was only one person that held that position and he wasn't appreciated either.

@Fran2 - You definitely are my Dr. Nolan. @BH - You are more like my Dr. Suess.

@BH - Great pick-up with the ax falling and the knives and bullets. and that darn "apple" has been trouble since way back.

@Dora - It is what it is. No more truth has been told than that.

@LL - Love that pic of House

@TLH - I feel deep frustration, anger, sadness and disappointment at the same time. I honestly feel now that I would be able to have a conversation with David Shore and the others, and to explain to them the nature of personality-changes, true love, free will, and the meaning of all the POSITIVE concepts that exist in real life, not in TV shows, novels or fairytales only...

Please keep sharing those beautiful thoughts.

@mysuspicionis - where are you?
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Belle0308 said…
Breaking up with your favorite TV show is hard.

I really can't put together coherant thoughts at this point. A year ago I was beyond earth...floating somewhere over the moon and now I wonder if I can honestly smell sulfer from the depths of hell, I am that low.

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک hughlisafan said…
So after some of you on here were talking about Castle I decided to watch that show. I watched the Third Season finale, which was pretty good, but really it's a basic investigative cop show.

There's about a million of them out there and I stopped watching them because it was getting boring. Castle adds an element of humour and open flirtation between the two leads so that's different as far as cop shows go. It also in some respects reminded me of the 80s show Remington Steele.

The relationship between Castle and Beckett is for me anyway also pretty basic. It looks like every other boy-girl partnership that has ever been out there, including Remington Steele. A show by the way that I loved and still like. I have all the eps for that one.

Right now for me, I don't see Castle-Beckett as a Huddy comparable. Steele-Laura, yes. Maybe even Mulder-Scully and a lot of other shows that had romantic leads.

After watching Castle I realized what the difference was for me between Huddy and those other couples. Yes, House-Cuddy openly flirted and threw witty, sarcastic lines at each other, but they were also naturally in conflict with each other because Cuddy was House's boss.

But, their relationship flourished despite that conflict because they trusted each other. They were competitive with each other. They played games and tried to one-up each other. They fought and found a way to agree. They kept each other's secrets and they protected each other. And, most of all, straight from season one, there was an intimacy between them that I haven't ever seen from any other couple. They were fun together, teased each other, and sought each other out for company just because. All this despite some major differences between them.

Huddy isn't the first TV couple that I followed. Like I said, I enjoyed Remington Steele, the X-files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (with Buffy the slayer involved with 2 different vampires) and yet I have never been so passionate about a TV couple like I've been with Huddy. They captured my heart not just my interest.

After watching Castle I went back and watched some of my favorite Huddy episodes. They are electric. Hugh/House is HOT. Nathan Filion is good looking but man he doesn't do it for me the way Hugh/House does. Castle doesn't have that intensity, off-beat humour, and passion that House does. Beckett is beautiful tho.

I just realized that no matter how much Shore as screwed it up Huddy will always be my favorite fictional couple. And, yes, I can go back and still enjoy them because I know that what they had is an extremely rare find in television.

I will miss them next year for sure. :(
 So after some of آپ on here were talking about قلعہ I decided to watch that show. I watched the Th
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycat69 said…
Thank you all for your post, very interesting point of view as usual.

I agree with a lot of things you said, I love @LL's defense of House, the interpretation of @BH and @Tam.

"bittersweet" : bitter for Huddy, because they still love deeply each other - just the scene in the hall when he pushed her against the wall, their looks, their intertwined hands, she doesn't want to let him go, HE goes away from her : I was under the impression she expected him to kiss her, and I wanted that so much, just like Cuddy, but he didn't : do you really need another proof of their love? - and maybe the "sweet" side is that at the end they both manage to "move on" : Cuddy tries to move on and maybe to find someone else, even if she still loves House, and House tries to move on by destructing his "house-lovenest with Cuddy" as a symbol of destructing his love for her, as a symbol to get over her and their love, and goes then to a tropical beach (big incoherence in the show? or new hallucination/dream scene?) to move on in a "new life"

I found the ep really sad : the patient expresses all what House thinks about life and relationship, about love and despair, it's like a mirror of House's mind, he feels on connection with her because he's heartbroken and still in love with Cuddy, that's why he gets mad at her when she changes her mind and chooses love over her and her "special ability". House already has made the same choice (recession proof) but it doesn't end good at all and he's now completely mad about him and about Cuddy.

House isn't different, he doesnt' admit it, but I'm sure that deep in his heart, he wants and hopes to be happy one day. And with Cuddy, the woman he loves since more than 20 years, since their first look, he really believed to have found happiness. That's why he's like a "wounded animal" as @BH said, and I can understand why he drove into Cuddy's house. I don't think he wanted to hurt or kill anybody, he just wanted to show her how crazy in love with her he is, that he would do everything for her, House is an hypersensitive man in fact, all or nothing, Cuddy may have not seen that and when she became aware of it, she got scared.

When he goes to her and gives her the brush, she goes towards him, she looks scared but worried too (she fears he could be physically hurt), and - well maybe it's just me, but I thought they gonna kiss right now - I thought I saw some love and hope too in her eyes when she looked at him, just like she wanted to tell him that she still loves him, it seems to me that she waited for him to take her in his arms and to kiss her (I'm probably too romantic and have still not accepted the break up ; )). But he remained cold and walked away, too heartbroken! (crying)

And the last scene, Hugh on the beach, with his blue eyes, his smile ... I'm dying, this man is really sexy and handsome. I think I'm gonna watch next season just for him :))
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
 Thank آپ all for your post, very interesting point of view as usual. I agree with a lot of things y
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک true_love_huddy said…
I don't think DS's philosophy about "eternal misery" is coherent. He wants so hard to keep their characters on the same stage, and still he can't. House has changed because of the circumstances, even if Shore doesn't admit it. It's so contradictory!!

House is the same deeply injured addict jerk he had been before Huddy, but still his personality improved: he is able to reflect, to say sorry for the woman he loves, makes sacrifices and expresses his feelings, although in a housian way. He has become more mature, and yes he has changed. And for me, the dangerous act he did in the finale doesn't fit at all...although I understand his anger-but not this way.

Yes I am emotional. It's so hard to stay calm when you almost feel the deepest feelings of some fictional characters in your flash and bones. "I feel hurt."

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک fran2 said…
Beautiful, beautiful comments everyone. They all show that House is still able of being discussed, perhaps because it is always so controversial and triggers our emotions. I never looked at another set that did so much to discuss. Buckle up indeed.

@huddycat – your pic at page 84 perfectly fits my feelings ;-))

@hulihook “Huddysex in season 9? I love your optimism. Keep lifting our spirits!!”, @jessicat and all.....
Dear, I’m trying so hard and continue to do so even if my desire was never to become a saint and martyr (help me!) ;-))

@dora “I could never have enough of Hugh Laurie!”
Buy the ticket and get in line ;-)))

@anon “Castle is the reason I'm not here anymore. I'm currently addicted to it. The way I was to House last year.”
Good for you, I watch Castle too because it is relaxing but I can not even remotely compare it with the emotions that trigger House. They are two completely different TV show. Have a good time and a beautiful summer too :-))). I miss your comments as much as I miss @bea, @rennie, @housemindfreak, @hlforever and so on. The list is long.

@hughlisa, @huddyjoy, @mexicanhuddy, @tlh and all hurted huddies.
I feel your pain so much, we are all in th same pot and they are cooking us over low heat. Didn’t they really understand that someone is already cooked to perfection and had jumped out of the pot?

@belle – your mood is particularly breaking my heart. Don’t give up.

@LL “I completely melted at the little smile when Cuddy repremanded him for introducing Rachel to the "obnoxious" pirate cartoon. He loves that Rachel is still his little "Scallywag!"
I sound weird if I say that the thought that we could never see the interactions between House and Rachel make me cry? O_o

@tammy – The elephant in the room was exactly my first question mark watching the ep. but I'm still wondering what material it is made. ‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded sleep’.

@bh “House just wants this ongoing "performance" to end..that of Cuddy & Wilson. On a metaphorical level only, driving his car into Cuddy's place was quite a statement to say the least. Cuddy left a huge gaping hole in House's he..left a huge gaping hole in her house...and then walked away from both of his friends an absolute, positive message of closure and reason to forget him once and for all and move on. In other words, he cut the ties that bonded him and cast himself as an outcast.”
Totally agree, it was a metaphorical gesture, cutting the umbilical cord. CRAZY STUPID SYMBIOTIC LOVE.

@evropia “Damn...i have to move on..and i don't even want to....”
I just think that the more powerful House’s hook is the ambivalence and it is very difficult to get away from ambivalence because it’s at once fascinating and devastating. It is important to recognize and cope with it consciously.
Stay with us please :-))

@huddycall – your theory about the “Inseminator Taub MD” in season 8 is hilarious XDDD

@tammy “LE..I think we will hear more of what happened in the future. She loved this show and this role..”
I really don’t want to think that it's possible for the writers to leave Huddy unfinished. They MUST find a way to have Lisa back. What the fuck.
I’m still waiting for a Hugh’s miraculous divine intervention...;-))

@hughlisafun “...their relationship flourished despite that conflict because they trusted each other. They were competitive with each other. They played games and tried to one-up each other. They fought and found a way to agree. They kept each other's secrets and they protected each other. And, most of all, straight from season one, there was an intimacy between them that I haven't ever seen from any other couple. They were fun together, teased each other, and sought each other out for company just because. All this despite some major differences between them.”
Wonderful Huddy painting. They are uncommon and always will be. *crying*

And after this last comment by @tlh “It's so hard to stay calm when you almost feel the deepest feelings of some fictional characters in your flash and bones. "I feel hurt."......

What could I add?????????????????? Well girls, you have really decided to make me cry???!!!????????????
NO! You'll never get there! XDDDDD
 Beautiful, beautiful تبصرے everyone. They all دکھائیں that House is still able of being discussed, pe
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک true_love_huddy said…
@fran @LL @huddycat-you are right, the only thing that's able to melt my heart and body is Hugh...our dearest-loveliest. The beach fades inmediately when he appears, he is the SUNSHINE itself.Caution!!!Man-hotness!!!;)

@fran-I missed your cartoons honey, the last pic is incredible...:D
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Jessicatt said…
@ hughlisafan "Huddy isn't the first TV couple that I followed. Like I said, I enjoyed Remington Steele, the X-files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (with Buffy the slayer involved with 2 different vampires) and yet I have never been so passionate about a TV couple like I've been with Huddy. They captured my heart not just my interest."

You hit the nail on the head. I've loved plenty of other tv couples before, but none even come close to how much I loved Huddy. I've never before seen a couple with so much depth and intensity, and I probably will never see anything like it again. In addition to their depth and intensity, Huddy represented hope to me, and I'm sure to a lot of other Huddy fans also: the hope that a person can change his or herself for the love of someone else, and the hope that EVERYONE, even cranky misanthropes deserve and can find happiness. I guess that's why I'm so distraught over the events of this season, DS has crushed that hope.

@fran and huddycallianfan-You are FABULOUS. =) Your pics make me smile, even when I'm devastated.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
@Jessicatt "I've loved plenty of other tv couples before, but none even come close to how much I loved Huddy."
Same for me. I've loved other tv couples before but these 2....they were the entire reason i started watching house in the first place. and no other ones could ever measure up again.

Right now, i don't really have too much else to say, but i love reading your posts and I'm keeping up with them! :) I do, however, just want to say that i just love all of you and that i hope that we can stick together even into next year and next season. It would break my heart if you all stopped coming here because i feel like ive gotten to know all of you so well. and even if huddy is over, we are still forever the huddy girls!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک evropia said…
Huddy isn't over.As long as House is in love with her there is hope...even if Lisa comes back as a guest.And i don't think he'll stop loving her suddenly after 25 years...
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک true_love_huddy said…
@Jessicat-"In addition to their depth and intensity, Huddy represented hope to me, and I'm sure to a lot of other Huddy fans also: the hope that a person can change his or herself for the love of someone else, and the hope that EVERYONE, even cranky misanthropes deserve and can find happiness. I guess that's why I'm so distraught over the events of this season, DS has crushed that hope."

So agree and understand you. But we mustn't let DS to kill our illusions, we have to fight!!Huddy can't die because of him, it's our responsability as well to keep them alive;)

@Huddyjoy-"and even if huddy is over, we are still forever the huddy girls!"

Matter of fact;)

@evropia-I love your hopeful mind and strength. It can help a lot to get through the devastating finale.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک bluehue said…
@truelovehuddy, “If DS sees the reality this way, ok, go on. But one day he will realize that he is the only one "watching" House MD.”
Yes..I can picture drunky (on himself) DS in his Mayfield issued institutional pajamas..sitting forever alone in dark room..sipping skotch..while watching House sipping skotch. Poetic justice!!

@HudJoy, “How can House next season be House without the people who make him who he is? That's why this is bothering me.”
ME TOO! Without Cuddy’s presence, her approval or disapproval of House..the dynamic will be radically different. Fingers crossed that what DS mentioned is true, that he can see LE guest starring. Yea..well I should hope so!!!

@dora, "It is what it is.” !!! :) !!!

@tammy, I really liked your finale comments, about elephant nanny cam, etc.
Also, “they were trying to break them up almost as soon as they got together.”
So true! As Dana Scully once said, “It was all of a plan.” (Or cruel hoax).

@huddycallianfan, Thanks for your hilarious Daddy Taub scenarios...ha ha ha.

@Belle, TPTB should’ve stolen your lovely Huddy motorcycle fanfic idea, then maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess. Just glad you & others have a “Castle” to escape to.

@hughlisafan, Aah..nice split pictures of Huddy!

@huddycat, “When her the brush, she goes towards him..looks scared but worried too..maybe it's just me, but I thought they gonna kiss right now.” THAT would have been a great finale!!!

Ha..Saint @fran! That sounds awesome! (We don’t have St. Doris :)
Well you and @LL won’t let us forget..there is still Hugh with eyes of blue.

@evropia, Keep spreading the love. Your comments give us life sustaining oxygen.

Sorry if I missed anyone...I’ll get you next time...if. there. is..a next time. :( :( :(
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک bluehue said…
A few more random rantyish type thoughts I'll share...(hope you don't mind my mind).

Okay guys. It’s not our fault..we loved House & Cuddy together..considering the seven season tease-a-thon we witnessed..only to come to a screeching wreck in the finale, running over those of us with tender hearts & romantic (comedic) souls. TPTB giveth only to taketh away..demanding we now pay closer attention to the darkly serious (underbelly) side of their story.

When WIlson told House, “now go terrorize her,” in the S5 finale..we laughed a bit because it was misguided & annoying..but harmless. Now in S7 finale, the "terror" has been turned up to full blast and House "could have" cause great bodily harm along with the certain trauma he DID inflict.

I (vaguely) understand the psychology of repression & addiction etc, and that things can seem normal, but just under the surface all hell & madness can break loose in an instant. The love that House & Cuddy reached for did not “fix” or “transform” anything, it actually amplified the underlying problems..speeding up this progression & bombshell pace of disintegration..until the “(H)ouse-of-cards came crashing down in the finale.

I think DS and others are having a little too much “fun” tormenting their main character, hiding out in the “creative bubble,” with precious little explanation, guidance or reaching out to fans. We are left to sort out the mess ourselves..which is interesting up to the point of weariness.

Oh Cuddy. Oh House. We still love..the thought..of you.
 A few مزید random rantyish type thoughts I'll share...(hope آپ don't mind my mind). Okay guys. It
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک mysuspicionis said…
hey bluehue----I watched the episodes and I am still shaking. If anyone wants to keep in touch by facebook contact me.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Layla_Rib said…
@evropia," Huddy isn't over.As long as House is in love with her there is hope...even if Lisa comes back as a guest.And i don't think he'll stop loving her suddenly after 25 years..."


So,considering all the possibilities of what could happen with House at the end of series:

1)Get worse - to realize that everything and every one around him "move on",grow(even with the mistakes or losses) and he even
trying can´t stand and this character culminates in a tragic outcome,I believe this would be a drama not fit in this show,despite DS would be able to do that like a negative person that he is;

2)Stagnate - stand as an eternal "coming and going","one step farward one back" it´s like he´s raising a banner of "I am like this and I will die like this".It´s a total disapointment for us (and the rest human beig in this planet that believe in the
development of all creatures,unless DS)because we attended this series and it has add nothing for us,we expect for something and nothing happens.Well,it´s what we have seen until now;

3)Grow - despite of all suffering,even beig a difficult person,emotiionally and socially maladjusted he finilly finds a path to his struggles.I think only in this emotional stage he could have a real relationship,only when he´ll give himself a happiness chance he´ll be able make someone happy close by him and go to look for Cuddy in a conscious way,even if it´s a House way.This is what we all most want!

OBS. There are two ways to reach the summit of the series on House and Cuddy:
Explicitly - LE as guest actress;
Implicitly - name mentioned;"to read between the lines".
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک mysuspicionis said…
I have slightly chilled out since reading the author's interview. I talked with Huddyjoy a little too. :) I am a little curious to see if they can redeem House by the end. Please be so. "It means nothing" is not the philosophy House should live his life by, and the show should end its run with. I thought it was hilarious that you were so upset that in your post you said you talked with your dad Huddyjoy. I literally had to talk to my mom :P I've mentioned in conversations before about people on fanpop---I just never admitted it was an online club for a tv show-- I told her what happened in the House finale and told her one of the fanpop things I was in was for House and that I was going to keep in touch with the people on there because we liked the same movies, books etc. She didn't look at me like I was crazy :D If they can really repair his character I will watch Season 8 once I calm down. I did like how the writers said actually House reaching a breaking point was a positive sign from which he could find his way back up.
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Layla_Rib said…
New considerations

I opted for the third alternative above.What I´d most like in this show is House go forward,ready to face life and overcome his conflicts however without to lose his characteristics.The departure of LE and not having her character died,the authors should give a plausible outcome for Cuddy.

1st idea - Start the new season from the events of the late 7th season as if had spent some time and House was forced to move away in order to treat his physical/mental health and in the meantime Cuddy gets other job far from House so he ´d deal without the woman he loves and the boss who can control him.It would be a great plot to watch.Well I choose House would grow then in the end he would be ready to fight for her.NOT HOPELESS!!

2nd idea - Start the new season with the end of "Help me",Cuddy would not be there with him.He´d take an overdose of Vicodim and it must admitted him into "coma" or something like that and all 7th season would be hallucinations because his coma stage.Then Huddy has not happened but if the hallucinations are his subconscious so it´s more than clear that´s what he most wants in life.Thereafter this theory could be very similar the previous one,he´d have a time for his treatment and when he return Cuddy is gonne.Would be the begining of a giant fight that he ´d deal with.But don´t forget,I choose his growth then he´d fight with all his might for the love of his life.I CONTINUE TO HOPE!!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
@mysus i hope that talking with me helped to calm you down :) i remember when it all went down a week ago talking with people here helped because it let me know i wasnt the only feeling this way...

and we can all stay here together and talk about huddy forever no matter what! <3

@layla_rib i personally am holding out the hope now that they can get LE to come back and guest star for a few episodes. i know she doesnt want to come back but like...come on, right? they have to finish off the storyline! i wish that she had just told them ahead of time because then they could have prepared for it and finished the end right. but we are left hanging.

Up until this point house has been written, acted, directed, produced SO well. the 2nd half of this season was pretty bad and i hope they get their groove back next season
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Jessicatt said…
@HuddyJoy & true_love_huddy- "even if huddy is over, we are still forever the huddy girls!"

Yes, indeed! DS may have crushed Huddy, but he'll never crush my love for them. I will forever be a Huddy girl! <3 Our couple had some wonderful moments, and I will ALWAYS remember them.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
Hey all, would you be up for switching threads again? we need a hiatus one and @tammy suggested the perfect title "the 5 stages of grief." i could start it, and we could use it to grieve but also to discuss our wonderful huddy memories, hopes and aspirations, and more of @frans wonderful pictures :) What do you think?
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک schonste9 said…
@huddyJoy: Go for it! "Huddy's Couple's Counseling" is unfortunately 'old news' - and I think we need a new thread for all of us still-passionate viewers, led by a fan that's actually still currently on Fanpop and passionate about House, to lead us through the summertime/hiatus - great idea!
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک tammyr50 said…
@HJ = Absolutely do it and we will follow. Maybe by the time the season starts we will be healed emotionally (lol) and be ready for a House counseling thread. It shoudl prove to be an interesting season and maybe finally after all this time our guy will get that "emmy."
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک fran2 said…
@mysusp – I supposed you were shocked. Don’t give up :-)

@bh “Oh Cuddy. Oh House. We still love..the thought..of you.”
If you want me to be your patron saint well....provide me with a halo(not a crown of thorns thanks XDDD )

@huddyjoy - yes, it's a good idea to open a new thread.
But I'm in DENIAL you know XDDDD, so I'd prefer another title. Something like “House and Cuddy: with or without you? This is the question” ;-))
Obviously feel free to give it the title that the majority prefers, I'll be there anyway. :-)))
 @mysusp – I supposed آپ were shocked. Don’t give up :-) @bh “Oh Cuddy. Oh House. We still lov
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycallianfan said…
Hey, gals! I'm sorry, I can't read all your posts now. I'm so busy with my university. ugh. The next two weeks are exam weeks. And I'm so nervous.

First of all, I'm so glad you liked that "Taub MD" thing. xD I was wondering either you like it or not. ;D

Second, @BH I LOBE THAT picture!!!! <3

@Layla, I choose Grow.

And find his way back to Cuddy. I even can accept if the series would end like this: House is going to look for Cuddy to tell that he tried but failed living without her, and that he wants his life to end near her (I know that it's not House-ian and TPTB will never probably do that, but A Girl Can Dream, right? ;D) and he tries to come in, but she doesn't allow him, because she has guests. But she goes outside and right before she said something, he embraces her that tight that she can't run now. And he says: Lisa, please, I don't want you to go this time. I promise you, believe me this time. I love you! If I don't get you now, I would die alone. And the screen goes black. I, personally would be satisfied! xD lol because I can make up whatever I want in my mind! XD

and @HJ, I am too all my hands, thumbs, toes up for it!!! :D

@fran, I love ur pics! They are always awesome! XD

P.S.: and other gals, I will read ur posts. Promise! *hugs*

P.S.[2]: I love "the 5 stages of grief". ;P
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک mysuspicionis said…
@fran- I am on a 3 day weekend right now (USA holiday). I timed it this way in case i had to recover from watching the episodes and boy I am glad i did! Ironically I thought, it can't be worse than bombshells... I do like the idea of keeping this spot alive. It is more personal than the House spot, and more involved in conversations. I think at this moment I am in the 2 1/2 stage of grief----nauesa LOL It just keeps running through my mind that they killed all their closeness and friendship in 20 seconds. I suppose that they had planned on House and Cuddy repairing their friendship eventually since Lisa wasn't planned to leave, and the story arc was planned as House having to make his way without Wilson or Cuddy for next season. Not really sure where the writing will take them now. I just don't understand how they can go from such a well written episode before to a heavy handed, shock value one.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک bluehue said…
Ha..right @fran. I don't know if I would want to spend Summer going thru the stages of grief...I'd probably..rather hang out with Hugh at that Tiki Bar..& stay in a hazy state of denial.

NEW Forum idea to toss in the mix. Feel free to use..take..steal.. this idea or NOT.
I'm not easily hurt or insulted...ha.

I thought this picture would be fitting for a new forum discussion because:
1. Shows last known whereabouts of our cast away...House. He seems to be in "escape" mode like us. Anyway, maybe it sets up discussion point of where the story may go from here. That IS the question.
2. It's Summery...ocean breezes..beach "book" club people can bring your book discussions..movies..etc..@tammy poetry readings!
3. Cuddy is not in the we can start getting used to her..not..being..there. Wahhh!
4. This is a TIKI BAR..they serve those drinks with pretty pink umbrellas in coconut shells!

Title: IDK. Ideas?
"House & Cuddy: Paradise Lost." Summer (H)iatus Open Thread...

Do you need Huddy in the title..because this is the Huddy Spot?

OR..should this be a House Spot thing? Also, sadly..I won't be around as much over the hiatus.
I just wanted to help the "group" in some small way..and hope we can also "reestablish" communications next season.

Hey @mysusp, I was a bit worried about you...glad you had parental support..and are starting to "chill out." (I cried on my cat & hugged my dog..after the crash).

Happy (USA) Holiday!
last edited پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک
 Ha..right @fran. I don't know if I would want to spend Summer going thru the stages of grief...I'd p
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyJoy0524 said…
big smile
Hey everybody! threads been moved:

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک Layla_Rib said…
Happened Huddy – weird Huddy, inconsistent Huddy, incomplete Huddy but ... Huddy.The end of Huddy was weird and no sense as much as the relationship and still leaving in the air "a thing that could have been, and never was or never will be”. But while LE was there, there was always a little hope. Then came the news of her departure, so ... sorry,I had to post here my "Huddy ideas" to the end of the series.I know it's a trick of my mind to end a story because my head can not works with unfinished things with which I dealt for 7 years.

PS – A new thread? Good idea!

پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک HuddyAlways said…
I'm not much to write here, but I always read all the comments, and I liked the idea of a new thread.
پہلے زیادہ سے سال ایک huddycat69 said…
@HJ "and even if huddy is over, we are still forever the huddy girls!"
You make a good point! and I'm sure that Huddy is still alive in our heart :)
Btw, go for a new thread :)

@BH "Oh Cuddy. Oh House. We still love..the thought..of you. "
yes we do! love this pic of Cuddy, heartbreaking :(

@LaylaRib ".I think only in this emotional stage he could have a real relationship,only when he´ll give himself a happiness chance he´ll be able make someone happy close by him and go to look for Cuddy in a conscious way,even if it´s a House way.This is what we all most want! " I agree with you, only if he allows himself to get rid of his fears and deep problem relationship with his father, and allows him so to be happy, he'll manage to be in a relationship, to open completely up to someone. But wihtout LE next year, I don't know if I want him to fall in love with another woman, well he's married after all so... he may find a kind of love with his wife... NO NO NO! nightmare!

well I hope LE will come back for a few ep as a guest star, even if it's just for the last one, so we can maybe have some Huddy moment.

Hope to see u all during the hiatus.